Boards Reconciliation How to get my ex back after i hurt him?

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  • #64515
    • Total Posts: 9

    Hey Kevin,
    Need your help and advice. My boyfriend has broken up since i hav hurt him a lot by cheating on him once but he forgave me for that n then things were sorted. Then recently i started lying to him & he has caught me for that. I have apologized many times and told him i wont repeat it again. He has just lost trust in me and says he’s just wants to be single n is too hurt bcos of me messing up things. He says he hates love n is just fed up and after he breaking up i abused him alot for leaving. And i just feel so bad about it n ashamed of myself for treating him that bad. I have pleaded him many times that i would change for him if he gives me a last chance. But he says he needs time to think bout it & its been 4 days we haven’t spoken to each other. I just want him back and want things to be good how it was before. But he’s not ready to give me a chance. he is too mad at the things i have done to him. What should i do? How long should i wait ?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    How long were you together and how old are you both? First of all, you hurt him deeply by cheating on him, lying to him, and then being cruel after the break up. You said you want him back and want things to be good like it was before, but things were not so good considering what you did to him by cheating and lying! He said he need time to think, so respect his request and don’t contact him for at least 30 days or more. He has lost all trust in you and if he had done those same things to you, would you be so quick to forgive and forget? I don’t know how you could change yourself into an honest person and one who is faithful, but you need to try! Try to understand who you are and make improvements.. Good luck

    • Total Posts: 9

    He’s 19 and im 18.we’ve been together for 6 months. I tried not to contact him for 4 days after he breaking up n me pleeding..but then i texted him saying ‘hi,he texted me back n asked me how i am’ we spoke normally then i asked him to meet up. But he kept giving me excuses and started ignoring me. I still started callin him continuously till he wuld pic up. But he just blcoked me. And he texted me saying ‘I dont wanna talk to you nor wanna stay with you,you are very irritating’ i just dint say anything as i was too hurt. Then the next day v accidently bumped into each other,and v both smiled at eachother.and i was with a guy frnd,idk if he is hurt he seeing me with him cos after he seeing me he updted a sad status. I have been started the no contact rule todays’ my 3rd day. And i jus checked up on insta today he has deleted all our there any chance of me having him back, cos ik he is the one for me. And i really love him truely? what should i do? Are my chances there for having him back?

    • Total Posts: 6

    He blocked you cos you were harassing him. You need to back off. Completely. You are also in the early stages of NC. It gets better, believe me, and everyone else here.

    It sounds like you need to really do some soul searching about you and your relationship. Cheating is a big deal. You need to be happy with just yourself before you can let anyone else in, other wise it’s just going to get messed up again.

    Take up a hobby and start looking after yourself better. Remember you’ve gotta be someone that you’d find attractive. Be proud of yourself and happy with yourself before you even think about contacting him

    • Total Posts: 9

    I kno i hav made mistakes. And i truly feel very horrible of what i hav done to him. I wanna b a better person and would surely change for him. I really love him and he has never hurt me throughout our relationship.i want him back and il make sure i wont ever repeat my mistakes. I wanna be his best gal he has eva dated. But when is the right time to contact him? I hope he is willing to give me a chance.?i love him alott and i really want him back.

    • Total Posts: 9

    Hey Patricia!

    • Total Posts: 6

    after 30 days buddy 😛

    • Total Posts: 2868

    You’ve aggravated him by texting and calling. He said ‘I don’t wanna talk to you nor wanna stay with you,you are very irritating’ You were only together 6 months, which was time enough for him to know you and decide he didn’t want to be with you anymore. Guys want to be happy with whoever they’re with, but apparently he wasn’t happy with you. If you don’t change your ways, he will never want to be with you again. And even if you become a better person, he might not want you back. Your only hope is to leave him along and not contact him for 30 days or more. Even with 30 days no contact, there’s no guarantee, it more for you to improve..

    • Total Posts: 9

    But im jus hurt by the fact he left me. He promised me so many times he wuld neva leave,he told me too pls dont ever leave me. N now he jus left. I want him back ?im jus waiting for him to cool down and remove all the negative vibes he has of me ?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    You want him back, but the question is, does he want you back? As I said, you were only together 6 months. In the beginning of a relationship, it’s all rosy with lots of passion and men can get carried away with promises. Then after some time, and they begin to see flaws more realistically, they can decide that they don’t want to be with someone, the relationship isn’t making them happy, and it won’t work in the long run. Lying and cheating are major reasons for break ups and men don’t easily forget or forgive that! If you contact him now, it will immediately bring up bad memories. How long have you kept no contact?

    • Total Posts: 9

    Todays my 5th day of no contact.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Okay, stay strong and tomorrow will be day 6.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Hi berlu, how are you doing? You might be sad and hurt, but I hope you’re feeling a little better. I think it’s day 8 or 9 now. Have you heard anything from him?

    • Total Posts: 9

    Hey Patricia.. Yeah m doin well. Just enjoying my life and keeping myself busy with things so i dont think boud him much. Its the day 8 & i still havnt heard anything boud him.its alright 🙂

    • Total Posts: 9

    Hey Patricia. I just seen my ex’ status. His grandmom passed away. Should i msg him for condolence? Idk wat should i do. Should i text him?

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