Hey everyone,
I was with my ex for around 3 months, it was long distance (2 hours). We spoke for 6 months before meeting. The relationship was great, no fighting, shared common life goals and spoke of the future.but towards the end he started working really long hours across the country and was renovating a house and got completely overwhelmed with fitting in dating. I could definitely tell he seemed stressed. He also has low self esteem/confidence.
So, not knowing how he was feeling the break up came as a shock to me. We were planning to spend Xmas together and other dates.He said he has a lot going on and right now a relationship will have to wait.We exchanged a few texts, no begging or pleading, and I said I respected his decision but offered to be flexible with the relationship and take a step back while he has a lot going on.
I then did 2 weeks NC before dropping a memory text (I know…I caved). It went ok and he replied a few times. I left it a week and messaged again asking for advice, again 2 good messages exchanged but he wasn’t asking any questions and I was the last to message.
I’m guessing my next move is a full month of no contact? which I’m OK with. I’m already feeling a lot better and I’m speaking to other people and arranging dates. But I truly believe our relationship is worth pursuing if it’s salvageable.