Boards Reconciliation I lied to my girlfriend

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  • #57815
    • Total Posts: 1

    i love a girl who has left me because i lied to her about my result and also about my job. Actually i have failed 3 times in engineering because i was not serious about my life but now after my 3rd time failure in engineering i got serious and started to make it better by doing a project and also i have thought of starting a startup business. But as i lied about my result and job to her, she came to know about it and has left me saying that she wont come back to me and will never forgive me. What should i do to get her back,please help me out. She has not talked to me since the day she came to know about it. She earlier also used to get angry about my studies and left me earlier also but she came back to me when she saw that i am doing some work to make my life better. I fear that this time maybe i have hurt her alot and she wont talk to me now.

    • Total Posts: 38

    Wow, whats your major? My ex failed dynamics 3 times, and his graduation got delayed by 2 years, and he even took a leave of absence this year. He wasnt serious abotu his studies, but i didnt leave him. I was really upset about he whole thing ( you can read my story, and I would appreciate your feedback)

    Idk how long ago she left you, but start no contact, I say, and focus on schooool!!! I =m telling you now you are young and you have soo many opportunities, and when you get older, these opportuntites get limited! Engineering is very competitive. Im in engineering myself.
    I think you should go NC for a month, and in that month, ace all your classes. Put all of your energy, everything you have into school. Then contact her, after the NC, tell her soething short about your accomplishment. You need to show her that you changed for GOOD!
    After the qaurter/semester ends, show her your grades!
    I hope I helped you out, and good luck!
    I would appreciate a male perspective on my situation, and one from engineering !!! ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€

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