Boards Reconciliation Did I ruin my chances?

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  • #61922
    • Total Posts: 4

    So here’s some back ground: I’m 17 finishing up my senior year and my ex is 16 finishing up his sophomore year. We had been together for almost 5 months. He broke up with me last night kinda out of the blue. We were going through a rough patch and had broken up last Friday. We worked things out on Saturday and everything seemed great. We discussed our relationship and how we could fix the problems we were having. Things were looking up. All week he’s been super lovey dovey and then last night he springs the “I’m not happy anymore” card on me. I was so confused and hurt. He said things weren’t getting better but I saw it differently. I haven’t been myself lately, I got a very severe concussion 6 weeks ago and I’m still not 100%. I know that has been affecting my actions and my emotions. Since he broke up with me I haven’t contacted him. He just didn’t seem unhappy to me. Do you think I could get him back?

    I contacted him today asking if we could talk. He never answered. I texted again and lost control of myself. I told him that I haven’t been myself. I yelled at him for leaving when I needed him most. I told him that I still loved him. I think I ruined my chances. He won’t even talk to me. I don’t know why he won’t talk to me.

    • Total Posts: 129

    I don’t think you ruined your chance (but don’t get your hopes up too much after any breakup.) I would be strict NC for awhile though. It seems he’s made it pretty clear he wants his space right now and time away would do you well right now too. If he really is breaking up with you ‘out of the blue’ then ask yourself if that is someone you truly want to be with.

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