Boards Reconciliation My ex is helping me during no contact

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  • #2532
    • Total Posts: 13

    I completed 2weeks of no contact. My ex contacted me and he enquired about my health and studies. I showed indirectly that i am ok with breakup and i am trying to concentrate on my own life. We both discussed only about studies. Neither of us initiated personal conversation. He said he will help me, and we both decided to do combined studies. I understood that he is no longer interested in relationship and concentrating on career. Now what should i do? Should i avoid him or maintain professional contact?

    • Total Posts: 778

    I suggest you to restart didn’t have that much time to work on yourself during 2 weeks.tell him you are cool with what he said but you need some space to focus on your personal life and you will contact him after some time.
    I’m only suggesting and the decision is up to you.
    Best of luck

    • Total Posts: 13

    Thank you. I will follow your suggestion. I think i unnecessarily contacted him. I am feeling so bad for breaking NC rule. Now my chances of getting back my ex are spoiled?? By following NC i can improvise my chances of getting him back? Please help meee

    • Total Posts: 13

    This is my previous post

    Y he broke up with me?

    • Total Posts: 45

    You’re fine in my opinion. 2 weeks is nothing. I’d definitely reestablish NC.

    You showed a little care and interest. No biggie. But start NC.

    Saving grace and most important aspect in utilizing NC is being cool leaving something gentle positive and alluring. Then starting NC with that last imprint.

    This way its easier and less awkward for them for interception contacting you when you don’t expect it.

    It’s hard I know. Trust me. I have my ex’s new number now but I started NC now.

    We broke up last year in September. We had NC and she contacted me 2 months later out of no where in November. About 2 weeks us having contact she changed her number when I offered to be friends at least. She said no way she can’t.

    7 months later I get a private call one night then her drunk texting me saying its her and “its been awhile” I was drunk too that night thinking it was one of my friends playing a joke on me pretending to be her because I didn’t recognize the number. So I left it alone. And she text “I hope your on your way to marriage”

    About a week later I get another text from her saying it’s her. I said call me she said she can’t “it hurts”

    She called. Saying she missed me and wanted me to come over and she tried so hard these months to get over me. I said me too.

    Not we’ve in contact since. She’s been hot and cold. Trying to press my buttons to reconfirm her “hate” for me since we broke up. I’m not giving her that.

    Then she says all she wants is “closure”

    After a year? If she’s supposedly “completely over and moved on”?

    Last thing I said to her is I don’t think I can help with that closure she’s seeking but I’ll be here anytime to talk. However I’m not interested in us having discussions about us having dated other people over the months since we broke up nor do I want to argue.

    Then I started NC right after. 2 weeks now. Its tough because there’s nights I want to text her. And she’s anticipating that I will but I won’t.

    • Total Posts: 778

    You ruined nothing 🙂 .as long as you don’t look needy,everything is fine.and you did NC for 2 weeks and its really easy to restart it.its even better for showed him that you have accepted the break up and you didn’t say anything about getting back together.Don’t worry if he showed no interest in getting back.i’m sure he is not over you.restart NC,be cool,confident,happy and positive.
    You do have a chance.

    • Total Posts: 13

    Thank you. Yeah i agree,i showed little care and interest. I enquired about his studies, and i initiated to do combined studies with him. I will restart NC. I think it is his trick of helping me,he found out my whereabouts and became silent later. His results are being announced on august 21st. I want to wish him all luck the before day and enquire about his results. Can i wish him all the best and enquire about his results as it is emergency in our case. What should i do,please help mee

    • Total Posts: 778

    Well,i suggest you to wait until you finish NC.that’s a good idea to start a conversation with him after NC.

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