Boards No Contact Rule no contact when she is with someone else

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  • #24513
    • Total Posts: 241

    So, I went crazy and was mean after the breakup, I basically harrassed her via text and Facebook. I made her block me twice from Facebook, thinking it would make me stop, but it didn’t, and eventually I went mad. I did the following:

    – threatened to tell her parebts we had sex unless she stopped ignoring me, then I did tell them via Facebook
    – Messaged her almost everyday, sometimes 20 times a day, calling her names like weak etc
    – Told her to get tested for an std
    -Threatened to tell everyone she cheated on me.
    – Threatened suicide
    – Told her about girls I was seeing

    I did all thay stupid stuff. She stayed silent throughout.

    We broke up after seeing eachother for five months, she was crazy, couldn’t save me number, because sheila’s scared I would leave, created a fake fb and Skype account to check up on me, would always look through my phone, was jealous of my female friends and tried to stop me from going clubbing.

    But I loved her so much and tried to reassure her. I could have done more and regret it so much.

    After I posted a picture with a friend who was female as my Facebook profile picture, she went mental and her parents blocked me from Facebook. I thought we had worked things out, but she grew distant, and I cheated on her. The next day I felt so bad, and that day she told me she wanted to break up. The week before I asked if she wanted a trial separation and she cried and said no. So this was a total shock. She blamed it all on this picture and cries saying it hurt so much and did not want to invest more in me out of fear she would get even more hurt. I saved it.

    The next day I noticed from a different account that she had recently added another guy and thay his profile said he was in a relationship with her. I went crazy and called her starting to swear asking who he was, she put down the phone. So I spoke to her parents, who told me it was at their doing.

    They were unhappy that she got back home so late from mine and thay the picture or me with another girl showed I did not respect her. She told me that they urged her to see other people, and thay he had been messaging her before, hut that she did not pursue it, as she was with me. They told me that they berated her when she chose me over him, and that she finally agreed to choose him, as she always heeds her parents advice.

    I told her that I cheated, she cried and said she was angry, but understood. She started crying, telling me that she didn’t even wanted see him, but that her parents made her. I begged, but she said too much damage had been done. I got her to agree to meet, me, but she bailed at the last minute, saying it was too hard for her. She then put a sad face as her Facebook profile status, which is abnormal for her as she never shows emotion on Facebook and always tries to be happy. That was the only thing I keep see of her Facebook for months, until I sent her really mean messages and messaged her friends, which is when she took it down.

    Recently, I noticed her friend added this other guy to Facebook, and this probably means they have been seeing eachother since, September, which is when we splitup. I am devastated. She probably now is scared of me and thinks I am an insane stalker, which makes me feel even worse. I miss her so much, I had the best times of my life with her.

    I understand I need to do no contact, but please, can someone advise me for how long, and then how to contact her again after all the things I did wrong. She probably just deletes my texts now without reading them. Please, someone help me. I have apologised for all my mistakes already. Also, her profile had been very, private for a long time, and recently she made it even more private by hiding where she lives and where she comes from. Note, thay she only set her profile to private when we broke up, so I take it that she has done this because of me.

    • Total Posts: 562

    Theres nothing you can do besides wait. 3 to 6 months NC. You have to give this time.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Thanks LA, i am scared she will never speak to me again.

    • Total Posts: 241

    Ok, so I have not messaged her since Tuesday,which was another apology. I have set my Facebook to private, which she has done to her own. She has me blocked, but assume that she is using a different account to spy, as I am. She created a fake account before, although she messaged me from it, and I then had this deleted before she unblocked me. I then made her block me again. I have been blocked since October. I wonder if she will unblock me, or take her profile off lockdown. So far. I feel good. Although, I now know she is with the guy that her parents made her see. We will see if there is any reaction to my silence.

    • Total Posts: 241

    I have just noticed that some of my texts sent last weekend did not go through to her, and I think that is because she has gone back home for a few weeks. I am nervous that they will all go through once she returns. I have not contacted her since Tuesday, and would hate the no contact ruined over something so silly.

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