Boards No Contact Rule Could use a pep talk

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  • #3382
    • Total Posts: 23

    Almost 4 weeks NC. I try to keep busy. I have plenty to do. I wonder what he is doing, if he thinks about me or even cares. Trying to stay positive. Really thought I would hear from him by now. I have a couple of things of his at my house, not really important things, and he has my tablet at his house. Is he waiting for me to call about the tablet? Does he even remember that I have his things? Since he broke up with me, does he think I hate him? Feeling discouraged.

    • Total Posts: 17

    My ex called me soon after 4 weeks NC to catch up and wondered if I hated him. We had a brief convo and I’ve returned to NC. Working on actually moving on, unless HE realizes what he’s missing and chooses to pursue me.

    But yes, I bet he thinks of you even if he doesn’t call. He’s probably waiting for you to call first. I know my ex was, and was thrown for a loop when I didn’t. And now that he’s re-opened the lines of communication, I bet he thinks now I’ll be the first to call after that chat. Well, he’s got another thing coming! He returned some of my stuff but not all, I think sometimes they like to keep stuff just in case they change their minds!

    • Total Posts: 23

    So he broke up with you?

    • Total Posts: 17

    Yes, he broke up with me and knew that I was head over heels goo goo ga ga about him, LOL. I feel like he loved me even though he never said it, it was a strange thing. He once alluded to falling in love with me, but sometimes I wonder if they were just empty words. I know regardless of love he did care, hoping in time he realizes he loves me but trying to let go of expectations. *sigh*

    • Total Posts: 17

    Make sure you’re doing things to make you feel better about yourself, like volunteering, whitening your teeth, mani/pedi, joining meetup/church groups, etc. Watch new movies, read books, etc. Try and keep yourself busy and channel your love into YOURSELF.

    If/when he does call you again, or if he wants to meet up, you want him to feel like you love yourself more than you love him. Because in reality, you really should. You are the only consistent thing in your life 🙂

    • Total Posts: 23

    I do alot of those things anyway. I run/walk around 3 miles 3-4 times a week. Got my hair done. Need to do my toes. Been wearing makeup every day. My friends tell me I look great, eventhough they know I’m broken hearted. I am reading a new book. I bought some sexy sandles and a new skirt. Always trying to be productive.

    We were only together for 2 months, both in our mid 40’s and want the same things in life. Were so much alike. Talk about empty words, he told me he was deeply in love with me 7 weeks in. He was very in touch with his feelings, very spiritual, a sixth sense kind of guy. My gut tells me he was genuine. Sometimes I think he got scared and broke it off. Tired of trying to figure it out.

    • Total Posts: 17

    I think the same exact thing with my guy. But we can’t force or hurry love. If they want us, they will be back. But we can’t let them think we’re waiting around pitifully!

    • Total Posts: 23

    How long has it been since he first called?

    • Total Posts: 56

    You were only together for 2 months and are on your 4th week of NC?? I don’t understand what happened that made it end? The first 6 -9 months are like the honeymoon period where everything is usually amazing.

    • Total Posts: 45

    He’s most likely thinking about you. And I’d definitely wait longer.

    My ex contacted me twice since we broke up last year in September. 2 months after our break up with COMPLETE NC between us. After 2weeks of contact she changed her number. I said let’s be friends at least she said no way.

    Then 7months later in May I get a private call and hangs up. Then started getting texts saying it’s her

    “Hey it’s me”
    “Hope your great”
    “Hope your on your way to marriage!!”

    We’ve been in contact on and off now since May. But I put my foot down and started NC 2-3 weeks ago. She’s acts hot and cold so I’m done with that game.

    She tells me she misses me and tried so hard to get over me and wants to see me. I tell her I miss her as well then she says “no you don’t! OK then tell me about all the women you’ve slept with these months”

    I told her so many times that I’m not going to tell her nor do I need to know about her dates. Because I don’t want to argue.

    It’s not easy. Even when you get that contact. Especially if they’re are a “protective” type. They could stay stubborn until they finally give up and call one night.

    Stay focused on yourself. Good chance you’ll get a call. If they truely did love you, they’ll break down and eventually contact you.

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