Boards Reconciliation Saw Ex during no contact at event… and went really well…now what?

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    So I saw my ex at an even recently and it was fairly obvious that she missed me and had been thinking about me. There was an open meeting where she talked about things only I knew about, and looked right at me the whole time. She complimented me on my looks and said she had been thinking about me. She hugged me tight and I could tell she didn’t want to let me go. But nevertheless, the guy (who I’m sure is a rebound) was there too. And inevitably I left and he did not. I played all my cards right, was confident and brief. The only problem is I’ve only been in no contact for about a week, and I’m tempted to make a move on what seemed a good experience, but I don’t want to mess up no contact. Should I just keep waiting and chalk that experience up as a good sign? Or try to capitalize on it?

    Thanks in advance for any responses!

    • Total Posts: 894

    its a hard one maybe wait another week or so and test the waters if you want? then go from there. I feel like I messed up following no contact yes it worked at first and it kinda helped things but it also made them worse, i think if you have a chance to make it work then go for it other then that continue no contact. if you feel like after testing the waters shes gonna push you away remain no contact. you should also read rr. good luck. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 944

    i agree. you could send her a short text just saying it was nice to see her and she looked great, but keep it short. i was NC with my ex boyfriend for about 10 days. then i cracked and asked him to come over to get his stuff. when he came over he was crying, telling me he loves me and loves being with me and it feels so natural. but when he left i never heard from him. i texted him the next day probably coming on a little too strong and he responded and just said he knows he loves me and loves being with me but doesn’t feel ready to be back in a relationship with me. this conversation dragged out for a few days and i am not back to square 2 of NC today. just be careful about moving things along too quickly! i am a really impatient person so sticking to NC for 30 days seems almost impossible to me right now

    • Total Posts: 64

    I would agree with the texting to say it was nice seeing you, whatever keep it short, upbeat and go right back into NC afterwards. That will show her you are acknowledging her but not being pushy. Plus, it will show you aren’t upset about her rebound guy which she will appreciate and question a little, if you do not feel threatened by him you will come off as confident and mature, not needy and desperate. And if you are lucky, the new guy will see you texting her and get all angry and huffy. If she has more than 2 brain cells she will be like “oh so that guy I had a real relationship with has no problem seeing me with you but you see me get a text from him and freak out, how desperate and immature are you?” Keep in mind a rebound only needs a few bad fights to end it, it just doesn’t have the connection and depth to withstand a lot of pressure. And when it ends it will make you look that much better to her since you were so mature and confident since you broke up.

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