Hey guys it’s been a while.
Small status update since my last post.
We had been in touch for a small bit. I gave her some gifts and she loved them. Then i texted her in the wee hours of the morning telling her good morning and sending her some songs and after the third day of doing so she asked me to stop because I was waking her up and she couldnt go back to sleep. I never replied but I stopped that. That was the last time we really spoke. It’s been almost two months since that incident. That was good in the sense that it allowed me to focus more on myself but it sucked not interacting with her for so long.
Anyways the great news is that I got a job! I start next month on the 8th. I’m still in my home town and I want to get an apartment from her. I know I need to call her and break the silence and tell her the good news and ask her if I can get an apartment from her. I don’t want any special favors or anything. I want to be a regular tenant.
I realized that I do need to have my own place. When we first spoke about getting back together again she said she didn’t want me living with her because her relationship with her daughter had improved since my departure but I wanted to live there to be a full on family.
I learned that with all that was going with my life at the time, changing majors and graduating and losing my job, that I was losing my self identity and I was putting all my self worth with her. I was doing that because I loved her intensely and using her as an answer to where I wanted to go in my life but it wasn’t healthy because it wasn’t balanced. I didn’t have my own thing, my own job or place. I’m young and I have never had my own place to call my own. I went from my moms to hers and being on my own was something I was going to miss out on. Having my own place will let me grow as an individual. It’ll teach me more about responsibilities and how to be self sufficient. It will give us a healthy amount of space where she can focus on herself and the same for myself. I’m excited to get my own place. I can have my own rules and all that great stuff. Finally things are moving when I have felt stuck for such a long time!
Now, I’m excited to have my own place. It’ll be part of this next chapter of my life after school. I do love her still and want her in my life but I’m totally okay not living with her for the time being. I want to take things slow with her too. That’s another thing, we rushed too fast into things and that also wasn’t healthy. I say I want to spend my life with her so it’s a marathon and not so much a sprint.
I believe that what I have learned about myself that our relationship will flourish this time around. I’ve learned so much about myself, about relationships, and where I want to take my life after feeling lost and overwhelmed since graduating college. I’m in a much better mental state now.
Now I got to break the silence and let her know all that. I’m a little nervous but also pretty excited. I’m just nervous she’ll be cold but I got to remain confident and happy regardless of what she says.
I want to call either today or tomorrow and ask to meet up on Monday or so since I’ll be in town for another interview (it’s funny, now that I got a job I’ve been called twice by two different companies I’ve applied for interested in doing interviews, I’m doing them to keep doors open and maybe something better opens up). I want to reattract her, gain her respect again, and show her I’m not like her ex’s. That I’m me, a new and improved me excited to work and have my own place and get her back!