I’ve been going by the motto “you only fail if you give up”. I know our love was special, real special, compared to all our other past relationships especially for her. I know she loved me intensely and it broke her heart to have to break up with me. She wants me to prove to her I can get on my feet and I will do it.
I know i shouldn’t regret but I regret not talking to her about getting back together and the plan we needed to take to make us work when I saw her for the last time. I was too scared it would go south and just wanted to enjoy the night with her and her kid.
I did a couple of big things recently that I believe were a good and healthy choice.
The biggest thing was i deleted our conversation history on my phone. I kept living in there, in the past, and kept looking at our messages and photos we exchanged. It was hard but I did it. I do regret it because I’m one to keep everything but it was preventing me from moving on and I was losing precious time living in the past.
I also put everything she has ever given me in a box and put it away. I essentially had a shrine in my room. That also I believe wasn’t healthy. I put the clothes she gave me away too because wearing it was just a constant reminder of her.
I blocked her IG and her number as well.
I’m not trying to forget her but out of side and out of mind just so I can start really getting my stuff together. Like the website said, I am addicted to her and all these things were a way of getting my fix of her and that wasn’t allowing me to reach sobriety.
I want to be happy on my own. I want to be my own man. I have my plans for the coming years and now is the time to act and not stop working. That was my problem with the relationship. I was comfortable and had no real drive to be my own thing. It should never have been like that. I was doing the minimum to keep her happy and to just focus on the relationship and that wasn’t right of me. I should have been trying to be the best damn person I could be in all areas of my life.
I know I can be insanely successful if only I do and not say.
I want to read so many books to educate myself. I want to cut all time wasters and be doing something that helps achieve my goals at all times. I want to work to pay off debts and save money and on my off time I want to work on my goals. I want to open up my gym and eatery. I want to do my inventions. She said I “have wonderful ideas and she could have supported me but I wasn’t willing to do the work” and she was right. I let them stay ideas instead of working on them. That’s what also put her off of me.
I believe if I work super hard on myself. Achieve my goals, little by little, and work on bettering myself in all aspects, and show her when the time is right that I can get her back.
I love her deeply. I want to become equal partners. I want to grow. I just need to start doing it.
Time does go by fast.
My friends brother told me that it works a hundred percent of the time that if you just move on, work on yourself, go on dates, that they will definitely contact you. I am just not ready yet. It’s only been a couple of months and now I’m finally going to start on myself, really start on myself. I do worry that she will move on by the time I am ready, since I need a lot of time, but I also have to remind myself that it won’t be easy for her. I want to believe that she is going through the same emotional intensity of our separation as I am. Like the website said, it will take a while. I just feel that since she blocked me this last time that she finally moved on but I guess my mind is playing games with me. I know she loved me incredibly and she is thinking of me… I dreamt of her last night for the first time in a couple of weeks. It was a crazy dream and not really a happy one. It was so weird.
Anyways happy New Years everyone !