Hello Everyone!
I have searched on google and on here about my situation but couldnt find it. I wish I found this site sooner! I did so many things horribly wrong after we broke up but anyways…
I will try to be brief.
We had a situation on oct 18 that lead to our break up. I apologize that night via email and see responds "I could see you as a friend. I need time away from you right now
November 1, I hit rock bottom. Blacked out at halloween party and go to her house drunk as a skunk. She calls the cops and I call the cops on my own. They take me home, no charges pressed. Got luck. Knew I needed to get better. Started getting better on my own. Quit drinking and started going to counseling. Started no contact. I move back to my home town
Nov 24, she emails me stating she expected to hear from me for the holiday. I reply and say I really wanted to but I had told her I would leave her alone. We started talking almost daily
While we contact, I keep breaking the rules and keep coming on as needy and desperate. But I also tell her how I have been improving myself and changing.
Dec 1 I come back into town, I invite her to my aunts christmas party, she politely declines. Tell her I want to see her. She says she does want to see me. Say stupid stuff “youre stringing me along, you say you want to see me but dont actually want to see me” etc. She says shes not and that she does. Continue saying stupid things. But we are both understanding. We say we love each other to one another. Keep on pressing to see her. She says shes in a healthy mental state and that not tonight. Say more stupid things. Next day she says that shes happy and to give her space. Say more stupid things
Dec 3, continue talking. She invites me to yoga. We saw each other, hugged, she cried and I kissed her. Yoga was great with her. Held hands like we used to. I mouth I love her, and she smiles. She invites me to lunch. It was great. We spent an hour or so talking about everything. I ask her so many things about whats going on in her life. She drops me off and I kiss her. The kissing escalates to full blown make out session.
Later that day I text her thanking her for earlier. She replies several hours later saying she just experienced something crazy. One of her ex’s supposedly needed her help. She met with him at a bar and he was drunk. Professed his love to her and asks for her to give him and apartment (shes a property manager) and starts confessing he kills people for a living. Shes scared and she runs off and he chases her. She goes to a friends place to calm down and gets home later. She texts me about it. I tell her to call the cops but then tell her I want to come over. She agrees.
I haul ass to her place. We hug and I don’t expect much. I am there to provide a sense of security. She wants to go to bed right away. I expected to sleep on the couch but she invites me to her room. I lay down and she tells me to take off my pants to get comfy. I do. We start cuddling. Eventually we start making love. We make love all night multiple times. I tell her I love her while making love but she never says it back. But the love is passionate nonetheless. The morning we hug one last time.
Dec 4 I go back home. I talk to her in a positive manner. we continue talking via text. I invite her to my graduation and she asks for dates. She doesnt reply the rest of the day.
Dec 5 she texts back but doesnt respond to my invitation. Then I invite her to my friends wedding and she says I am expecting too much from her. Send a bunch of texts saying I dont expect this and that, etc Blow up her phone and realize it. I say ill leave her alone
Dec 6 she responds. She says shes been busy and hadnt had the chance to reply. She says that my graduation lands on a vacation she has planned with her daughter and her friends family and she says she doesnt think its a good idea to go to as a couple to the wedding.
She says "I enjoyed spending time with you last weekend. However it was extremely selfish of me. I enjoyed your touch and our time but for me it was closure. You said you knew it didnt change anything but I dont think that is true. I want to keep in touch with you but only if you can see our boundaries clearly. If that is too hard for you then maybe we should stop communicating.
I ask to call, she agrees. The conversation escalates. She tells me about oct 18 and I start talking over her. I accuse her of getting breaking up with me over doing something she had asked me to do and that it was unfair of her to do such a thing and how the day before she said that “we have a problem and that we have to fix it” but she breaks up with me the next day. She gets mad that I dont let her speak and ends the conversation. I apologize immediately via text. Later that day I text her a bunch of photos of quotes about relationships and the like. I flood her phone again. Later that night send her a video of me talking about our relationship and showing her an analysis I did of our relationship and how it fared.
Dec 7 she finally texts back. She sends me a pic of a llama she saw at a store (i love llamas) and then she says “i liked your video”. I dont reply since I am in the mountain hiking and I dont have great reception up there. she texts “we arent talking today” thinking I am ignoring her. I get her text and was able to call her saying I wasnt and then I snap chat face time her where I am. I send her an inside joke and she laughs at it. I dont reply. I tag her in a photo on ig and instantly take the tag down because I didnt ask her. I text her my apology about it saying I should have asked. Then I ask to call her and she says “im with a friend”. I freak thinking shes on a date but manage to keep it cool and say “enjoy yourself with your friend”.
Dec 8 I call in the morning and she doesnt reply. I leave a voice text saying just wanted to see how she was doing. No response from her the rest of the day.
Dec 9 I get an interview in her home town. No contact from her still.
Dec 10 Make my way there. First place I go is to her place to drop off a christmas present for her and her daughter. I ring the video doorbell and she answers and ask what I am doing, I tell her, and she says shes not home. I saw on her ig that she was baking like 30 minutes before I got there, and her dog was out and all the lights so I ask her if shes being honest. I tell her that she can tell me she doesnt want to see me. She says shes not lying and she just left to get some supplies. I believe her and drop off the present. We talk, I tell her about the interview. I ask her why she wasnt responding to my texts and snaps and she says she giving time to herself. I agree to leave her alone. We end the call and she thanks me. Realize there might have been some confusion and text her to clear something up. No response.
Dec 11 (today). No response still.
Sorry for the read!!! I didnt expect it to come out so long.
I found this site yesterday and I wish I had found it sooner. Anyways. I want to know if I should continue giving it a shot? I am working on myself. I have been applying to many jobs, I had an interview today and it went well and I have another one lined up tomorrow. I am going to counseling still. I am doing these things for me. But I want to know if there is still a chance to get her back? Since I found the site I stopped texting so damn much. I am worried about that phrase “for me it was closure”. I know that I should try regardless. I know I need more time for me to accept the break up and I still see myself with her but I know I am not over her so I am being biased. I just feel like all this advice I have read on this website only pertains to people with exs who havent got their “closure”. I dont even know what that means honestly. and how that affects my chances with her. Maybe I am over thinking it and everything can still be saved as long as I follow this guide. Maybe not. I dont know what to think!