Hi My both dear Elana & Anth :
Thanks for responses,yes there is some positive signs of her calling and coming to my house and even I went her house also.
But I want to tell you that this kind of acts is been going on from long long time.
Yes I have been very patient but this girl is very stubborn and tough,but I cant get her out of mind,simple.
She comes gives me hope and then go on silence,i mean cmmon I have been like this for so long now and been waiting.
If she is punishing me I don’t deserve soo long of punishment which is 1/6 months now.I didn’t marry her because I also had my situation with my ex wife and I was in court all this years.
I have no clue how to move forward if I tell her I want to marry or want to go out she wont respond and I cant call or text her,just email her and wait for response which she doesn’t do or if does calls it is on her terms and timeline.
Very frustrated and sometimes seriously think that I am wasting time and I need to be out of this mess !
I am just taking as the day it comes !
Thanks again to both,hope you have merry Christmas & new year.
Anth : - If it is your fault than you don’t give up,if it was from his side than you should still try a little bit more if you are really in love and feel you have a future with him.