Thanks Elanna,i hope you are doing well.Appreciate it very much.
Here is the current situation :-
21st Nov
I wished her happy bday on email but she never responded to it. Keeeping in mind i sent small gifts thru her sister, which she took and put it in her closet.
24th Nov
Called me after 3 days and asked what I am doing and said ok she is coming by and brought some food.Spent 30/45 min at my house and spent time with my daughter,looked at all small things like my hair,bedroom,shoes etc etc,keep in mind there are changes and whatever was not done I took care of it next day for example my hair.
Then there is a silence.
13th Dec
Wished me happy bday on 13th at 8pm(email) by just saying happy birthday(that’s it)I responded thanks of course.
18th Dec
She became permanent at her job,called me was very happy and we talked for 10 min and I said I will stop by at your house,which she insisted but later after requests she said OK.
I took one rose,$100 gift card,sweets,lot of food for family.She invited me to her house and I met brother,mother which I know from before and than father came in,i met him the very first time and everything went fine,later after spending 30/45 min I asked her permission to leave and she said ok.
At night she emails me (thanks for everything) and I replied that you deserve the best.
Again silence.
I asked her yest in email that if she wants to come by and I can cook pasta but with no response.
So not sure that there is activity all of sudden with her schedule and than huge silence.
What is her mind and that is been going on back and forth from long long time now.Everytime I think of giving up she comes and give me hope to continue.
Very confused and tired but I just love this girl,my friends say me I need to move on and give up on her as its not worth my time and I am getting old,she doesn’t seems to be serious and not respecting time.
But this was the girl who was desperately wanted to get married and bugged me every sec to get married and now she is just running away and showing no interest to settle or atleast go for coffee date.
Please advise and thanks again ELANA,hope you are holidays are going well.