Hi Quin, I did reply to you on your thread, but I will make a short one again here too. I know it is not easy to give up and move on and at this point, you should not. Perhaps, the right term to use is: letting go. giving up seems such a hopeless term. But I will tell you this and take it to heart: The reason why she wants this breakup is because she sees the realistic side of things.If you were living close by, then there would be no problem. She is not really giving up on you. She loves you so much, but she is looking ahead. Sometimes, love itself does not mean you have to stay forever. I have learned this the hard way. There are some factors why people have to go their separate ways. But who knows, a lot of young couples who separate always do find their way back to each other’s lives some time in life. What I can suggest though is, you can still keep in touch as it is so easy nowadays. Now, in this time of separation, there may be a posibility she meets someone, and you may too. It is just your circumstance of being young and being in a long distance relationship will be very challenging. As you can already read here, even us broken up couples live next door to our exes (well, not literally) we are still broke up, what more that you are far away and busy? I am not saying it is imposssible for it to work out. I am just saying that is is way more of a challenge.Yes, it will work out if BOTH of you are willing, but right now, it seems like she is breaking as she wants to end it. It is one sided now. You have been very mature and have not forced her.
The best solution I can offer is if she is willing to keep in touch with you even as friends, although it will be hard because you just want to be in a relationship with her, then you can. But like ai said, both of you will meet new people and friends and possibly new love interests, so, you have to be ok with that.
I hope I made sense. Just know she is not letting go because she doesn’t love you. She just knows that with you being apart, so many things are going to happen while you are not with each other.
Goodluck, young man.