Do you have instagram or twitter?
@TJ Yes I have an Instagram! I recently just got back on social media. I deleted all of my social networking accounts when me and my ex first started dating. But his cousin just made me get an Instagram a month ago! Haha!
What’s your username? I’ll follow you!
I hope you don’t mind, I followed as well. But I don’t really use instagram for nnothing else but follow people mainly fitness accounts x)
That is perfectly fine! What are both of your guys names?
mine starts with an M ends with K
don’t want to post it here
Yeah now I feel stupid for posting mine. Any way I can delete that post? Lol
maybe email kevin. I don’t know why we can’t delete…
I wonder if I report it maybe it’ll block the comment!
Maybe! Follow me back though!
You're attractive! I'll follow you shortly.
@Tj Thank you!