Hi. You just posted on my feed to give me advice about contacting my ex on his birthday - which I am not.
I have some thoughts that I am hoping you can just sit with - not react to - and keep an open mind about. And then I will give you the advice that you asked for.
Leslie, you are young and no doubt mature. I don’t doubt you are or were in love. This is the thing though. You deserve a love that doesn’t breakup with you to talk to an older girl. You deserve a straight forward guy who adores you and is devoted to you and only you. You know this in your head. I believe you need to own this. This relationship is a message to you and be thankful you are learning the lesson now so you don’t repeat this pattern into your 20’s, 30’s, 40’s. You need to raise your price tag b/c when you value yourself more? The man you are with will value you more. You need to ‘own’ that you are worthy of a love that is clear and honest. And a love that loyal. He is having his cake and eating it too - talking to another girl and keeping you on the back burner. Raise your price tag, you are worth it.
You are sending him a VERY clear and loud message that you are going to be there for him no matter what so, actually he doesn’t have to come back to you. You invited him into the perfect unhealthy setup. Do you know how? You are doing favors via the resume for a guy who left you - to try out an older girl. And what do you do? I say this with so much gentleness and no judgement but hoping you will see - you go do favors for him. If I were him? I would personally think ‘This girl is such a pushover - I am going to date around and if any of it doesn’t work, I can always have her back when I feel like it’. So, no rush. If you were my younger sister, I would want to shake you - then hug you - and then beg you to see what you are doing is disrespecting yourself.
Secondly, I don’t know who came up with the idea that b/c your ex broke up with you that he is in ‘control’. He is in control of himself and his decisions. And you are in control of yourself and your decisions. There is no ‘power’ or ‘control’ over another…only choices. So OK, he broke up with you. You are in control of you. And you can control your decisions - next steps - actions- words - and thoughts. He sent a clear message to you ‘I am going to explore’ and you can send a clear message back to YOURSELF too…take that in. You can say to yourself ‘OK, I gave my heart to someone - I learned a lot - and he doesn’t want to be exclusive with me. This means, I have the opportunity to find the right guy who will’. And you focus on you. This will end up being one of your most rewarding lessons ever in your life (and painful b/c breakups are torture in the beginning).
As for advice, I would re-apply the NC rule entirely - no contact - no emails - no helping him - no texts - no discussing him with his friends or friends that associate with you both - you know the drill. I would do an about turn and focus 100% entirely on you - and your life - on raising your price tag. I would do this for 60 days - I know that may not be what you want to hear - 60 days?!!! If you can’t, do 30 solid days. He will react during this time - you won’t care b/c you are strong and you focused on you.
He is then going to come back for you without a doubt if you do what I wrote above. There is no question that he will. I rarely say something like this but I would put ALL odds on he will.
And when he does Leslie? My hope is that you have realized your worth, learned the lessons that God is trying to teach you, thank your ex for all of the wonderful memories and moveeeeeee on.
Your situation isn’t a matter of ‘Do I have a chance’? You can have him back in a snap once you apply TRUE no contact for a longer period of time. Your situation - I believe - is here to teach you to value yourself more and not settle for someone who plays games - leaves you to try something else - or screws with your head by texting you break-up songs and then doesn’t want more.
So, that’s my advice.