Hi guys,
I had my first meeting with her, well not the first… We meet up like two weeks afther the break up (like a month ago), she was super charming, and she said “i missed you” “I need you” bla bla all those things, we went at my house and we kiss each other, but when we were at my bed she was like i dont want to have sex… I was like ok no problem… we had nother fight the nexts days cuz i stalked her on tinder… then a week later we saw each other again to smoke some weed, she was the one who texted me for that, i wasnt expecting a text from her… so i said ok come home, and the same thing we were touching, kissing and all that, but the same shit, no sex cuz she said that she was going to feel like she will have the need to see me everyday and she dont wanted that, im was like ok no proble sure, always cool because i didnt want a fight.
Afther 1 week of that another girl who was in love of me started to text me, she asked about my ex and i told her what happend, she said that she has a fake account on instagram that im aloud to use it, but i just laugh and said i was going to bed, an hour latter she texted me that she talked to her on that account i was so mad, my ex realized that it was fake and tought it was me, she was really mad at me, and didn’t believe me that was another person and not me.
Well afther 3 weeks of that we started to talk again, and we had another date, i took her to a food market, we had some drinks and uruguayan parrilla (BBQ), we talked about a lot of things, we had such a good night thogeter, in the bus stop she hughed me like 15 min, and then we took a taxy to her house, she was cuddling with me, i gave her some ¿caresses? in the hair (sorry im spanish native speaking), well she fall asleep in my shoulder. Then we arrive at her house and i went to her door, she hugh me and then i look for a kiss, she put her cheek so i said, hey give me one in the mouth like always, and she was like nope, but she afther that said okey one short kiss, then she opened the door i gave her a proper kiss of goodbye.
I texted her afther that saying i really enjoyed the night with her and all that, she replayed “mee too! let me know when you get back at your home”.
well we spoke the next day for an hour on whatsapp, and like 30 min at night, she said she was in the bus stop one block from my house so i texted her “ok do you want companny till you catch the bus?” she replayed no my sister is coming but i was to stupid so i went to the bust stop, but she wasn’t there, i texted again and she told me she was waiting for her sister to pick her up… i mean that was wierd cuz i culdnt’t saw here anywere…
Anyway, today is the third day after that “date” and idk if i should wait her to text me, or should i text her, because i want another date, but something light, like hey do you want to somke some weed when you go out from work? (Uruguay was the first country in the world to legalise weed)
PS: She also asked me about my best girlfriend (friend) at the last “date” because my best friend always wanted to meet my ex and have dinner with my ex, me and her boyfriend.