Hey everyone,
Long story short (described in more details in another thread on the NC board), I dated a girl for 2 months and really fell for her. She broke up with me 3 months ago and gave me two reasons: (1) she was scared of being in a same-sex relationship and did not want to mess me around (she told me I was her first first) and (2) she said we didn’t have enough in common. I think reason 2 was bullshit to push me away. Since then we have been completely out of touch, no phone call, no text message, no facebook, nothing at all.
It has been 3 months and I feel ready to contact her now. I have done a bit of exercise, been on a few dates with another girl. Dating another girl actually made me think about my ex even more and realise I still cared about her so much.
So here is my list of pros and cons for contacting my ex:
- I WANT her in my life
- I have given her enough time and space to think things through and take a breather (3 months!)
- I still love her and am confident that having her in my life will make me happier
- I don’t want to have regrets and realise at a later stage that I should have contacted her.
- Scared of being stuck in the dead friend zone
- Is 3 months enough time for her to come to terms with her sexual orientation? I have this strange feeling that it is too early and too late at the same time…
- Even assuming there is still s park between us this will be a long journey and I will need to be very very patient.
- She has little self-confidence and we had communication issues when we were together.
- Her best friend might stand between the 2 of us - my intuition tells me that her best friend influenced her to break up with me.
- Almost all of my friends/relatives think I should not contact her, not because they think she is not worth it but because they feel the situtation is too complicated and would only make me anxious.
Any suggestions people?