
So my gf broke up with me one week ago. She said thath I didnt speed enough time on her and thath she need one month to decide and some time for her… We were together for 4 years. The thing is thath she didnt break up with me on facebook and she didnt tell anybody about us exept her mother and sister. Since then I get a job and her sister like thath on facebook is thath a good sign? And I doing no contact rule…

Just give her the space she asked for, he trying to sort out all these feelings shes going through. She doesnt want to make and rash decisions and she wants to make sure she makes the right choice. With this time improve yourself, I know its hard but dont sit around and hope for her to come around. Beleive me, it sucks when you cant talk to someone you loved anymore. But the worst thing you can do is beg and talk to her all the time. When she is ready to talk, she’ll seek you out.

omg thank you so much for reply, I alredy f**** up and talk to her and she said thath I didnt give her some time and thath she dosent know what she is felling and she said I only making the situacion worst. I hope no conatact will work after this :frowning:

Definitely give her space and don’t talk to her anymore. Fall off the face of the earth basically. She knows youll be there when she returns, so you don’t need to always be there. If you ever feel like talking to her, text someone else… or post on here!! Seriously, I do it all the time and it helps sooo much!
Keep updating!

Thanks, you are the first person thath I chat about my problem. We are both 23 and we both dodnt have any best friends to talk about thath…Hoping you have better situation with your ex :smiley:

Well you can always come on here and chat. I also don’t have many friends that I can talk to that dont get completely bored with all my ex talk. So I chat on here.

My ex situation isnt the best. We broke up 3 weeks ago, and I tired to stay friends, didnt work. I found out on Sunday he slept with a new girl. And I was devastated, still am. NC since (5 days). I know things wont workout between us, just sometimes I have hope that it will get better. But, I need to keep telling myself it wont. It’s the only way I can go through another day.

Yeah this helps me a lot. And I was her first boyfriends so I hope it will be meaningful.

Oh sorry to hear thath but you also have to continue NC, yeah I know it is so hard to survive a simple day but night are worst to me

And the worst part is thath I alredy sign up the contract to go work on tanker ship for 4 months and when this happens I decide thath I dont wanna go and I find here another job just to be close when she decide anything because I realize (maybe too late) thath I never wanna left her alone here…

So do you have a way to not go on the ship if you dont want to anymore?

yeah im not going on ship. And I already find a decent job here

does anybody thinks its posible to get her back? Because Im so confused she is keeping our break up in secret. And she tells me thath she is gonna always love me no matter what but in this moment she dosent know what felling to have and dosent know what she wants too fell. I tried to talk to her yesterday and she tells me thath I have to give her some time with NC. We were togheter for 4,5 years but Im so scared she is gonna forget me and move on with someone else.

You contacted her again? If you keep doing that youre going to drive her away. Have faith that she will reach out when shes ready. Don’t keep talking to her. Give her the space she craves for. Go out and do other things. Its going to be hard, but worth it. Frequent contact is only going to push her away.

no I didnt…I only saying what she said yesterday

I want to see this have a happy ending for you, but you need to top contacting her. Don’t make the same mistakes I did and stay connected. When she says she needs space, she means it. Give her time.

Thank you leogirl you are saving me and keeping me on the bright side :smiley:

Glad I can help. Today has been a struggle for me. But we can both get through this.

what happened today? Did you speak with him?

No, but I want to. Thats the worst part. Because I know I shouldn’t and wont,its just killing me not to.

You have to give him a time too. He have to realize you are not all the time here and start missing you. Btw how long you two were togheter?

Almost 5 months, not very long compared to most. But our honeymoon phase didn’t last very long and we fell really deep for each other.