mission get the girl back

myself and my ex were together about 2 years 8 months, this summer we havent seen much of each other due to work commitments ( she works long hours/ days nights ) and i play sport at weekends and work during the week.

about 2 months ago she started to change toward me, became very short when speaking to me, not much affection towards me, this went on a month until we decided to have a break.

after the break ( 2 weeks ) we met up for a meal, ( brought flowers a small gift and a hand written letter laying it all on the line, also booked us a night away). her smile was from ear to ear and we had a great night, both agreed we needed to try harder so that is what i did, unfortunately she didnt try so hard.

then last Friday we went out to the cinema, and as we headed there she said we should end it, as we have no connection. which confused me as we both want the same things ( to travel together ). she also said their was nothing i could do to change her mind and she wasn’t looking for another relationship with anyone else.

i know she is having a stressful time at work and she starts uni again ( second time ) in October so im not sure if this is affecting her thoughts on us.

she is my whole world and i dont really want to give up without fight.

is it worth trying to win her back

any help will be gratefully received

thank you


If you wanna try,follow the 5 step plan and see if it works for you.it absolutely increases your chances.you do have a chance.

Best of Luck

when we started the break ( before the break up ) i started running, just signed back up to 2 football teams, spending a lot of time with my mates and the NC 30-60 has started, we broke up on good terms so im hopeful, she did say she wanted to keep going out for meals and to the cinema as were each others best friends, ive spoke with my closest female friends( their like sisters to me )and they think the NC is a great idea, the guys just say forget her.

i will let you know how i get on with the NC and if i need help i will be back :slight_smile:

This no contact thing is hard, keep getting tempted :frowning:

also does anyone have a veiw on the fact she hasnt changed our relationship status on fb, am i reading to much into it ???

She is not over you.but don’t overanalyze her actions.it may mean nothing and it may mean thousands of things.concentrate on yourself,make positive changes in your life and try to be happy,positive confident again.
Do not stalk her during NC.you should help yourself.

I’ve unfollowed her and a lot of her friends on fb so I don’t see anything she does.

Also do you think I should remove it.

If you can stop yourself from stalking her,you can actually use your fb to show her that you are having a great time in your life.and it makes her miss you more.
You did the right thing.do not stalk her at all.you will feel the change soon :slight_smile:

I’m finding it better each day, making my self busy is the best thing I can do :). Starting to learn guitar to, something I’ve always wanted to do.

Fantastic,keep up the good job :slight_smile:

Just pleased I’ve found this site, my view is if after the nc period their is no sign of us ever become an item again I will be in a better place anyhow, win win.

Exactly :slight_smile: best of luck

Feel like I’ve hit a brick wall today, for some reason I’ve lost all hope. keep trying to picture it ending well but it just ends with me picturing the opposite.

Thats really normal.during the first days (even weeks ) of NC.get yourself busy,do something that makes you feel better,hang out with your friends.focus on yourself.
The first step of getting an ex back is to become a really happy confident person without them in your life.

Remember only you can make yourself happy.and the most important part of NC is about you not her.so work on yourself and improve your life.
Just follow the plan and be sure,you will feel better soon.

Tonight’s the only night I’m not busy that’s maybe why I feel this way. There’s a chance I may bump into her at the weekend as our groups all drink I’m similar places. I don’t want to stay in as it’s my teams big night out. Perhaps staying off the booze will help.

Whenever you see her accidentally,act like you have never been in a relationship with her.be cool,avoid too much or any eye contact.just say hey,or anything like that.
If she tries to start a conversation with you,keep it really short and don’t talk about anything too personal.

Ok thanks, so don’t ask how people are, parents, siblings etc.

As long as you don’t act needy,you don’t talk about the breakup,getting back together,her dating life,anything intimate… its ok.but the conversation should be really short like less than 4,5 minutes.
You should act like friends.don’t be overly friendly.

Right…that’s the plan :), staying sober will help too.cheers