Hello, I’m looking for any sort of advice on this situation. Maybe it will be good to write this all down somewhere too. Thanks in advance!
A month and a half ago my ex broke up with me. We had been dating for 2 years. We were living together and I thought things were going well. We never really argued or fought with each other. Things just seemed to work well between us.
About 3 or 4 months back she began regularly texting this other guy that she met at work. I don’t really know too much about him. I know that they spend a lot of time together at work and go to lunch together with other people almost every day. I suppose I should mention now that we both moved in together after college. We both found good jobs and moved to new place away from college. It’s a place I’m relatively familiar with but a completely new state for her. I have a few friends around this area. She doesn’t.
I think it’s great for her to make new friends up here. I also had her spend some time with my friends up here. Now, the problem began when she seemed like she would frequently text this guy about whatever, when we were home and just hanging out. It wasn’t constant but it was enough to bother me. She works in a field which has way more guys than girls in it so this isn’t the first time another guy has come into the picture. But, she always told me about them right away which was great. We also worked at the same office for the first year of our relationship which helped because I knew most of the guys that she would talk to as well so it never bothered me.
So anyways, she continued to text this guy quite a bit. Enough to the point where it bothered me, I sat her down and talked to her about it a few times. She told me I would have to trust her. I didn’t want to prevent her from talking to him because that’s not fair to her and I’m pretty sure she was just trying to make friends. But this guy knew that she was in a two year relationship and continued to repeatedly text her, which seemed weird.
A few weeks later she told me she was “having some doubts about our relationship” but didn’t really explain why. She said it didn’t have anything to do with me. The only thing my mind went to was “oh hey it’s gotta be this other guy then right?”. Which was a mistake. After a few more weeks she kept texting him, we talked about it again but got the same result.
I made a mistake. I logged into her phone account and checked her text logs. I shouldn’t have done that. Her account sent her a text that somebody had checked her texts and she freaked out. She was trying to figure out who could have done it. I told her right away it was me and that I made a mistake. I was going crazy for 2 minutes at home and I made a rash poor decision. She got so mad at me for violating her privacy and her trust. This incident happened a month before we broke up. She was never the same after the incident. She was mad at me and unreceptive to nearly everything that I did. I tried to clean the apartment, sent her flowers, gave her some space, said I was sorry, bought her some things. She told me I had violated her trust and she feels nothing for me anymore. I was miserable the last month before we broke up as she was unreceptive to everything I did.
She broke up with me after that month or so. She said she had been thinking about it for a while and wanted to be sure. She said the texting thing was a part of it but not the whole reason. She said she didn’t break up with me because of him. I don’t know what else I did wrong. I messed up, I made a mistake, I don’t understand why she would freak out about it so much. She has a right to be mad sure but I feel like there’s more to it than that.
A week or so after the breakup I told her I was moving out, that’s what everyone told me to do, not what I wanted to do. I told her I was moving out, said she was making a mistake and asked her to think about us…and cried a lot. The next morning after telling her I was moving out, I drove back to the apartment to get some more of my stuff. I didn’t see her car in our reserved spot. It didn’t look like anyone had been in the apartment that previous night. I didn’t know what to do.
I met her a week later and talked to her about it. I wanted to get some closure on the whole thing. She said she went over to his place that night, they went for a walk but she slept on his couch and nothing happened. She stayed at his place the next night too but that was because he had some people over and she said she was pretty drunk and crashed on his couch. She told me she had some feelings for him “not that much though” (whatever that means). She told me she wasn’t sure how long she’s had these feelings for him but it also wasn’t why we broke up. Even though it really seems like that. I mean she stayed at his place the next day after I moved out. I know it’s her business but idk it just seemed weird.
Anyways we continued talking and she told me they had talked about things and “neither of them wanted to be in a relationship right now”. And that she wanted to be single for a while and try to figure things out. She said she was sorry for many many things. She sent me some stuff a few days later about how she had a terrible day mentally and hasn’t been happy with herself since high school and is going to go see a counselor and is having confidence issues. I, being in a terrible state of mind and not having read your guides at this point responded and tried to inquire further. She said she didn’t want to talk about it right now.
All my friends told me to stop talking to her and let her miss me but I didn’t do that. I talked to her off and on about a few things. Some of them were about the apartment which is unavoidable. I asked her once if she wanted to hang out and watch some TV. She told me she didn’t think that was a good idea. I shouldn’t have done that.
Now, here’s where things get complicated. This friend of hers that she was constantly texting. She was over at his apartment with some of his friends one night. I was doing pretty well mentally trying to move on. I think it was 2-3 weeks after the breakup but anyways. The kid feel 3 stories while drunk and wound up in the hospital, my ex saw all of it happen, she called the ambulance and thought he was dead. He got taken to the hospital and had to have emergency brain surgery. Before I continue, from what I know, the guy is going to be fine now as it’s been a few weeks and he’s recovering well. Anyways she texted me about it the next day, she said she didn’t sleep at all and told me what happened, I called her and talked to her about it for a bit. She was so messed up. anyways I left her alone for a bit, told her if she needed anything to call me. Well she called me a few hours later and told me she was at the hospital and couldn’t find her car. The hospital is in a downtown locaton so it could be anywhere. Again this wwas before I had read any of your articles on how to get her back. I shouldn’t have helped her maybe. Shouldn’t have been contacting her. Anyways, I drove to downtown picked her up and we drove around for 30 mins looking for her car. I talked with her about him for a while while we were searching. Found her car and we drove back to the apartment together. I wanted to make sure she was doing okay. We talked about what happened for a bit and then she went to sleep since she hasn’t really the previous night. She was a mess and I didn’t want to take advantage of that. So I left after she fell asleep telling her that I was there if she needed me.
We talked to each other about how this guy was doing for about a week after that. She talked about how she was having nightmares anf doing terribly and hated waiting to hear about how he was doing. I tried to talk her through things, which I probably shouldn’t have done. I should have just left her alone. I didn’t know what else to do.
About a week after the whole thing it seems like this guy is going to be fine, she seems to be doing much better. I hadn’t talked to her in a few days as she went back to her home town to be with her family that weekend. I messaged her some stuff about where I stand with us, I said she probably didn’t want to hear it right now but I wanted to let her know that I wanted to be with her and I wanted to help her get through this.
A few days I didn’t hear anything back. I messaged her again a few days later. She told me she didn’t want to talk to me and she needed some time to figure things out. She said she was trying to work on things but whenever I talked with her it put her back “at square one with me”. I’m not sure what that means.
So after she told me not to talk to her I woimd up finding your excellent guides. I’m on day 7 of no contact with her right now after her asking me not to talk to her and I’m freaking out. I dont know if she’s thinking about us, or if she’s thinking abiut this guy, if she regrets what she did. She could be talking to this guy constantly while he’s in the hospital. I don’t know. I k ow you say I should try to better myself during this period. I’m trying to do that. I’m trying not to think about her but I can’t shake the feeling that shes just bren trying to be with this guy for a while. Or maybe she is actually trying to find herself and it’s all my fault we are broken up. I don’t know what to do. Is there any chance she figures out she wants me back? I think she would need to come to that conclusion on her own and reach out to me. I’ve clearly proven I can be there for her and help her out when she needs it. Am I just screwed? Should I even bother trying or put this off as a lost cause? I’m trying to go 30 days with no contact as you suggest, especially considering she asked for it. I shouldn’t have let it get to that point. I dont really understand why she asked for me to stop talking to her. What do I do? Any advice? Do you have any thoughts? Sorry for being so long winded. I really miss her and want her back and I hope she sends me something soon.