Since our split ive had a lot of time to think…about our relationship, you and more importantly myself and my behaviour.
I want to apoligse for everything I put you through. Looking back I can’t believe I acted the way I did. I’m ashamed it came to this. I hope someday you will be able to forgive me.
I know we had our bad times towards the end but I have so many happy memories I will cherise.
The nights we went willy moon, london grammer, ed sheeran. I still remember you sending me his music for the first time. Stone roses at Heaton park and our mission to get back.
One day that sticks out more than most is out get away to port merion. Makes me smile when I think of that day. The glow you had, your happiness and smile were infectious.
Like I said ive had a lot of time to think and been using that time to improve myself. Improve my personality and health and physicality.
I’ve even started a food diary and eating plenty of fruit and veg, even bananas.
I’ve been keeping busy by going Evo camp 3/4 times a week. I feel better for it, just wish I had done it sooner.
I’ve got myself a new hobby, learning the ukulele. It’s going well but maybe my house mates might disagree with me on that one.
I’ve started personal improvement classes. I can now see that there’s aspects of my personality that needs changing. Communication being one.
I’m writing this letter to say sorry! Sorry for how we ended it and sorry for my behaviour. I will carry that regret with me forever.
I’ve lost the most important person in my life.
If any good has come from this it’s made me realise I need to change and I will. It’s given me the kick in the ass I needed.
All I want for you is happiness!
I hope some day we can share laughs again.
All my love x
So there my final draft. What do u guys think? I’ve wrote it from my heart. I don’t expect anything from her. But I needed to write it.
that’s a great letter mate. Heartfelt, straight to the point as well but with good memories etc in there. When are you going to send it?
I have a similar letter written that’s been in my bag since Monday that I haven’t sent yet. Just wanted to make doubly sure that I am ready for what I might, or more likely might not, get back from it. Prepared for every scenario lol
@kd1988 well I asked her out for coffee few days back after she txt me about bills etc but she said she didn’t think she could do that. I was planning on giving it to her then. But we have to meet up soon to sort out final things so I’m planing on giving it to her then. Maybe next week or the week after. I want to make sure im ready. I’m thinking she still has feelings that’s why she doesn’t want to meet up for coffee but who knows.
@annakis of course it is, that’s why we’re all here to help one and other.
It is a very good letter! The only thing you have to sound like you’re moving on. So you could say something along the lines of “after all we went through…” or “because of what I have learned…” And then proceed to say that it will help you for your future relationships not only with other people but yourself.
I still haven’t sent my letter yet. I’m thinking of either sending it via post this week or giving it to her by hand the following week when we have a quick meet up to sort final bills etc. what do u think would be best?
I went for a hike the other day and posted a few pics on Instagram where she liked a fair few of them. What do u think this means? I’m on day 23 of no contact bar when she txt me about the bills. I feel like it’s been forever since we talked last. I’ve been posting regularly on Instagram but avoiding facebook as much as I can. When I txt her about going for coffee and she said it was a nice idea but she doesn’t think she can that knocked me back a bit. It’s only been 5 weeks since our break up
Send the letter. Keep minimal contact. You need it to hit her. You can give her the letter, but then you’re going to be too emotional and give whatever you have and that just puts you right back where you don’t want to be. Like it did to me. I mean it did bump me up some, so he knows he can lose me, but he didn’t lose me. That’s my point with you. You will show your emotion and give her your love once more if you get the reaction you want from her. Whereas if you send the letter, you can seem distant once she contacts you. You’ll be too vulnerable in person. I promise, you will do the right thing!
@ellie96 so u think I should send it via the post and not give it to her personally? I’m thinking of taking a road trip next weekend to some where we always wanted to go.
How are you ellie? How are u doing these last few days?
@Gingerone Just mail it her! I promise, your feelings will get in the way. You can tell how in love you are. I think you need to take a roadtrip, but somewhere new and exciting. Not where you’ve been before and not what reminds you of the relationship. You need to create new exciting memories separate from the relationship so you know that you can live without your significant other and have fun without them. I’m sure she would become jealous that you have fun without her, which will make her want you even more. She wants to be your number one, and when she’s not, she will fight for it.
I’m confused and don’t know what to do. So I’m a mess with my situation but at the same time I’m trying to not let it ruin my life.
Yes I am madly in love with her and she was with me, but I hurt her badly. I’m hopeing that she might give me another chance. But she hasn’t contacted me at all. And I haven’t contacted her either. The only time she has contacted me was like I’ve said about bills on our old flat and that was only twice in 5 weeks.
Yes it is some where new, some where we were both wanting to go together. I’ve always wanted to go there. I’m hopeing that when she see’s I’m there it might trigger something in her.
Yes it is hard but try and keep your head up. Keep working on yourself. If your like me you will have good days and bad. It’s just trying to get through the bad days that is hard. Have u been in contact with him or are u doing no contact?
I gave him my goodbye letter. Yet we’ve been in contact ever since. I decided to stick around because he may be very sick. I think he just exaggerated to keep me around though. Anyways we are in contact and even though we talk a lot more. He is not appreciating me or realizing my worth or anything. So I’m trying to figure out how to do that while staying in contact because I can’t leave him while he’s sick.
Sorry if I’m being harsh but he must be stupid. You don’t have to stay around while he’s ill. Your doing it because your a good person. You deserve his respect
Oh I agree he’s stupid. I had have back for 3 years. She been broken up for almost 5 months and I still had has back. No appreciation. He didn’t have to be appreciative. He could do anything to me just because he knew I wasnt going anywhere. He never cheated or anything but now he does whatever and knows I’m not going to leave. It is so crappy.