Is it too late for NC?

I feel so down today. Idk why.
I do miss how things were.

I go from wanting him back to hating him and wanting to tell him how I feel.

I hope NC works. My heads so messed up rn.

I think the best thing for you to do is to try and put another message up removing the emotions, we have all been there and it hurts. Its just hard for us to reply properly with loads of small messages, how old are you guys and he is not being really fair to you.b would focus on you for a bit and go full NC with him.

he just needs to miss you and see you will not hound him and annoy him.


I do like the NC method because it’s win/win

@mariahbalenciaga - You’re thoughts and moods will waiver back and forth for awhile so that’s why no contact is a good idea to get him out of your system, but that usually takes longer than 30 days. Stay strong and use your logic to understand and know that he wasn’t good to you or for you! Besides wanting money, there were other things he did and said to make you miserable. He was NOT a good boyfriend and you know it! I understand you wanting to tell him how you feel, but sending another message won’t do any good and he won’t care. You were good to him and he didn’t reciprocate. Don’t be swayed by the good times, think of the overall effect he had on you.

Please believe me that no contact will help you to get past the sadness and mixed emotions. You will get clarity in that you will come to understand what sort of guy you deserve to be with. You won’t accept bad treatment in the future and you will be happy to find a guy that treats you with love and respect.

Yes Maria it will take longer than 30 days to get him out of your system. Im sure that Patricia is right because all she tell you I went through it in these 5 months. Your ex is going to do anything to sabotage the moving on. I been through alot of sabotages from my ex and whenever he came back was to reject me in anyway. Its true about the ego boost. They come back for it. My ex is again trying to bring me down but I had him blocked. Now hes sending his friends to call me and one even texted his number with his name to me. I was 8 years with him and he does the same to me as any new boyfriend. So the same can come to you. They turn manipulating into getting what they want from you.

No contact has been helping me so much. After i finish one no contact I get in contact and go straight to another one. You see the new them after you finish no contact and the new them suck. Im so happy by myself. Im transfering college. I feel like Im at a best place than when I was with him. I hooe you keep up your happiness without your ex. I wish you the best. Keep us posted.

I’m just so torn. I dunno what I want. I’m sad I miss him but I’m angry at him. I keep thinking of how things were.

Is there any hope through NC we could ever be happy together?

Its normal. This is like a roller coaster of emotions. You will want him so bad. Somedays you will be ok. Actually you will realize its broken enough. You can’t be happy together just yet. You need to find true happiness with yourself. Maybe just maybe everything fixes and he makes it up to you, but chances are very slim.

Well he’s gave me hope so I guess I have to hold On to it to some extent

Yes you can hope to get back with him. I dont think hoping its bad. I went through that phase but later on all my hope was gone with all his rejections.

Are you doing something to keep busy?

I’m working a lot. But he’s on my mind and I can’t get him out of it. I just want him to want me. So I suppose NC is the only way we could even try. One day.

I just miss him. Do you think there’s any chance at all for a second chance? He hugged me when I picked my stuff up my stuff, said see you later maybe, that he loved me. So confused.

Do I hang on to hope or just forget him?

You don’t have to forget him. Just like he said maybe we will see later. Chances are 50/50. You are on the right track. NC is the only way to let time speak.

NC day 3 now. Idk how I feel. When does it get easier?

You broke NC?? Is not getting easier for you because you are too sad about the break up. You must think that you guys were meant to be. You feel sad he is losing a good woman for confusion. Oh and your ex is stringing you along. Hes acting all confused with you but in reality he is sure he doesn’t want to be with you. Please bring him off that pedestal. He doesn’t want you and end of the story.

Im sure you have had many boyfriends. You can move on to the next one. Theres life after him. I hope you stay strong and don’t break this NC. Show us the strong woman you are. :slight_smile:

Yeah I will. I’ll update if he ever messages me again

Trust me he will. Sooner or later he will.

If he texts me, and it’s not asking for stuff, do I still ignore it?


You shouldn’t answer him unless compeletely necessary. Don’t break NC for atlest 1 month. Things will get better.

I hope he does want me back.

I understand you and I wish u all the best luck in the world. Everything is possible.