Is feeling like you should give up normal?

I’m going through NC but I just want to ask my ex if he wants me to give up on him and never contact him again :cry:
I don’t want to give up, but if he wants me to, and if he seriously thinks there is 0% chance of us getting back together, I don’t want to go through all of this and then lose him again… if that makes sense.
I just feel so hopeless today and like he’ll never be interested in me again. By giving up, I don’t mean giving up on NC I mean giving up on him altogether. Deep down it feels like it’s right and we’re meant to be togehter but recently I haven’t been able to imagine it happening and us getting back together again ? :frowning: I don’t know if this means that I’ve given up already. I just wish I could know what he was thinking so I know whether to go through this or to give up on him and not talk to him again :(((
Please help. Are all the things that I’m feeling normal?
If I feel like I should give up, should I just do that?? (I really don’t want to, I love him so so much).

Hey dear don’t fret! I’m feeling the same here and I feel that it’s completely normal. Same like you, I wake up everyday feeling like a part of me is missing. It’s like a part of my heart is ripped off completely. I feel like half of me is missing. And I too cannot picture me and him getting back together.

I saw some statistics online that true reconciliation only happen after 6months to 2 years average. I mean the ones that lasts. Because the fact that a relationship failed is because something went wrong in it. If we’re in a rush to get back it will lead to another breakup. If we just sit here and do NC and nothing really change in us… even if we get to get back together, the relationship still has the same pattern as the one that failed.

I feel that having in mind we should move on is actually a good step forward. It means we accept that, this very moment, we’re are no longer a couple. But that doesn’t mean we never will be. Some relationships went through downhill before reaching the top. It’s just the way life work. By moving on I mean we should learn to have this mindset that we may not be together again soon. But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Snd of course it won’t happpen if we just sit here hoping and overthinking stuffs . Of course we can miss them… we can cry… go on, it’s part of this whole process. But promise me, one day both of us should start living for ourself. Go out with friends, focus on your studies or work, focus on your own future, how you wanted it to be, work on yourself. The all relationship is gone. And we should think this is ‘dating our ex’ again. Not rekindle and old flame that died because it’s the same flame that will die. lol if them make sense! Haha :slight_smile: I saw in alot of places that when they move on and start loving themselves and their life completely, that’s when there exes come back.

Thank you once again :‘)
I go through moments were I don’t think it’s worth it, and then sometimes I feel better. I’m trying just to focus on myself during this time and not focusing on the negative (something I did during our entire relationship). I think I did rush into wanting to reconcile, because it had only been a month since we had broken up. He wanted to wait until New Year’s which is about 5 months afterwards.
If, by the time I have finished NC, I am feeling better about myself and love myself a lot more then hopefully it’ll be easier to deal with the fact that they may not ever want to be with me again. Right now I’m struggling to understand that fact :frowning: Although I am trying to pretend he just flat out said no (and hadn’t said anything about talking at New Year’s).
I wish you luck with your NC period! It’s such a difficult and scary thing to do. Your whole ‘the same flame will die’ made complete sense to me :’) if we do get back together, it will be a completely new relationship. I’m going to try sooo hard to focus on myself from now on and hopefully everything will fall into place, whether I’m with my ex or not.

Yes it’s a super hard process and I’m still working hard on it. My mind is clear on what to do but my heart is guiding me to do the opposite… Argh! Yes I too, rushed to reconcile … but my ex didn’t give me a ‘duedate’ he just told me in person ’ If we’re meant to be, we’ll be together in the end’… I don’t know if he’s just saying it to make me feel better but to me I feel he meant it… Because he was looking me right in the eyes as he said that… so I choose to believe that he truly meant it… what do you think? :confused:

Some points I’ve gathered :

  • I know that our ( both me and you) old relationship is dead , and we have to start off new.
  • We have to accept that we may not get together with them
  • But it just mean at the meantime, sometimes people take months to years for true reconciliation
  • We can live with this thought but we too have to understand that something has to be changed, because the reason why the relationship ended is because there is something went wrong
  • We can’t change them , we only can change us , so we have to learn to be truly happy alone , because life is too short and we deserve to be happy, we’re complete without them, they ( or maybe even someone better in the future) is only a little bonus to our ‘complete’ self

Sometimes this is just what will happen to someone’s first serious relationship… was yours his your your first serious one? For us it is… That’s are curious of other options… and also life got in the way. When you’re young you just want to date around, no committed relationships that make them feel it’s ‘holding them back’ , and they just wanna whatever they want. Spending time with friends till late night, make decisions without worrying it may affect us… This is what I feel is in my ex bf’s mind. Although I really don’t mind at all… because I know we’re in a diff stage in life now. People grow up, people change. And there’s nothing we can do to change another people. I want to just move on but all those memories are getting in the way… But at the end of the day we should just have faith, and be clear on what’s the right thing to do for ourselves… and seriously… when two people are meant to be, it may take several detours but they will find back each other in the end… I can’t agree more.

I feel like he meant that. I think we all truly believe that if we’re meant to be with someone, then we will be.
I’m feeling really upset today because my mum has said that ‘most times when people break up then it’s over’. and before now she has been supportive and has helping me think of what to say to my ex etc. My sister saw him at the supermarket and apparently he was high as a kite and really happy. It breaks my heart to think that he’s having fun without me. I wish he wasn’t smoking weed so that he could truly feel things like I am. Now, I know if I ever get in contact with him he might be stoned and I won’t be able to get through to his proper feelings (if that makes sense).
It was both of our first serious relationship and I know that I was a bit possessive and jealous of some things, which definitely contributed to the break up. He was also selfish (which he said that he had realized when I talked to him - I also think that he wasn’t stoned when we talked, because he probably did it out of respect for me).
I guess I just have to accept the fact, like you have, that me and my ex are in different stages in life. I drafted a text message to him today, but I’m trying to stay strong. It said this:
‘(Name). i don’t want to give up on you, but if you want me to then I will. It truly breaks my heart to know that you are so much happier without me, and I can’t keep waiting for new year’s if it isn’t going to do anything.’
I haven’t sent it, but I really want to. I know that I shouldn’t because that will break my NC but in the end, I want to know if all this suffering is worth it :cry:

Hey dear! I’m sorry you’re going through this and I want you to know I’m here for you and I know how much it hurts :frowning: An emotional lost is worst than a physical one because you feel it over and over and over again…
I understand you wanted to sent that message so bad but trust me… don’t! At least not yet! If you sent it now… what if he says some things that hurt you even more? Will you finally feel so relieved it ended and walk away? No… right? It’ll hurt so fucking more.

Me and my ex was in a first serious relationship too… we were each other’s first real love… but you see, the fact that they broke up with us means that they’ve lost a lot of feelings for us. And we are the complete opposite of their situation, because they ended it, we’re feeling like our whole world is falling apart… while you know what? They feel like their whole world just started. If we ever begged them again. or trouble them with emotional questions like the one you planned to sent… you’ll only pushed him away because right now his mind is still not wandering on you like you did for him.

And NC doesn’t mean you’re moving on, it’s just a prove to him you’re moving on and you can’t live without him although you’re just ‘kinda’ over him . Silence is a girl’s loudest cry… and he need to realised that he’ve lost you for good or maybe just realised you won’t be hanging around wait for him like a dummy… Boys don’t appreciate that kind girls… they like the chase , they want things they thought they can’t get. That’s why NC will protect you… it’ll protect you for saying things you shouldn’t at the time because you’re still in a very emotioanal state. People can feel it in the tone we talk to them, you want to approach him when you’re in a stable and ‘happy with yourself’ mode or wait till he contacts you…

I’m struggling too to make it clear that we me and him may not ever get back together… Honestly every morning I wake up I still feel so empty… I’m half a heart without him :confused: I want to text him so bad and ask if he wanna try to work things our again… But my mind is clear on what I should do. They dumped us… if we ever do things like this we’re just disrespecting ourselves and feeding their ego :frowning: It hurts so much I know I’m still hurting… but I feel it’s not fair for us to go through all the suffering… someday when we become a better person we’ll find someone that deserve us, even if they’ve become a better person too already or someone else in this world :confused:

Yeah I really don’t want to annoy him and him say anything more upsetting. I already have him saying ‘It’s fun while it lasted’ swirling around and around in my head.
I know deep down that it COULD work if we try and get back together. But it has to be something that we are both ready for and that we both want. Right now, I don’t feel like my ex wants that and I don’t know if he will have changed his mind by new year’s. I’m hopeful that I’ll at least be able to lay down everything I need to say when the time comes.
During my first NC period, I gave my phone to my mum so I couldn’t text him and I’m thinking of doing that again. Although having a phone is really inconvenient.
I guess that by doing things like texting our exes or not working on ourselves, we’re just showing them that we’re the people that they broke up with, not a new and attractive self.
I really wish you the best! Keep talking to me because I really want to hear how it’s going for you as well, and it’s so good to have this support.

Hey @scatteredtracks ! How are you doing? Hope you’re staying strong and sticking well with NC. Remember to always be patience. It’s okay to make mistakes in the past it’s just that there’s no use to dwell on it. We should look forward in the future and aim for positive interactions.

I too have the feeling that if we ever tried again we COULD work it out. But at this moment they don’t want us to be in their lives. Sad to hear right? :confused: But it’s just a true fact that we have to gain now. But note that I said ‘at this moment’ ! :slight_smile: Sometime people need to experience what they thought are better before they finally realised it isn’t . So take this time apart to GROW dear. I mean really, just have faith that everything will be okay. I know memories keep popping up and every songs remind you of him , and it’s really okay to miss him, but you must learn to be happy without him. I still have a lot of work to do on this too.

Well if we’re really made for each other, we’ll end up together even after we end up dating other people. I would rather really give it time to really become a better person and try again with him then getting back with him now and because nothing eally change it’ll only turn into another breakup and this time no turning back :confused:

Hi Moon Bunny! I’m going okay. I still feel pretty sad all the time and I think about my ex being with other people and that makes me sad but other times I feel okay. I know that he wouldn’t have said that we’ll see what things are like at new year’s if he didn’t mean it.
I’m really hoping that this chance to grow and be happy without him will lead to being with him again though :confused: and I know I should stop hoping that and just be happy for myself. but it’s so difficult. I’ve sort of got to give up on him for now in order to truly be happy without him.
I see what you’re saying. Like, if I went round to my exes house right now and we both decided to give it a go, it probably wouldn’t work out because we haven’t had the chance to grow up and find our own feet.
I don’t know if I’ll be ready by New Year’s?? Hopefully I will be and I guess i’ll just have to see and say what I feel when it finally comes around. I’ve been thinking about just hanging out with my ex in October some time. I don’t think he’ll say no, but if he does I know that I’ll be crushed. Do you think I should ask him, or just leave it till he contacts me?
How are things going for you? :')

Aww I understand completely what you’re going through :frowning: I actually felt the urge to just let it all go. I mean he was my first serious boyfriend, my highschool sweetheart, my closest person on Earth, my best friend. Now I feel like I’ve lost everything. I don’t even have someone that would be willing to hear me out. They thought I was the one who was loving him too much when in reality it wasn’t like that at all… I was there for him when no one else was. He was too. We knew everything about each other and still loved each other’s flaws. I enjoyed myself loving him because anyway… I don’t have any close friends :‘( I literally feel so alonein this world…I know he agree on this point top because we were so alike… he used to don’t have any close friends too without me. But eventually he found a group of friends in college and I don’t have any… It hurts so bad it made me depressed. And he’s a guy he can get through loneliness better, and I can’t… But my class ended for now and he’s still in college. Also, That’s why towards the end I end up depending on him too much… Because I feel alone in college… but all along we were really doing great, we love the same things and enjoyed the same food. His mother treat me like his daughter and his bro is my best friends too. Argh…sometimes these memories are killing me. :’(

Yes I feel we really should move on so that we can be happy without them. I meam of course we miss them but we cannot forgot that we should love ourselves too. Sometimes I really wished to just tell him: ‘I miss you as my best friend, can we be that again? ’
But then I realised, I cannot do that. I’m not strong enough to do that. Because I still want him to be the first one I will call when I’m happy and when I’m sad. I want to share with him, how’s my day and I want to know his, too. I want to tag him in photos that remind me of him without hesitation. You used to do that too, remember? And I know I can’t accept, when I know there’s gonna be there for him thorough everything. To sit on the passenger seat I used to seat and hold his hands and get his kisses and lie on that side of the bed that uses to be mine… no I can’t accept this all I’m crying while writing this :’( Sorry for mumbling it’s just a rainy and sad day here and I miss US so much …

I feel there’s nothing we can do now besides staying strong. I don’t have any friends that are that close enough to hangout with me everytime … but at least I have family that loved me. We just have to have faith that everything would be better soon. But for now we still need to learn to pick ourselves up. For me I have to study as I have an exam coming soon… how about you? Are there any task that you need to complete? I wish we twp could just catchup for a drink haha… Although it’s possible that we must have been living in different parts of the world :frowning: Anyway I just tagged him in a video of a cute dog, because we used to love dogs alot. I’m not expecting anything back . I didn’t text him I just simply want to let him see that cute doggy. Maybe he’ll think of the times when we took care of a rescue dog together and the way my eyes always light up when I see a dog :')

Oh and I’ll say continue with NC and see how it goes. you need to at least be able to chat with him comfortably for the both of you then ask him out for coffee. Also he may contact you tpp but for now just stick with NC and be patience! I’m virtually here for you!

Aw yes, I feel alone to. A lot of my friends are busy with their lives and I don’t really have anyone that close to me either ;_: my ex has lots of friends and loves spending time with them, but I wish that I could’ve been invited along and spent time with them as well, but because I didn’t like smoking weed I always felt uncomfortable if we hung out with them. The memories of his brothers and mum are making me really sad too :((( it seems like we’re in very similar situations! My ex’s brother messaged me on facebook because I liked his status like for a like or whatever and it was sooo nice and he said that we would always be close but it just made me cry a lot! I have so memories with him and my ex together and I wish we could all hang out and just have a good time again.
Yes!! I feel exactly the same! I see so many photos on faceboook that I want to tag him in. Unfortunately he blocked me on facebook so that I wouldn’t do just that and go through all our old messages and photos. I don’t think he’s hiding anything really, a few of my friends have told me things he’s said etc. but I think I’d rather not hear.
Yesterday, I felt a bit better. I felt like I could put him behind me and be happy without him. I had hope that we could be together in the future but didn’t feel devastated if it was indeed over forever. But today I’m really sad again :((( I’m not really sure why I felt so much better yesterday. But today my desktop computer stopped working and it reminded me that my ex had just built me a computer at his house that I was going to use. Now I’m guessing he will have given it to his brother or his friend and I’m really sad because he made it smaller especially for me and put the hard drives in different places etc and Idk it was just really cute and I’m upset that I’ll never get to use it now, when he had made it especially for me. I was going to have a little desk in his room and everything.
You don’t need to apologize for letting your feelings. I understand completely!! Sometimes you just have to get them all out, or you’ll end up talking to your ex! That’s what I feel anyway. I reaaalllly want to hang out with him at some stage. I’m hoping he’ll contact me first and then I can ask him to hang out and watch a movie or something. I keep planning out things I’m going to say when I see him at New Year’s if it goes through, and I need to stop doing that I think.
Awww that’s really cute! I hope he saw the cute lil dog!! I wish I could tag my ex in something cute like that. I presume he will unblock me one day when he is ready :(((( What part of the world are you living in? haha.
Thank you! I’m staying strong and trying not to check my phone too much in case he has messaged. I have work for the entire weekend, which would normally be good but unfortunately I don’t have much to do at work atm D: so hopefully i’ll find some way to keep myself busy. I’m always here for you too! :slight_smile: Let me know how everything goes.

Yes we are in very similar situation here! :confused: My ex too have a lot of friends but I’m actually glad for him. Because I know how it sucked to have no friends in college… like what happened to me and even now I don’t have any close friends. We used to share the same circle of friends and attend school activities together but not anymore. Somehow, We just moved to a new stage of life I guess… and these time apart really made me realised a lot of things that I should have realised earlier… and it just made me have the hope that if we tried again everything would be better this time. But timing really is a problem here. I have a feeling that young guys like them don’t want to be in committed relationship even if they still have us in their heart. :confused: I actually don’t mind if my ex go mix around, as long as he knows at the end of the day , his heart belongs to me. I used to be very afraid of losing him but now I realised I’m doing it in the wrong way. If only I could turn back time :frowning:

Yeah I really just miss the times I hangout together with him and his brother too. The last time we were all together we even went for a swim ! Argh it’s just too much to forget. Have they realised … how hard it is to build everything? To make all the memories together, and have each other every part of our lives and getting along with their family… Have they realised all this pain and consequences that came after a breakup? :confused:

Aww… that mini spot of yours in his room :frowning: That’s such a sweet thing to do. A place he specially set up for you… It must have suck to know that he blocked you … I’m so afraid my ex would suddenly do that too. I hope they are just really living their live and enjoying their freedom . I really hope there isn’t someone else! D: It may just be a rebound if there really is but I hope not.

Anyway dear my advice is… don’t live with the hope that by new year’s , you both will get back together but have faith that things will definitely be better. And I promise it definitely will. This is gonna be a tough journey but we can do it! We must show them that we’re living our lives to the fullest too for ourselves. And we should move forward for ourselves. Remember, we don’t want to live in the past. And the living of living in the past is a different thing than just plainly missing them, and our memories together. But life goes on anyway. People change… feelings fades but true love has an habit of coming back. And it’s gonna be their biggest regret giving up on someone that won’t give up on them. Would they be REALLY happy when they end up seeing us in someone else’s arms??

Good luck with your work for the weekends :slight_smile: Yeah avoid checking social media so much… I was disappearing a lot these days as FB and insta distract me and made me thought of us so much. Did he deleted all your photos together? Mine did D: But I accidentally saw that he saved them up when I met up with him the last time :stuck_out_tongue: I hope your ex will approach you soon. Maybe after a few weeks of NC. Then ask him out but make that trip a short one! Work on yourself so you’ll show him a whole new you by then :stuck_out_tongue: I’m gonna message him later :x Hope everything go well! I’m not expecting any reply anyway I just genuinely gonna wish you :slight_smile:

  • genuinely gonna wish him :slight_smile:

My ex and I moved into different stages of life because I just got a job and wanted to spend all my free time with him, while he wanted to hang out with his friends, which means I would get upset that I didn’t get to see him after a long day of working. Now I wish I had realized that was okay, because losing him for a weekend is a lot better than losing him forever.
I’ve been reading some of my emails from Kevin and it says that men take longer to get over extreme emotions. Which means our exs’ probably still have us in their heart (or, because they stopped wanting us, they don’t and it’ll take a while for them to see us in positive light again).
I’m sad that he blocked me but I really don’t think there is anyone else. He told me that he couldn’t be in another relationship for a long time, so I’m just hoping that true. A couple of my friends are still friends with him and I feel like they might say something if he is in a relationship with someone else but I really don’t think he is. I’m not sure if he has deleted photos of us together… There are still some on my facebook that I’m tagged in but I’m not sure if he is still tagged because he has blocked me. I was looking at some photos of a friend of ours and I unexpectedly found some photos of us that I had never seen. Luckily, they didn’t make me too sad. I was surprised to see them though.
That’s how I’m feeling. Things have changed at the moment, but if we are meant to be, then we will be. Even if it’s 10 years from now. I’m not going to wait around though and I hope that he will realize that.
Hopefully he will get in contact. It breaks my heart to think that he may not even care what I’m up to or how I’m feeling. A lot of the time I’m thinking of how he might be feeling and if he’s okay (I’m pretty sure he is - he has been out partying a lot… But then again I feel like he may be trying to numb his real feelings and everything).
I hope everything goes well too, let me know if he messages you back!

I saw a thing that said ‘Stop checking up on people who don’t care about you. It’s draining’ and it made me feel sad but I don’t know why :frowning: When I do get in contact with my ex I hope that he still cares about me and wants to talk :(((

Aww we’re really in the same situation here! I got stressed out with college and expects to spend my free time with me while he wanted to spend more time with his friends. Well yes I was blinded by the truth too back then :confused: And now I see things more clearly now, and it’s really not our faults for hoping that they want to see us too. You see the thing here is, remember all best moments we have with them? THEY WERE UNPLANNED. And like our case, when we make time to be with them, we are EXPECTING that they are that eager to be with us too. Things would be so much more different is it’s actually both of us wanting to see each other, at some point it may be true that they want to see us too but still… it’s because it’s something planned and we go with expectations. :confused: When you force something … it just won’t go with the flow. So that’s why as time go out, minor problems start stacking up and further leading to this break up… Don’t you think it’s so true? :frowning: I mean… our relationship wasn’t always like this. It only happened due to some circumstances .

And that’s also a problem here, people change all the time as we expose to different environment. And we’re not the only one to blame. A relationship take a lot of effort to work. It’s not gonna work when someone tried too hard or when someone stopped trying … and also when we tried but we’re doing it the wrong way… And sometimes a brekaup really made a person realised all the mistakes that they won’t when they are still in the relationship. And they start to realise what are the things they should have done. The sad thing is, there’s no turning back… time machine don’t exist. Sometime a breakup is just a part of growing up I guess. But that doesn’t necessary meant this is an official end to the relationship. Sometimes two people need to fall apart , to realised how much they need to fall back together. ( What I really believed it’s true ) But our ex bf won’t just suddenly appeared on our doorstep with flowers telling us they’re sorry and they can’t lose us… bla bla ( Although I did wished it happened haha!) We need to take this time apart to really grow up ourselves. For now we need to not just show them, but show ourselves that we can live this life happily by ourselves. Like you said… you wished you could just know if you should hold on or give up but the truth is there really isn’t an answer.

As a woman we need a man who knows how to respect us. And we don’t need their attention to prove our value. When we’re ‘too available’ for them they won’t freaking appreciate it in fact they just treat us like a doormat. (It hurts so bad for me as I was loving him too much and I didn’t realised I was loving him the wrong was) I really believed that your ex will text you back when you did and he may even text you soon. Just let time do the work dear. I’m sorry I know it must hurt that he blocked you… but I’m 100% he’s doing this just to distract himself from negative thoughts. I believe that you both had an amazing relationship together. But for now, you both just need some growing up to do. :slight_smile: Things will get better soon dear <3 Oh and my ex did reply me you can check up on post!

Yeah that’s very true. I’m trying not to expect anything from him & just take everyday at a time. I got a good feeling today that he might have messaged me but my phone is flat and I don’t have my charger so I will have to wait! He probably hasn’t. Maybe I’m just feeling more positive in general. Even if he has contacted me, I can’t reply because I’m still in NC.
I was thinking about it a lot and I’m not sure it would work out. The only way it would is if my ex is willing to put in effort. Because it’s not going to be easy. I just hope that even if we don’t get back together, I will be able to have a good talk to him at New Year’s and get all my feelings out. That way, I will feel more content with moving on. And even then, I’ll still feel like we could be together in 10 years or something? Even if I go away, I just feel like the universe would push us back together some how??? That’s probably silly but that’s how I feel because I sincerely love him lots and it feels like he is my soul mate.
It does hurt that he has blocked me but I know that if we were friends then I would be checking his facebook constantly, which I think is part of the reason he did it. He knows what I’m like! I also don’t think he would’ve wanted to see happy memories because it would have just made him sad. I’m wondering if I should save the photos I found of us together? If we were still in relationship I would save them with no questions asked but since we’re not together anymore it feels kind of … stalker-ish to be saving photos of him :frowning: I’m not sure!
Oh yay! I’m so glad your ex replied! I knew that he would. I will go and check out your post now :))) Thank you so much by the way. Even just talking to you really helps me get through this process.

Yeah I know we should just learn to see everything in a positive light. And it’s definitely easier to be said then done. Hey it’s actually a good sign that you have the feeling he will send you a message. Because in a way, you’re no longer seeing everything negatively and learned to think the positive way. :slight_smile:

I sincerely hope that things will get better for you. I really don’t have any close friends that’s willing to hear me out in every detail in real life :frowning: Sometimes I just feel so so so alone in this world…but I remembered this forum, that we are all struggling but we have each other here. So I’m really glad that we can share our stories with each other, sharing insights and give each other motivation :slight_smile: I really do appreciate our virtual friendship here @scatteredtracks! Although its gonna be great if we are friends in real life because we know how it feels to be going through this.

It’s no use if we live on fake hopes… so the thing is we may not get back with them after all. And today, I don’t know why I suddenly have that feeling that…he’s heart is not with me anymore. Maybe it’s just me and my thoughts but… I just feel that we need to go NC for now and let time lead us to the right path. And maybe not now but one day we’ll be back together, stronger than ever. Maybe even raising a family together. I hope that you’ll get to talk to him soon! Have faith that either way everything will be alright. There’s no such thing that you two are not compatible enough to be together …I just feel like at some point of our relationship with them, the relationship dynamic changed. It’s no longer as healthy as it used to be. We tried too hard and that made them pull away… So basically there’s nothing we can do now to change their mind. :frowning: We can only learn to have hope that this storm will go away soon. We should start loving ourselves. And let them too, experience their life. Although I can’t accept the face that he’ll hold another girl’s hand…not yet :cry: True love have a habit of coming back. If we’re meant to be then we’re meant to be but it may take several detours that may even last for months or even years. We may not see it but God has it all planned! :slight_smile:

About the photos I feel it’s completely okay that you save them! But maybe you should save all your photos with him in a pendrive and delete it from your phone. That’s what I’m planning to do so I’ll heal faster. Because the old relationship is dead anyway but the beautiful memories remain… :slight_smile: