I'm desperate.. relationship of 4 years!

ahhh man I hope so! I feel like ive done so well recently but at the same time I dont want it to come crashing down. his sister says he still loves me and cares about me…ahhh. i guess I will let you guys know tomorrow!

Kaila, how long were you with your boyf for? I’m the longest girlfriend mines had (so far!) so im hoping that counts for something, and the fact we stayed together long distance when he was across the world for a year!

Its nice being able to talk to others who are going through the same :slight_smile: thanks so much for all the advice so far everyone :slight_smile:

5 months… I think something that didn’t help at all is he was in a very long relationship a few months before being with me. So now he wants his time… here is my topic https://www.forum.exbackpermanently.com/boards/topic/he-says-he-would-like-to-get-back-but/

And yes it’s really good. I wanted to create a FB group or something so we could be in touch more easily but I think no one wants one x)

woah its not just men that do that :stuck_out_tongue: i dated my ex for 6 months and things were going really well… she thought for a week or 2, didn’t ever mention anything then broke up with me :confused: maybe i could get some help as well? its a bit long but my situations here :slight_smile:

thats true! girls can do it too. I guess everyone is wierd in relationships!!

My 30 days no contact is up now and Im now really scared about what to say! He went to a big party last night and I’m dreading the photos that will be uploaded from it, especially as his friends are very much the “to get over someone get under someone else” kinda guys! ahhhh! :frowning:

Miss nouk - I hope he replies out of curiosity! His family have told him I’ve been doing well and got a first in my reports and have got exciting job offers lined up…so Im really really hoping he would have taken notice to that! :S eeek

Ohh, exactly the same friends my ex has. “Just kiss someone, you’re finally single now”. Although he’s totally not that kind of guy who just kiss with everyone that looks nice. He said that I’m the one who made him who he is today. Someone with respect for himself and not the type that just randomly fcks with girls because he can. And he’s very grateful for that. :slight_smile:

Keep us informed about the contact! He certainly will say something nice!

And Phonis, we have almost the same situation. Although he didn’t block me on social media and saying that I always can visit him if I have problems. I also still cares about me a lot, so I wonder what happens if I don’t talk to him for a month.

I too have sometimes the feeling that I don’t need him and that I deserve someone better in every respect. But just because he understands me so well and we accept each other’s silly habits and already talked about our future with our future kids and house and everything, I think he’s the one for me at this moment.

But I think she blocked you because she needs time to think. I noticed that my ex didn’t really like it that I texted him days after the breakup. Maybe if you do NC for a month, she will know what it feels like to lose you completely. Does she still wants to be friends and have contact with you?

thanks! I’ve found out he’s busy all day with friends until late this evening though - Im not sure whether to wait until tomorrow now when hes back at work and isnt doing anything in the evening!

I agree phonis - you need to give the space and time to miss you. Use NC to improve yourself too! During my NC ive really concentrated on my work, been eating better, going to the gym more, showing on facebook that Im fine and achieving things without him…giving him more of a reason to miss me and realise what hes lost! After doing the no contact thing its definately helped me so so so so so much :slight_smile:

I always contact on work days. When he is back to his boring work days working hard and beins stressed x)

Yeah, okay I think I’ll wait until tomorrow then when hes lonely and stressed after a monday at work :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah you should definitely wait until he’s boring. Then he has time to even have a long conversation with you if he’s in the mood! :slight_smile:

Ohh I don’t know what to do now… I’m going to college tomorrow by train and chances are that my ex will be at the same platform at the same time… I can’t travel along with him, can I? Not during NC… Should I avoid him? Ohh the struggles…

Sometimes he’s going to his accommodation a day before his day at college begins, but sometimes at the day itself. And I think he’s doing that now…

Hmmm tricky! Maybe if you see him wave or say hi (keep cheerful and happy etc) but don’t go over to him-make him come to you! Difficult, I’m glad mine lives 3 hours away and works 3 hours away too! :slight_smile:

Damn, he indeed was there… He was standing at the platform together with some of our friends. It was impossible to pass by unnoticed unfortunately, because one of my friends waved to me.
And because my ex had his birthday today, I gave him a hand an congratulate him. Then I just stand next to them, not very close but I thought it would be weird to walk away and stand only a few meters away from them.
I was so nervous… I was shaking, my heart went pounding, as if I saw someone I secretly had fallen in love with. (that’s obvious right?)
I tried to have some conversations with my friends and I didn’t look at my ex at all. Not with eyecontact. But I noticed he was looking a few times.
But soon I saw another friend of mine and she said she had to walk further, so I went with her. I waved my friend and ex goodbye, but it was SO unnatural… I wanted to be with him so badly, but I didn’t.

Ohh… what could it possibly mean if he’s still looking at me? I don’t know what to do… Should I start NC all over again?

Well, mine lives just 5 minutes away… :frowning:

I think you should start NC again. see if he contacts you…but dont contact him :slight_smile:

NC will be better in the long run :slight_smile:

Thanks, yeah I think I indeed should start over! :slight_smile:

And have you already contacted your ex?

Not yet-was plannig to this evening but am still really really scared to! I keep putting it off :frowning: If he does reply, I also don’t know how long to wait to reply back…he usually takes about 2 hours to reply when we were together (he’s really slow! Always has been :stuck_out_tongue: so I don’t want to reply and seem too keen :frowning: )

Aww I completely understand, especially if you don’t know what to say. :o
Maybe you can ask something about his family or work, not about his feelings or too personal.
I shouldn’t reply immediately after, maybe 30 minutes or something, but definitely not too fast!

Yeah, I think about it and it makes me panic so much! I think because there was so much love between us even though we broke up I’m scared that he’ll be really cold in retaliation to him trying not to feel anything for me anymore - his sister said tht although he misses and still loves me he doesn’t want to contact me because he’ll get upset and get me upset - which is making me even more nervous!

Ohh that’s indeed a problem… I would have the same situation if I’d contact my ex after such a long time. Although, it will be the only solution to know if he still cares for you or not at all, in my opinion. But it’s really frightened to know that he could tear your heart apart again… :frowning:

Ohh I’m constantly thinking what he’s doing now. It’s his birthday now but he’s at his accommodation (a very small room, 4 by 4 meters) and he invited some people. Also one girl from his class, and I have the feeling that she likes him very much, but he said he doesn’t like her. Just not his type and she’s not very good looking in his opinion. But still… I’m so afraid that she would just give him a kiss or something or just flirting with him. Even that could make me jealous in a way. Ugh, wish I could know what he was doing…