If ex girlfriend mad,angry,or says hurtful things do that mean she cares

I have been in NC for three weeks but as I reflect she said a lot of mean things and it seemed force(her facial expression was weird). Now she made couple post on Instagram one saying don’t take your ex back lol and another venting about me and how she is so happy and has no stress at all. Is this a game/her being emotional or her honest feelings? She has also been super flirtatious on there and with guys she told me wanted her but she never talked to.

She’s angry… What happened??

Her being angry is not really a bad sign. It probably means she still has feelings for you. Read this article to understand these signs.

Also, check out this article on how to get your ex girlfriend back, even if she is angry.

Sorry didn’t push notify

She want you back. Most females do that because they want attention. I’m doing that right now on my instagram so my ex wont feel like I’m not all into him…but I’m not going into details about him and I just talking to other people and posting sexy pics and stuff…But she’s having mixed emotions about the whole situations so for her to cover up the real way she feel she act like that.

I was with this girl 15 months it started off a cool dude with control and balance in relationship. I was a lil bad when it came to emotions but I got them fixed when I went to navy. We didn’t talk for 5 months because I got injured and after three she dated a guy cheated and he dogged her etc. I forgave her because I was kinda mean and hard on her and she was really great. She couldn’t forgive herself so we argued about that than it was about me getting myself together(I had no job) than she stressed out about school and moving etc. while time I tried helping and listening but it was pointless because that’s what woman do lol. We had some conflicts because he single female friend always wanted to party and stuff. Long story short she left me two weeks ago said she lost interest see no future with me don’t love me hates me and don’t trust me anymore. She says she been loosing interest for months and just wants to be single and alone and selfish. Her mom also turned on me and said I’m no good even though she used to always say she love me… Her mom is a single divorced woman who tries to control her with everything(religion). Btw we both in early 20s. I reacted of course and I honestly had 2 beta moments that were embarrassing than I agreed to the break up. That caused her to contact me 3 more times 2 to start something and 1 checking up on me(there was a bad storm). She than left to another city but never saw me before she left. It’s been two weeks since than and I just seen two post talking bad about a ex(me). One was a joking picture another was a rant about me bashing her trying to get her back(she said beg lol) how I changed how she viewed things caused her stress and how happy she has been and how she isn’t pretending anymore. I love this crazy girl still sadly and have been focusing on me because I didn’t give her stability (no job not in college or service) which caused me to be to available and caused her to loose interest. What’s the best move? Continue no contact? Or light contact? Btw her b day in couple weeks to. Quick summary lol

I say no contact and just work on yourself …if she comes back when you got yourself together than you figure out if you really want her…times get hard but if someone really care and love you they will stick with you through the good and bad…my ex did the same thing except he’s dating someone new now.

So you think she will come back if I continue no contact? This week will be a month and her b day next week she turns 21. She been working two jobs and idk if she had time to miss me or not. I honestly don’t know what to do still lol

Of course she does!

No matter what the emotions are, no matter they’re positive or negative, people showing emotions means they care. :slight_smile:

Continue NC …you have to improve in something …Especially working or school let her feel like what ever she wanted to break up with you for that your working on it… in order to.keep NC going as well you shouldn’t be checking her social sites only make it worser just. Focus on yourself

Do something that you know she’ll be proud of

We stop following each other a friend just told me. And I have I got a job and back in college while she works two jobs but has moved to another city. I been in NC for four weeks this week still keep it up? I heard a month may not be enough time considering the year and half we were together we talked everyday. And should I call her or wait for her?

I think you should keep up the NC … when you feel like your ready than contact her and just try to start a false friendship but I still think you should wait after 8 weeks because from what she’s been posting don’t seem like she over all the bad stuff from being with You…maybe after a month she’ll start thinking about all the good qualties in the relationship you and her had.good luck

The bad stuff was posted about two weeks ago this my 4th week NC. So you say give it another month or no and with her working a lot do that give her time to think

Well if you ready to put yourself out there to her than go for it…Just don’t act so eager to talk with her she act like she was one of your normal friends for now.after that its all up to you. Hope that helps a little you should read. Relationship rewind…you can Google it to find the free PDF version

It’s went bad. At first we caught up she was jealous asking if I had a new gf etc it was cool but I fell for her asking why I called. I said how I felt and how I improved she listened than said how she like being single and wants to be alone. I kinda pushed for it she kept listening than lost signal. She stated she did leave because I wasn’t doing anything but said she is done. I feel like I messed up

I somehow turned it around and got friend zoned. She threw a couple things to get me to react like she will date or mess around and be single and I can’t question her but I stayed cool which caused her to than say I think it’s best we don’t talk lol. I stated calm and played my role she said goodnight and so did I.

I dont think you were ready. Lol
When you first made contact you should’ve focus the conversation on her…don’t ask nothing personal…if she brung up something personal you should’ve said one quick thing and try to focus it back on her…Almost like she just was a friend you say hey and bye…the conversation shouldn’t been no more than 15mins in your case maybe 10…and you should’ve ended the call by saying okay just checking up on you have a nice night or day and hang up that’s going to make her want you…
The thing about her is she saying you she cares about what you doing in your personal life

The thing about her is she still cares about you because she asking about your personal life…
Sometimes people would say how happy they’re beening single and stuff and some maybe true…but I don’t think she’s beening truthful…I think she thinks about you more than you think of her…she have to tell you things like we can’t talk anymore because that’s the only way she can try to get over you I say give it another two or so and try to make another converstation stating that your cool that you’ll aren’t together and you rather be her friend…and that’s it…for now

It was actually like that first 10-15 min than she asked me why I called hats when I reacted and poured out my heart lol I knew I messed up but I was thinking logically. She says she don’t love me or want to be together again but kept listening to me and what I had to say than kept giving reasons or excuses why. Than she lost signal and sent a text saying she don’t want me anymore and move on and get a new gf. I just kept saying call back lol but she said text her it was like that for a min but than I did what you mentioned I became her friend. I said I rather us be friends instead of stop talking and I feel like she became a kid lol. She said you know I’m going in dates right or I may mess around right and I said ok idc sure duh etc lol and she kept trying to get a reaction and since I played it cool I see I start getting some power because she kept sending long messages I sent short replies. She than eventually said I feel like we shouldn’t stay in contact trying to get me to beg I said I don’t agree with that lol she said we both can agree to disagree I said we always disagree that never changed we will get through it like we always do. She eventually said goodnight and I said it back. Btw she was texting me back super fast soon as I sent it I got a response. How did I do? I feel I started bad but I finished strong. You say leave it for two days or two weeks? I didn’t beg I just told her how I agreed with the break up how it allowed me to focus on myself and see what went wrong and that I like her and wanna try from beginning she said no lol but kept wanting be to say I’m wrong and listen to what I say. Funny because she didn’t admit she was but Ig that’s woman. She also said in this month she thought I moved on and was dating and she didn’t think about me at all she was trying to move on and happy single but have not been dating. She kept saying she talks to no one wants to be single and keep rejecting ppl. But later in she mention next month she going in a date with this guy who was her friend been trying to talk to her since 10th grade we are 21 lol. She saying it’s not a date but they hanging out her a total loser but ig since he been a friend she idk ,… Maybe it was to get me to react. She sending mixed signals and also shows she still mad she text her cousin asking if we talked and told her f me and she will never talk to me again lol she than asked me if I been talking to her cousin bout us I said no and she got mad like I said yes lol. Sorry I’m ranting but what to do next I see you say leave it alone for awhile and let her think how long exactly? I know that was to much for one night I hope my chances aren’t gone (she told her mom she was on a important call,I was on phone )

Oh and also what about the idc about you I don’t love you I see no future with you etc? She also than later on when I agree to be her friend say I’m not her type anymore lol I said we friends that don’t matter right now. Is she serious or is that emotions still