So it’s already like the 40th day of no contact with my ex. First week of us breaking up she was already talking to another guy. After that she left that guy for another guy which happens to be the guy she’s talking to NOW. But what I also found out is that she was also talking to someone else during this new guy but then completely cut him off as well. Not it’s been like 2 weeks or more that my ex and this guy have been talking. She’s been posting on her tumblr all the messages he sends to her such as " baby girl don’t worry your mine " or " you’re MY princess". And she says how happy she is and how he’s her “bbyboi”. Honestly, I don’t feel that much pain anymore but it just bothers me looking at it. I’ve been changing and working out a lot lately. I’ve been much more happier but not a single day passes by that she doesn’t cross my mind. I’m trying to forget about her but then all the good memories we had just comes back in my mind. We’ve dated for 3 years and 4 months. Did she really move on that fast? There always together in school and outside of school laughing and hugging and everything. It seems like this guy is pretty serious and makes her really happy. There not dating there just “talking” now and I know they’ll start dating eventually. Is still even a rebound relationship or ? Any advices or opinion?
Thats great!!
I know you dont see it, but this is a good thing for you.
One word for you my friend: REBOUND!
These are rebound guys. And they tend to end faster then they begin. Dont you worry. She will have a period now where she goes from rebound to rebound. Each rebound gets her closer to realising how great a relationship you and her had. I know it is hard to do, but try not to worry to much about it. Let her make all the mistakes she wants.
Many studies shows that if a couple feel the need to constantly show the world how happy they are on social medias, it means that things might now be as wonderfull afterall…
Thank you and this did make me feel better. But isn’t there a possibility that she might take him even serious ? Because the reason we broke up is because she claims I treated her like shit and was abusive. I’m pretty sure this guy will make her forget all about that and then she’ll fall for him and think of me as just a mistake.
Looking back, how would you describe your relationship?? Good an healthy, or abusive and bad?
I would say both like when we’re together, we laugh and be so sweet to each other and sometimes it’s unhealthy
But to briefly explain things more deeply, we did have a lot of fighting and abusive words during the last 2 months of us going out before breaking up. This exact situation happened last year in which I finally got her back after a month and a half but now it seems like forever and this guy can be the one for her.
Yes ofcause there is a chance that this guy migth be the one for her. But i highly doubt it, as he is a rebound. But ahe xould meet the man of her dreams later on.
Every relationship has their ups and downs. Just because you had alot of bad periods during the end of the relationship it does not have to mean that your entire relationship was a bad one.
Let some time pass, improve on yourself and let the negative memories she have of you die on their own.
But be prepared: those 30 days of NC this site advice you to is not going to be enough. Trust me.
In fact with all my ex’s it has always been a absolute minimum with 6 months of NC…
So today I saw them holding hands in the hall and it honestly brought me down knowing she’s happy with him and I’m still all alone. Any help? This is hard.
Well. I am kinda in the same boat now. Just today nmy ex posted she had a visit from “a very sweet guy”… And it has been 6 months since the break up. So I guess there is not much chance that this is just a rebound.
Yet, I am still very calm about the situration.
I KNOW she will never find a better match than me.
She can date all she wants. Make all the mistakes she can.
I KNOW she will end up being hurt, and I know who she will think of everytime she does. The guy who did not hurt her. The guy who wanted to stay with her for better and for worse.
You should try and keep the same mindset as me. Let her make mistakes, let her get hurt, let her see that what she did have with you wasnt as bad afterall…
You never told me how your relationship was? Besides the times when you fight, how was it? (all couples fight you know)
We did fight the last couple of months with abusive words back and forth. But then rhe last fight we had was really bad. I got bad because she always had talked to guys behind my back without knowing and since she has depression, or had since she doesn’t show it anymore, she went to the hosptial because she had an anxiety attack. I kept talking to her brother to see how she was doing everyday and when she came back she left me with a harsh tone and say how I treated her like shit and how I sent her to the hosptial. But then a week later I found out she was talking to a guy and then I panicked, got so angry and fainted and was sent to the hosptial as well. Only this time, she didn’t check up on me on how I was and such. But now she’s talking to this guy and I feel like she’ll think in the back of her mind how bad I was and such when I never intended to do so. You have the advantage but I dont.
By the way, the guy she was talking to at first isn’t the guy she’s talking to now. So it’s a different guy and well it seems like she chooses him out of the rest.
I’m sorry if I sound too needy but I just really need some help because I’ve been through this exact situation last year in which we broke up, she went for another guy & then came back to me a month and a half later. But this time it happened once more and it seems like she’s really happy with this one.
Sounds like some time apart could really benefit the both of you.
Yes right now she only remembers the bad things from your relationship. As time passes she will slowly start to forget them, and only remember the good times. (I am sure you have also been a good boyfriend before all the fighting started)
Everybody says how happy she is. All the guys are giving her the attention and I’m just there.
I would be concerned if they didn’t seem so ridiculously happy. The fact that they’re making an effort to make it look like they have a great relationship means that it’s a rebound, she’s not as happy as she seems, and she might even be trying to make you jealous. Continue NC until she has time to realize that rebounds aren’t the answer.
Excatly @tighem…
This is what naturally happends after EVERY BREAK UP!
The dumper is on a high because they finally broke up. And they do everything they can to show this to everybody around them. And if they do meet a guy straight after the break up and do everything they can to show how happy he makes her feel, then it is a rebound. You can be sure of that.
I wont give you false hope. I cannot know for sure if your ex will ever come back. All I can tell you is that what is happending now is very normal for every break up, and the new guy is just a rebound and could be good thing for you in the long run.
I keep reminding myself it is a rebound but then I see them literally alone everytime after school. I play volleyball so I stay after school for it. And everytime I go to my game, I see them talking by their locker smiling and just seem normal and kissing. We have class together and she literally talks to guys right next to me and seems like she doesn’t care about me. I’m just really frustrated of that fact that she thinks it’s right to immiedietaly have a guy after a breakup while I’m not even looking for a girl. Yes I have friends that are girls but not that serious. It isn’t fair how she can just jump one guy to another like nothing. She posts so many happy things on her tumblr(in which she uses it as if her life depended on it).