Just my two cents, smells like she is big time rebounding. Keep in mind a rebound, when it comes down to it, is defined not by how many new boyfriends or how long they date, it comes down to how hung up on you she still is. So basically she could be single for months, if she is still thinking about you a lot, missing you, etc then any new guy she starts seeing is still basically a rebound because she is still working to replace you.
Also, I am willing to bet she is nowhere near as happy as she looks. Think about it, if you screwed up and made a huge mistake, would you walk around all mopey and depressed? No, you act happy because you look very very stupid. If she turned around right after the fact and said “Well look who was wrong” then she looks like an idiot or like she can’t make up her mind, so they stick by their guns and pretend they made the right choice as long as they can.
So in my opinion, no she probably hasn’t moved on, she just thinks she has or even just wants YOU to think that. I’d say give it a few months and see what happens from there, do your best to keep busy and ignore it, I know that is impossible but still try your best. Remember rebounds very rarely last longer than a few months and usually one or two big fights is enough to collapse it like a house of cards. Good luck
Thank you so much, would I mind asking how long would it be until she contacts me? Like I said she looks happy and maybe moved on but I still have some feelings there. Everybody keeps saying she’s not coming back and I might believe that.
No telling how long it could be, with me my ex took over a month of NC before contacting me, although she did start checking up on me through mutual friends 2-3 weeks into NC. General rule from what I have heard this is that at some point during the month of NC it is pretty common to hear from them.
I am not a fan of putting a time frame on love. You cant rush love, it has to happend on its own.
My last 3 ex’s all came back. But it took at least 6 months with all of them. One of them even passed the one year mark. I rejected them all. However, some of them still drunk calls me every now and then to get me back, or sometimes they just want a one nigth stand.
So today I was talking to my friend next to me and then my ex came up to him saying " don’t talk to fuck boys" and walked away. Isn’t that a little immature? Then the following hour I see her and her guy holding hands. Around 1:00 I had another class in which I stood outside waiting for a friend and my ex and her friends passed by. I didn’t even notice them passing by and then her friend yelled out looking at me smiling " you are ugly as hell!"
Can someone explain this to me?
There are plenty of reasons her friends will say and do stupid things, so just ignore them. As for your ex, she probably wants to hurt you because she’s hurt and confused, and/or trying to prove that she’s “moved on.” Any display of emotion means she still has feelings for you, but take these events into consideration when you think of whether you really want her back or not. Do you want to be someone who will treat you like crap if you have a fallout, and who’s such a poor sport?
I understand. But the thing is idk her friends at all. So it was basically a random friend who said it while she was with her. Is she playing some games or something or trying to act immature? If it continues shouldn’t I do something about it?
Take the high road my friend. Ignore her…
There is clearly a lot of feelings there, and she is clearly hurting. And yes: it is very immature of her.
I would have loved for my ex to show this kind of emotions when we broke up.
Honestly I do not want to come off as rude to your friends but they are not experts on dating and relationships. Not saying that I am by any means but I am not emotionally or personally involved in this situation and so I can be a bit more objective. If she did not have any interest, feelings or desire to date you she would not care about you at all, as in she would not have any issue talking to you or not talking to you she would not display any emotion towards you one way or another. Apathy is the opposite of love and anger shows she still has some feelings for you. I agree with ignoring the immature actions and being the better person, if you engage right now then her and more accurately her gossipy sounding friends will have more ammo to annoy you with and create more drama. Be the trend setter and rise above the drama, she will respect you for being the mature one. I know it isn’t easy but take it from me the last girl I dated (not the ex I still like) was the biggest drama queen I have ever known and now that I walked away and refused to buy into it suddenly she wants to talk and I feel a lot better about myself. It is definitely the better option to refuse to get drawn into immature fighting and gossip.
I also find out that she’s gossiping because while we dated I was talking to her ex best friend inappropriatly since I needed attention just that one night. Afterwards, my ex found out and we got into a huge fight and i cried and told her to forgive me which she did. 2 months past and we were still together and broke up with me. Now she’s holding that against me when she forgave me and I stopped doing that to her. also, there one a time in our relationship where we had a big big fight that it involved me putting hands on her throat wanting to kill her but I didn’t hit her. I apologized to her and she forgive me and I even went to church , since I’m catholic, to confess it. She’s also holding that against me and telling people I hit her when I didnt. So many things that are in my mind that’s making me think she’s never going to talk to me because of what I’ve done. She’s done many more things aswell but now I feel like she’ll get revenge on me by having this new guy and do everything we did to him, including sexual things which bothers me the most when I think of it.
She is at the honeymoon stage of her new relationship. Everthing is going to look so perfect and happy for the next 2-3 months. Dont chase her or anything, you cannot compete with the honeymoon stage. Let it die on its own.
I cant guarantee you will get her back. I can only tell you that this is a very normal pattern, and your reactions are also very normal.
You are doing great by staying in NC and not showing her that this bothers you.
Remember: it is when you say nothing at all, that you make the loudest voice
Not especially your situration. I am saying your situration is normal, and you have as big a chance as anyone else. Dont let her rebound and new-found happieness fool you.
After 2-3 months her “high” will wear of, and the happieness will start to fade.
I know you are hurting right now. Boy do I remember the first 3 months of my break up. It is an awefull time.
The best you can do is stick to NC and ignore… Not only is it the best strategy to win a person back, but it is also the most healthy for you. Sitting around wondering about her every action, every day, can drive you insane…
So basically she will also forget about the whole me talking to her best friend situation? Remind you that she hated her bestfriend for doing that with me but now all of a sudden there friends since she told her what happen between us.