Happy New Year

I know that spirits are down for a lot of people on these boards and that the festive period will have hit hard for some.

Let’s hope that we all grow stronger what ever happens to us in 2015 and I just wanted to thank all those who have spoken to me helping me through the last month or two here. Don’t forget that you are all great people and yòu all deserve some happiness.

How has everyones New Years Eve gone?

I received some lovely messages from my Ex but I am still very confused as to whether I might be given an opportunity to date her again or not in 2015. She is very much we will see but grateful that I am still in her life at the moment.

So, slowly, slowly, catchy monkey and fingers crossed for me.

I think that the next fes weeks and also February will be big months that will shape the rest of the year for me. Just need to remind myself that whatever buttons are pushed to keep playing it cool.

Best of luck to you all!

Good post! HAPPY NEW YEAR. :slight_smile:

I am spending new years eve with family. No partying for me. I hate that Im staying in, but I have to keep in mind there will be plenty of great new years eves ahead.

Today was rough for me. But after reading a post from Napoleon… I am thinking positive again.

Im sure ill still have down moments but I am going to go hard this year with changing my life around. No more tears! Just hard work and finding me again. :slight_smile:


Thanks for this post @Sparky and Happy New Year!

I partied up last night, and got a lot of male attention. It helps to know I have options, but I still can’t imagine anyone else, and I’m seeing flaws in everyone in that they aren’t ex. I’m working on making it look like I’m all happy and active on social media in hopes that it will catch his attention.

The last time we spoke, a week ago, he said he wanted to be friends but at the same time seemed indifferent to be talking to me. He also told me to move on. I’m not sure he actually wants to be friends or just feels bad, so I’m waiting for him to contact me next.

I love the fact that this forum exists, it has helped me so much by realising that I’m not alone in what I’ve been through and feeling what I feel! Just that is a big comfort in itself:) Not to mention all the support, advice and opinions!

I’ve decided 2015 is gonna be an awesome year for all of us! For those of us who haven’t been doing a marvellous job of upgrading ourselves (myself included), this is a good time to start!

Well I’m so glad Christmas is over and we are finally into the New Year.

It’s my first day of a new me. My ex was 2014, this year is about me. I too have read Nepoleons article. Everyone should read it.
I’m embarking on 3 months NC, if I can get through the first month I think I will be home and dry. If the ex gets in touch well good for him and let’s see how I will feel about that!

Good luck all to 2015, it can only get better!

@Belle hahaha!! I am too SOOO glad christmas is over!! That was a tough one, and we did it! I do regret contacting him around xmas but that was in 2014 and this is 2015:)

Good luck with your NC, we’re all here for support!

What’s this Napoleon’s article?

Happy new year to all of you!
I had a good time, i was at home and some good friends came over to me :slight_smile: it was really fun and nice to be with them…
I hope for all of us year 2015 will be good and positive and a new year of growing personally, improving ourselves, positive changes, and hopefully this new year also brings us new chances with exes :slight_smile: i wish everyone here the best! And thank you all for being here for me and for each other when anyone of us here needs it

Hey guys…
first off.
Happy New year!!

Please do comment on my story…
I nees to know what others, you guys think…


I can’t find the thread it was on, I know LAbound read it too, we both saw his message.

LAbound, have you got Napoloeons link to that awesome article?

hi everyone,
i had a fun time last night partying with some girl friends and also received some male attention, but really don’t want anyone besides my ex. i sent him a very nice happy new years text last night to which he didn’t respond to and i was very disappointed about that.
embarking once again starting today on a 90 day challenge and i think its a perfect new years resolution :slight_smile: i hope this will be a great year for all of us!

Hello everybody, here some info that could make you feel a little better and keep you motivated. You’re not alone, you may feel that your situation is the worstin the world, I felt the same way.I’ve been dumped by my ex-girlfriend a month ago from a 8 year and half relationship.I’ve been doing non contact since the second day of the break up. Until now I don’t know nothing from her.@LAbound like you, we’re “kind” each others first, she told me that she saw me like a friend and didn’t feel the passion, but still loved me.To keep it short she lost the attraction big time, I became more needy and insecure on the last year, it was a vicious cycle. When she break up with me I couldn’tbelieve I thought I was gonna die.I agree with you @LAboundwhen you say the advantage of being in a long relationship is that the bond is strong, for that I feel the non contact periodShould be longer.Anyway, I have the luck of having a very good friend which I talk a lot and helped me lift my confidence.Same as me he was dumped after 8 a year relationship (2 years ago). To make things worse there was some cheating involved in the final days of their relationship.In the first 3 days after the break up he only ate a small cheese sandwich (he was alone in another country) he cried like a baby and he told me that hewas so close to throw himself out of the window just to end his suffering.A week later with tears in his eyes he closed his fist and with all his rage he smacked againt the wall and he promised that he’ll become stronger and improve his life and make his ex regret the day she left him.Guess what, a year later she regretted big time, her life isn’t that great now, she dated a couple of assholes.On the other hand my friend has a excellent girlfriend which loves him deeply.His ex told him that it was all an illusion, she thought that it was for the best, I guess that the grass isn’t greener on the other side.My friend still admits that has feelings for her, but he would never hurt his current girlfriend going back with his ex. His goal was achieved, she regretted!Happened to another friend of mine too, dumped from a 7 year relationship, a year later she comes back crying. He told her the following:“A year ago I couldn’t imagine my life without you, now I can’t imagine my life with you!” She cried like a baby.What those two my friends had in common? They become a better man and became happy, their exes became re-attracted! Unfortunately for their exes they had really moved on.Back to me, I’m focusing in myself, I already lost some body fat and gained some muscle, bought some great clothes, restored my social life. I’m really focusin self-improvement, changed my diet completely, I changed some things that initially I thought impossible, and still I feel I can improve much more.Is it easy?! Hell no, far from it!! But the pain of the discipline is nothing compared with the pain of being dumped by the women you loved more than life itself.Think like this, anytime you contact them and you aren’t feeling real good you’re pushing them far away, it’s true, I’ve seen it in another relationships.Our best chance of getting them back is non contact and a LOT of self improvement. Don’t be friends of you ex! Just don’t! Use only false friendship in the laststage of getting them back.My friend already told me that he’s 90% sure that my ex will regret the day she left me, he tells me that I look better than the time when I was with my ex.Still, now a month later I don’t feel prepared to contact her, it’s too soon, I will wait at leat more 3 more months.I have a checklist that I need to do before contact her. I’m not confident enought…yet.I really doubt that she contacts me, she is very proud, let’s see.Don’t get me wrong I still feel a lot of pain, is normal, but use this pain as a fuel. I’m guessing you’ll do anything for going back with your exes. This is it,the price you need to pay, you best bet. Just do it!This is the law of nature, only the strong survive, you see it everytime in the jungle when the lion kills the zebra, diseases, etc, life is not fair, period.It’s the same with relationships. Love is beautiful but it is cruel if it wasn’t, nobody would leave nobody.Here a post that helped me a lot: http://www.powerfulintentions.org/forum/topics/yess-you-can-attract-your-exAnd here’s a motivation video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JAHAFvcr2o#t=45 Happy new year


My New Years resolution is to get my shit back together for real this time. I can’t stand where I’m at right now. I used to be silly and have witty comments to make people laugh. I’m also attempting 90 days of NC. Not looking forward to it, but I want my ex back very badly

You rebel LAbound. Good time last night?

Confused_girl. Yes it’s a good time to start the new you regime. I too need to get my old self back. I’m joining you and atea1234 for 90 days.

Read the link LAbound has sent, it will make you feel much better and have a real purpose in life rather than dwelling on the past.
We all want our ex’s back and we are all in this together :slight_smile:

People like you give me hope and encourage me to keep trying, so thank you

@LAbound thank you for re-posting that!! Very motivational to hear that it’s possible to have them regret their decisions. So true… The pain of getting dumped is nothing against the pain of picking yourself up to become a better person! I’m gonna check out the links

I spent all night listening to mediation music and inspirational speeches.

@LAbound those links were really inspirational. I’m gonna form a habit of doing law of attraction work every night before bed. It was also really interesting what was said about power. It’s so true that he currently holds all the power in my life, and it’s all revolving around him. I’ve gotta get that power and energy back on me. I do have a fear of getting over him, because if I do then that could mean it was all a waste, the real end of our relationship. If I get over him, and he wants me back later, a relationship with hun would still not be created. The fact that I’m not over him creates the possibility that all we need is “one more vote” and we’ll be together. So me moving on, and removing my vote, would really be the end of it.
Funny how the mind works. I’ve got to work on that fear

@Aphrodite hahaha you little tease! lol

No seriously, I know exactly how you feel, as chances to meet somembody that you find really special don’t come around too often (well at least for most men they don’t). I had a bit of fun over the last month or two of the year in order to try and put my Ex out of my mind. It didn’t work but it might just happen one day when we least expect it :slight_smile:

@LAbound I have tried clicking on your link and the first link doesn’t appear to work. Please could you check and confirm for us?

I must say that I find some of the comments re: 90 days plus of NC a little disheartening. I don’t know each persons individual circumstances, but if like me you have stuck to a period of NC and your Ex has reached out to you in some way. If your Ex seems keen to at least stay friends and hasn’t ruled out the possibility of a full reconciliation one day then it is worth working on that while you continue to work on yourself.

I just wanted to highlight that continued sessions of NC could be more damaging than some people think. I am pretty sure that if the opportunity for friendship is there and you have the chance of regular contact by any means that people should leave the door ajar for their Ex. Reward any good behaviour by giving them compliments and sweet messages but also be strong enough to not be too needy or pushy (that’s the difficult bit that I’m still working on).

I think the trick is to tell yourself that you are unlikely to win your Ex back and view if you do as a bonus. Just try to be their friend if possible as it will show that you have accepted the break up but there was more to the connection that you shared with them than a romantic link. Any long term partner should be your best friend too right?


We’ve read Neopoleons link about getting an ex back and it focuses on 90 days as to become someone we used to be before we met our ex, to completely get over our ex’s before initiating contact. 30 days for me won’t be enough. I could get rejected after that and end up back to square one. If I leave it 90 days I’ve got a better chance with dealing with the situation and not regress. I need to become me again, right now I don’t want my ex back under the way it was. It didn’t work like that and it will never work. 90 days and I have a better chance.

I say f*ck 'em, we’ve got our own lives to sort out. (current mood)

@Sparky hehe:) Well the only way to find someone special is to get out there. If you’ve read “Who moved my cheese?” It’s really just as simple as that. Just hard to do.

However I’m not interested in finding someone else I like more than ex yet, right now I have heaps of work to do with myself. I’ve gotta do a 180 on my life, and become the person I want to be. 2015 for the win!