So, I’m gonna hang out with my ex tomorrow after being broken up for 2 months. I’m very nervous. And last night he said “So shush about your second chance or whatever…lol” which I think he thought I was going to bring it up, but I didn’t plan on it.
Am I looking into it what he said too much? Does it just mean that? That I’m getting my chance?
Maintain low tones. Nanu nanu. Drop it like it’s hot. It’s all in the wrist. Swoosh.
In other words, dont get frustrated or angry if it doesn’t go how you want, try to understand where he’s coming from even if it’s alien to you, dress to impress and make him say damn, touch him lightly in a casual manner at least once, and score a second chance.
be yourself but be the enlightened new you. Good luck, love!
@LAbound I looked back at the texts, and what he said about the second chance, that’s just it. He mentioned working towards us spending the night sometime, which insinuates that he does want me back. I guess he thought I was going to say something, but I really wasn’t lol. But yeah, I think it’s just straight forward about that, he is. And because after he said something about my chance he said but don’t shush and stop talking. Which made it sound like that this is real. I tend to look too much into things, specially when it’s easy. But I figured it out. What do you think?
Hey you commented on my post for advice so I think it’s good for you to think that that’s what he meant because you could be pleasently surprised I always say prepare for the worst but also don’t make yourself miserable because if he was flirty with you (and if he initiated it) he is thinking about you! Just go into it with an open mind and like it’s just a fun night for you! I had fun on mine and I was pleasently surprised the hard part now is just figuring out where to go now!
Never mind. I’m not seeing him today. He said something came up.
I’m rather mad about it. I don’t know what do now :(. I feel like giving up. Maybe I should just stop talking to him. Someone help me. I’m feeling down now
I think you should try to start a casual conversation in a bit. Wait a few hrs. Make the convo interesting and dont flirt. Why do you feel its hot n cold behavior?
Because he was flirty and stuff Sunday and we planned on hanging out and he said something came up. After him saying good, I want to say we can some other time. Am I looking too much into what he just said?