My bf of 1 and a half year brokw up with me 10 days back saying that we are knot compatible. We dis not have any ffights. But it was getting very ddifficult for him to manage since we hhad taken up a new house and he was already staying with his friemds.
He broke upwith me the next day of me ppesterung him to come stay with me.
I was hear t broken. After 2 dayshe told me that he likes someone whom he met just a week back. The girl too bbroke up with his bf just 3 days from ttoday.i was in bed for a week and 3 ddays.
Yyou can imagine the sate of mind i was iin. He calls and asks me as to how i am doing
I had begged pleaded but he said that it is not going to work out.
He called me asking about my well bbeing even today. But i had already sstarted with the nc rule. Should i ask h him not to call me ? Is it a rebound relationship ??
PPlease suggest what needs to be done.
Yeah! Probably its a rebound relationship. Both of them broke up recently and there are chances that they start missing their ex and move back to their previous relationships.
Its okay! I believe not seeing him on FB will help you do this NC much easier. Don’t forget the fact that he broke up with you in the first place and started dating someone else. Probably he is playing some sort of mind games with you to win the “post breakup fight”. If you play really cool about it, it will backfire on him.
I hipe i havent done anythung wrong to screw up of wat was left.
He had called me yesterday only asking about my wrll being. And then acc. To you i asked him not to call me again since i needed space and time. He did not reply to the text. But he has unfriended me on fb ! Is it normal thing that people do post break up ?
My ex-girlfriend and I had terrible breakup. Not only did unfriend me on Facebook but also blocked me. She also told me that she does not want to see me in her life again. I came to this site simply to give some hopes to myself and see if there are slightest chances! Also, I know her and I when she says something, she really means it! Guess what!She replied to my email on 85th day. We exchanged some emails! If I work on her, I think there I might get in touch with her in a month! I have come to a conclusion that this plan works somewhat!
I believe it will help you eventually increase your chances. Follow the plan and stay cool!
He is no longer in whats app! I guess he changed his number too!! Havent called him yet! He had messaged me two days back asking me to ask one of my cousin to pay the internet bill!! I just replied .k! Please do let me know what will i do.?? Have i done something wrong???
You haven’t done anything wrong. Breakups are rough! As you see, almost everyone here on this forum is experiencing the bad feeling.
I believe your reply was the best! So, just focus on yourself and follow the plan. There are chances that you get something out of it! I wish you the best of luck!
I guess i meesse up !!! I was properly following the no contact rule!! He texted me saying that i had been talking to his present gf ex and havr been telling some personal stuff about us . i told him that i did not !! Please do let me know what needs to be done
That’s fine jes! Don’t torture yourself on this! Maybe he missed you and make up with a pretext to see if you reply to him! The main purpose of NC is that you become stronger and ever! You did not do anything deadly! Just imagine that those who have no idea about NC do begging and mess everything up!
Hi dara !!!
He called today to ask about my well being.he cracked up jokes that was knoqn only to us !!! But i acted cool. He asked how my work was. Ireplied everything was fine. I have no clue why is he doing all this . it was his decision to move on and then he got a new gf too. Please do let me know if i need to start the nc rule all over ??
So he texteed you around 26th day! No, you should not restart NC unless you feel he is completely ignoring you or stringing you around! Well, did he breakup with this rebound? If not, continue NC for 2 more weeks! Otherwise get in touch with him and try to false-friend him!
I am really confused. He messaged me saying that i am the best thing that ever happened to him and i made him a better person amd he will always be there for me !
he has not broken up with his present gf i guess. The girls ex has a new gf and guess has moved on . she had contacted him saying that she is happy for both and also wished him on his bday ! She also informed him before unfriending him on fb! Isnt it weird?
I had already asked him not to contact me before too but still he did. Should i asl him not to contact me ? Or just continue the nc? What is this false friend ? Can u please explain ? Thank you in advance