Thank you, I certainly will if you don’t mind! I’m just going to wait and see what she says.
Actually, I’ve been thinking a lot and also talking with my mother about it too. One thing still bothers me, and she also can’t get her head around it. I’ve been trying to be objective and selfless when thinking about everything that happened, but even allowing for that, I still can’t explain this. I’d be interested to see what you think.
The reason I was so hurt was not because of what she said about just wanting to be friends (which is what she thought), but because she had been ignoring my messages and acting like she didn’t want to talk to me or spend any time with me. She first said that she just wanted to spend her birthday with her colleagues from work. This was the Sunday before her birthday, which was on a Wednesday, and we were due to see each other at the coaching the following Sunday (a week later). I was hurt by this because I had been her closest friend for months, we had talked before about spending time together on her birthday, and I had a present for her that she knew about. She didn’t offer any explanation or mention possibly seeing me at all.
Still, I took this with good grace and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Her birthday was mid-week, we both had work, and she probably figured it would be too much to ask me to come all the way over to her, and maybe she didn’t fancy going into the city centre. Maybe it would be difficult to get her work colleagues to go out at the weekend too. So I just said I couldn’t wait to see her, give her her present and treat her to a birthday meal/drink, but it didn’t have to be on her birthday itself. She never replied.
I expected to hear from her the following day, and when I didn’t, I messaged her around 10 pm just asking how her day went. She said she had an exceptionally long day in work, which was fair enough, asked me how my day went and said goodnight. So I replied, told her how my day went, and asked her if she wanted to meet up before the coaching on the Sunday. Again, she never replied.
I expected to hear back from her the following day (Tuesday), but she just never contacted me. Instead, she posted some song on Facebook (Hostage by Sia), which could have been a reference to our situation, but it wasn’t clear. This sort of thing really annoys me, people posting songs that are most likely directed at someone, instead of speaking to them. Still, I couldn’t be sure about this, but combined with the fact that she had ignored my messages, I couldn’t help but worry that something was up.
The following day was her birthday so I sent her a Happy Birthday message. She replied after a few hours with a nice message, thanking me very much, wishing me to have a good day, and saying she was looking forward to that night. But still did not mention the fact that I had asked her to meet up.
I messaged her the morning afterwards asking how her night went. She said she had a really nice night, got drunk and threw up, but otherwise it was very good. She again said have a great Thursday. I felt like all of these “Have a great day” messages were her attempt at killing the conversation. In fairness, we usually messaged each other every morning saying have a great day, but she hadn’t done that at all that week, and again, seeing as she hadn’t replied to my messages before, I felt she was just fobbing me off. I didn’t feel comfortable asking her to meet up again (effectively for a third time as I had said I wanted to see her, and also asked her directly) as I didn’t want to hassle her, and I thought she would just say no or ignore me again.
So that’s when I messaged her later that day asking if we could have a catch up and a chat later on. She said she didn’t want to video call as usual because she was tired, but was happy to chat. I told her I felt we hadn’t had a proper chat in weeks and that if something was bothering her she could tell me, I was her friend, I would always listen and maybe even be able to help. That’s when she sent me the message saying she was fine but felt she had gotten into some sort of a relationship with me in a bad way, that we had said “I love you” too soon, it was too big a commitment, that it was her fault and that she hoped we could be friends and colleagues.
That in itself wasn’t such a bad message and she was being honest with me, but this, coupled with the fact that she had ignored my messages about meeting up with her and hadn’t offered any explanation as to why she didn’t want to see me on her birthday, left me feeling very hurt. It was as if she had used me to get over her marriage and get to a place where she felt “fine”. That’s why I lashed out and over-reacted to the message itself. It wasn’t so much that she had ended the relationship, as we had established on New Year`s that we were friends with benefits and needed to pull back a bit, it was that she had ignored my messages about seeing her, and I got the impression she didn’t want to spend any time with me at all outside of our work together.
I don’t know if I misconstrued this whole situation, but if a close friend of mine asked me to meet up with them under similar circumstances, I would certainly message them back and give them an answer. I’ve tried to give her the benefit of the doubt about this and taken as much blame for it as I possibly can, but I still can’t figure out what was going on.
Perhaps she had lost trust in me and didn’t know quite what to say (that’s what I suggested to her yesterday, but I only mentioned it briefly, as I was apologising and didn’t want to take the good out of it by blaming her for something). Maybe the relationship was so intense, and I was so used to getting messages from her every day, that I was just being irrational when I didn’t hear back from her, and it was reasonable for her not to reply?
Maybe she regretted sleeping with me so soon after her marriage ended, and figured that if we went out for her birthday we’d end up in bed again, or that I’d expect to sleep with her having given her a present/treated her to a meal, sort of like what happened the day after Christmas Day. But if she really believed that was true about me, I don’t know why she’d want to stay friends at all.
Yesterday she said that I didn’t get that she just needed a friend, and I agreed with her. But if she wanted to keep me as a friend, she really should have replied to my messages, especially the direct question I asked her, or at least shown some consideration towards me when she knew I was expecting/hoping to see her.
I’m generally a very balanced person, I’ve no mental health or self-esteem issues, and I really try to look out for the people I care about. But I felt I was going crazy over this, second guessing what was going through her head. I knew she was in a vulnerable emotional state, and that she had been through a lot, but none of that bothered me when she was honest with me about it. I was always happy to listen and try to make her feel better. I’d just like to know the reason for the breakdown in communication that week, why she chose to ignore me and spend her birthday with her colleagues instead. I appreciated that she was trying to build up friendships with other people, so I didnt mind that so much, but considering how close we were and everything we had been through, I felt she at least should have acknowledged that I had been hoping to see her. I know I was due to see her on the Sunday for the coaching, but that was a professional occasion and I felt that didn
t count.
Like I said I suggested to her that it was my fault, that perhaps she just didn’t trust me anymore, but now I’m starting to wonder if maybe she just didn’t mean anything by it. Still, anyone I have spoken to about this agrees that it wasnt normal to repeatedly ignore messages like that and show no consideration for someone you consider to be either a lover or a friend. They do say the opposite of love is indifference, and perhaps she just didn
t care. But if that was the case, she should have understood why I was hurt.
Im going to try and put the whole thing out of my head until I hear from her, but I really did not like the way I felt at the time. I hope she does address this when she replies to me, even if it
s just to say she actually didn`t mean to ignore me deliberately. I know this has been another long post, but I would really appreciate your opinion on this if it makes any sense at all! Thank you so much again!