I’m looking for specific advice on how to apply Kevin’s techniques in my situation. I would really appreciate it. The story is long and complicated, please bear with me!
I became friends with a girl towards the end of her marriage. We both share a common interest (a sport) and we were abroad at an event together. We realised we had loads in common and started hanging out when we got home. I had no designs on her at this stage and always respected her marriage.
However, after the first time we saw each other (standard first date really!), I felt awkward and was about to tell her that she really should have been doing all of this with her husband instead, when she told me they had decided to get separated. I asked her if she wanted some space and she said she needed a friend now more than ever. So we continued to meet up. Her husband tried to reconcile with her but she turned him down. She continued to hang out with him, he was aware she was hanging out with me, and they’re still friends as far as I know.
After a few weeks we had a chat about how we were feeling and she said she wasn’t sure how she felt about me, but wanted me to be rational and just stay friends with her. I agreed, but a few days later she invited me over for dinner, one thing led to another…
She said she couldn’t stop thinking about me. After a couple of weeks, she told me she was in love with me. I was taken aback, but I felt very strongly about her too, we had an amazing connection and got along so well. I thought that if she felt ready to say this, she must really mean it, and I fell deeply in love with her. We were inseparable, messaging all of the time and for the next two months, our time together was fantastic. The only issue was that we were both conscious of our reputations and did not want anyone to know we were seeing each other, so soon after her marriage. I was happy not to label anything, and always said that as long as we were in love, it did not matter if anyone knew or what we called it.
Once a week or so she would feel upset about her marriage and have second thoughts, but she would always tell me and I would invariably make her feel better and cheer her up. She was open and honest with me, and I tried to make her feel special and show her I loved her a different way every day.
I wasn’t able to see her on Xmas after saying that I probably would be able to, due to family commitments. She said she felt like a nuisance in my life. She spent Xmas morning alone and then hung out with a colleague of hers from work, who then told her he liked her. She put it down to drunk talk and went home.
I hadn’t heard from her and I felt very guilty, so I made a point of surprising her with coffee and a meal at home the following day. We slept together (she initiated it), but later she said she felt used and that I had only come over to sleep with her. I assured her this wasn’t true (which it wasn’t!), that if her landlady had been home I wouldn’t have been able to come in, and that I just wanted to let her know I cared. I had no expectations, and had been fully prepared to go straight home. She accepted this and we had good chats for the rest of the day.
We met up a few days later and she was in bad form, saying cruel things. She pushed my buttons and I was annoyed with her, and I called her out for the way she was acting. I walked her home and left her to the door. We texted later and she apologised but also thought that I had said some harsh things. I apologised too and told her I loved her. She just said “thanks for all the love”. That annoyed me a bit more! I said it to her and she said she didn’t deserve to be loved. I assured her she did and that I wasn’t going to stop.
We met up once again on New Year’s and she said we should dial it back a bit, that everything was too intense. I agreed. We said we would continue being “friends with benefits”. We drank and went back to hers. We said “I love you” several times to each other and the following morning when I left, she thanked me for understanding and said she loved me again.
I was busy and away over the following two weeks as I was playing and she wasn’t. It didn’t go well for me, but she supported me and we kept in touch, once or twice a day, much less than before (so I felt I was holding up my end of dialling things back a bit). However, she got very sick during the second week, so each day I sent her get well soon messages and gifs. I was really worried about her.
When my travelling was over, her birthday was coming up. She said she was going to go drinking with her colleagues from work. I was hurt, as I had a present for her, but I just said we could meet up on another day. She ignored the message. I messaged her the following day, she said she had a long day in work, asked how my day was, and said goodnight. I asked her if she wanted to meet up and she ignored me again for two days. I wished her happy birthday and again she thanked me but just killed the conversation by saying “have a good day”. She did the same the following day. I was getting fed up, as this was so different to her usual behaviour, but I asked her just to have a chat to make sure we were on the same page.
She told me she felt fine, but that she regretted saying “I love you” so soon (it was such a big commitment) and felt weak for having gotten into some sort of relationship with me so soon after her marriage, that it was a bad start, but that we could stay friends. She appreciated having me there as it would have been much more difficult for her if I hadn’t been.
I felt very hurt and used. I told her so, and said that to find out that she never really loved me was unbelievable. I sent the message out of anger. She apologised and said I had every right to hate her, but that it wasn’t fair to say I had been used, she really was in love with me. I was due to see her a couple of days later (we coach children together). I was in a good mood and talked to her but, afterwards I told her I didn’t want her to speak to me again. She asked if there was anything she could do to make it better, but I ignored her. She said she understood, that she felt very hurt herself and shouldn’t drag anyone into her mess with her, and wished me luck.
After a week I messaged her apologising, saying I realised I was just being silly, that I was over it and had moved on, and I wished her luck. She said she understood and felt bad for the way she acted too. She also wished me luck. I haven’t spoken to her since and that was almost four weeks ago.
I put up one post on Facebook during this time telling a story about some travelling I was doing that went wrong and she reacted with a shocked/concerned emoji along with a few other people. I still didn’t break NC. I discovered this site about a week later and have been reading everything since!
I am due to see her at a competition this weekend and just wonder how I should act around her? Should I bring up anything? I will also see her for coaching in a week’s time, just the two of us.
I feel like she was infatuated with me rather than in love with me, and that I was just a rebound guy ultimately. However, the love was absolutely real for me. We had a wonderful connection and none of her baggage bothered me. We often talked about a future together and the good times were incredibly good. I feel that if I can be more laid back/less intense and more objective, and if she is emotionally ready, we could have a very special relationship.
I also feel like I’ve already sent a sort of “elephant in the room” text without knowing it when I apologised four weeks ago. I’m not sure how things will go this weekend or if she’ll say anything to me. Do I realistically have a chance to get her back? I would really appreciate any advice anyone can offer. Thank you in advance.