So this past weekend or two, my ex came over to my house last weekend and I came to his house this weekend and we hung out the whole weekend like always and out of the blue he says to me, “You know something? I love you” he said that when he was at my house and when I was at his house he says to me “I love you with all my heart and soul” and few other sweet things he said as well. So I just want to say I got him back and want to say thank you all for the support in the last month or two of my breakup. I will still keep in contact with you all just to give you advice.
Hi Krista. How did you do it? What was it like when you just broke up? I mean I don’t intend to being back that disgusting feeling because for me she broke up with me because she does not love me anymore because all we did recently was fight… even over small things, and maybe I acted clingy around her.
I’m losing hope because I’ve been on Limit contact and I THINK she seems happy even after the break up. She would just talk happily to me like nothing happened. Like I’m just one of her friends already.
@Tee-roy well I think its because my boyfriend always loved me and that he could never imagine his life without me and wouldn’t want anything to happen no matter what. When my boyfriend broke up with me 2 months ago, I was completely devastated, he’s 26 and I’m 23, we have been together for 19 months now and so I was a mess and I felt so needy and helpless I literally balled my eyes out that my heart felt like it was going to burst. But then I think he realized that I’m the only girl that puts up with him and I’m always there for him. If you want to read more about the breakup look on my page to read more of the story. What you need to do now is that since your ex is now happy without you, focus on making yourself happy and let her see that to make her realize that she made a mistake for letting you go. But don’t be too needy or you will scare her away for good and if you two get back together, make sure that those fights over big and small things won’t happen again, just remember good communication is key to any relationship. Fighting and arguing will get you nowhere. Best of luck to you my friend
hi, i am happy for you ! great u got u ex back!! Do you have some advice for me? he broke up with me 4 days ago, NC from him nor from me… his birthday is on december 30 and i decided to write him “happy birthday”, you think its a good idea? if not else, he will see i remembered it, but am not in need for him and his attention (tho i am,but he doesnt need to know it) So, i’d like to ask you how u managed to get ur ex back and what were the things you did when he contacted you? I am waiting if he maybe will contact me, if he wont I will text him after new year. If u wanna know mre about my story u can read it when i posted about it… I would apreciate ur help in this… horrible period …
I hope u two can make it last, good luck and stay in loveee !!
Don’t do it. Your NC time is for you and yourself only. Don’t give him a sign that you remember him on his birthday. If it was closer to the end of your NC period, I’d say go for it, but this is too early.
Hmm idk if i have the heart not to wish him hbd… he knows I already bought him a present since i bought it before the break up…Well I was planning on contacting him in about a month exactly… If you dont mind could you please take a look at my started post and read about the break up… and give me some advice about it ? its my first time i want an ex back and im so miserable and confused but I do hope (and believe) we will be back again…
@tami420 thank you and my advice is no you shouldn’t, keep yourself busy so it doesn’t look like your needy and desperate. If you want to read about my other posts go ahead. But since you already brought him a present hmmmm thats a toughie I’d say you shouldn’t have gotten him a present because he’s gonna think your a desperado but thats just my opinion. Overall, just follow your heart and remember don’t text him, if he wants you back, he will call or text you. Until then, best of luck to you.
@NyanCat Thank you! I hope you get the love of your life back as well
No i will not give him the present, and he knew before he broke up with me i bought him one. he doesnt have time to miss me/think about me, since he sleeps for 4 days straight (i know cause i see his car parked the same waysince friday when; i pass by his house cause i need to get on the train/bus… also the day he broke up with me he told me that he got sick from my sister while he was at my place last weekend he didn’t go to work obviously when his car was there-so hes really ill). I dont believe he will call or text me, he made sure to turn off his emotions towards me, so he was able to break up so he just ignores the love for me so he could get over me… he said he cant be with me cause I am bringing stress into his life, and that i am too much brainwashed of weed i used to smoke and its been worse since i stopped he said… friends told me he said few hours before breaking up with me that he is sorry and that he would be with me, but he just cant cause he is unhappy because its a stresfull relationship and doesnt wanna give me another chance cause he doesnt want to get burned again… he told me that he doesnt love me anymore(I didnt believe him i still dont) I was his first gf and love (hes 22 im 21) He didnt believe in love until we were hanging out one on one. days, nights.during week, weekends… so yeah we fell in love really hard and noone of us wanted to have a relationship in their further future. after all i just want him back in my life as a friend first, so he can see by himself that i am changing and improving and that we build our relationship different- without thinking about the first time it failed… i wanna start hanging out as friends, I first want to change the negative sides of me and with being friends and hanging out with me he will be able to see the changes im trying to do on myself …
Hi there again krista. Can u help me out translating these gestures?
First. Before we broke up she saved her fingerprint data on my iphone. Yesterday we met and showed me she does not need help opening my phone but did not delete her fingerprint data on my phone either.
Some female highschool friend sent me a text where my ex thought it was my mom. i told her it was my friend from highschool. And would want to meet up with me. She asked me if i was close to this girl, no angry tone or whatsoever, she just asked. My question is, is it normal to ask someone whether the person youre meeting up with is close to you or not?
Sorry. But i need a woman’s advice on these things because im not good in reading signs. I may misinterpret it as she still loves me or things like that. Thanks again.
We need to process some docs and asked me When is my free schedule so we could go together. I told her to go ahead and finish those tasks but told me that she does not want to because she’s alone. I told her to text her friend who just came from abroad to accompany her a bit so she does not have to go alone. After that she did not reply. Does this mean she wants to be with me or maybe she really just isnt used to doing things alone?
She saw this purse from victorias secret which she like and was asking me to buy it for her. If to you i am nothing more than just a friend, would you ask me to buy things for you?
Lol. I really just dont want to get messed up. Hoping you could help me through this course. Thanks a bunch!
@krista27 I about teared up just reading what he said. How did you do it? I’m trying to get back with my ex, I’m doing NC and it’s driving me crazy. I know he still cares and loves me, regardless what he says. And I know somewhere he still wants me. He’s snapchatted me everyday for a few weeks now. Have any ideas what I could do?
Hey. Hold on there. We’re all in the same boat. Did he tell you he did not love you anymore?
My ex- girlfriend told me that as well. But I’m not sure because I think she just lost attraction due to constant fights and me being clingy. We’ve been together for 7 years. 6 years and 11 months to be exact.
Maybe he’s still in constant communication with to see how you are doing. If you’ve been clingy to him before you guys broke up, maybe he’s trying to see if that has changed.
This is from a guy’s point of view. You see if we guys are serious with a girl, we really are serious. But if she tends to get too clingy, easily breaks off her temper and gets jealous for no reason, we sometimes tend to get tired.
Try to show him that you’re happy, that you’re “dealing” with the break up just fine. See where it takes you.
Congrates dear! Im so proud of you! I hope i can get back my ex boyfriend too but im not sure since he seems very happy with his life and his girlfriend. Everyday his girlfriend will post and update about him. He also update and tag her frequently in social media. He also mentioned in status like everthing is just perfect.
Im doing my NC for 6 days and he doesnt reach me in any ways. Your story like you always be there for him but i cant. I tried but he gave me cold respond. So i started to do NC after that. He seems like he doesnt care bout me. I know he doesnt love me anymore but… I wish i could get the second chance. I want him back
@Tee-roy Yes, he did tell me that. But his actions after that said that he still loves me. We were serious, and we broke up cause I wasn’t the girl he fell in love with (I was depressed for awhile, my grandpa died). We had a great relationship, we did fight at least once or twice a month. I just don’t know what to do, I want him back, and my gut tells me we will eventually. Any advice from a guy could help? I’d really appreciate it
@Tee-roy well it seems that since a friend from high school is a girl and your ex saw the text, maybe she still has feelings for you. The reason why we girls tend to feel and ask this is because we don’t want to see our man talking to another girl especially if we love them deeply.Believe me if I saw my boyfriend talking to another girl, I would start to feel very jealous.The reason why she didn’t sound upset and angry about the text is because she doesn’t want to show her jealousy and true feelings about you. As for her asking you to buy her a purse, I think she’s testing you to see if your gonna get her something she wants, just to see that you still care about her.
@Confused_Girl I am so sorry for what you are going through believe me I was a huge mess when my boyfriend broke up with me. If you wanted to know more on that story check my page from my previous posts. For him that he doesn’t love you anymore, what you need to do is let him see you post happy things on Facebook, instagram, etc. just to let him see how happy you are without him. But you also have to do NC for awhile and if he starts to crawl back to you by texting and what not, then take it from there but do it slowly so it doesn’t look like your desperate to get him back. Most important thing of all, have faith and stay strong.
@aryyan thank you so much! Continue to do NC and what you need to do is post happy things on facebook and instagram to let him see that your having a happier life without him.If he crawls back to you, take it very slow and play hard to get so that way it will drive him crazy to the point where he cannot live without you.
@krista27 I have been doing NC, and I know him saying he doesn’t love means nothing, because I was judging his actions instead of his words. And he’s been snapchatting me everyday (I’m not replying). I told him I’ve been hanging out with my friends again and that I have been busy and he sounded surprised. I have had faith since him and I started dating, and I’ve had more since we broke up. I’ve been praying and working very hard for where I am now. I feel like him snapchatting everyday feels like he does want to talk to me and is starting to miss me.
Right now i didnt post anything in social media because i thought i want to remain silence during NC and at the same time, i want to improve myself like slimming, taking care of my skin and keep busy with study and university activities. To be honest im not that happy as he is now but what can i do? Im in NC while He is with someobe else and he doesnt text me at all or finding me in any ways. I assumed he doesnt even wonder me or miss me. But i want him back so… Right now i just do my Nc. I target for 21 days. Is it too soon? If i cant have him, at least i want to be close with him but im not sure he allow me to
@aryyan yes focus on school thats the most important along with everything else and no 21 days is not that soon. If he texts you first, then you will know he is thinking about you and missing you. Best of luck.
I have been in nc for 6 days now and so far he didnt text me yet. Erm im not sure about that either. We will see how since he is in honeymoon stage with his girlfriend but i try my best to be strong and focus on myself a bit. I do hope he will miss me. See how in few days maybe.