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  • sunshinegirl
    • Total Posts: 161

    You’re welcome Angie!
    Actually I just knew there’s an “unfollow” on Facebook maybe two days ago πŸ™‚ Facebook is kinda not allowed in China so I’m a new Facebooker after I came to the states last year πŸ™‚ Glad there are functions for our situation!

    I’m sure everything will only get better!

    in reply to: Oldies #4045
    • Total Posts: 161

    Thank you for the wishes!
    You’re a very strong girl. And I admire that so much πŸ™‚
    Hope everything goes well with you too!

    • Total Posts: 161


    You don’t have to block him. Just unfollow them and it’s very useful. I don’t worry about seeing my ex and his family/friends on Facebook anymore, which would remind me of him and make me upset. I also turned off the chat function so I won’t accidentally see how long ago he got on Facebook and think about what he might have done on Facebook. By doing that, I’m really starting to be able to focus on myself 100%.
    Believe me, you will feel so relieved just knowing that you won’t get reminded of him through Facebook and that you can interact with your own friends and talk about your own life on Facebook.

    Of course you’re not alone. We’re all a team here. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 161

    Thanks LA! Kevin’s emails have been really helpful. They always make me calm down and focus on myself. I even made screenshot of some of them just to remind myself whenever I’m down.

    And I hope you will manage to think thoroughly whether you want to go back with your ex πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Question about E-mail series #4040
    • Total Posts: 161

    Does anyone know how long will Kevin’s email series last?
    They have been very, very helpful and I really need that dose of inspiration every day!

    in reply to: Oldies #4039
    • Total Posts: 161

    Haha as a non-native speaker, I had to read twice to get you πŸ™‚ a bit complicated πŸ˜›

    And I think when you bump into her, you feeling good about yourself is what counts! That’s amazing!!

    in reply to: Oldies #4025
    • Total Posts: 161

    I didn’t unfriend them, I can’t do that, both emotionally and rationally… They’re all nice people and also I feel like unfriending is a little bit immature. (I’m a little bit immature tho..haha) Anyway I just unfollowed them πŸ™‚ Feels like I can really start to focus on myself better!

    Not know how us would be, not know what I will be like after NC, all I know is I have to pass my certified exams, for my own sake and/or for us getting back together! Hope I can keep this faith until I get over my exam!

    Thanks again Daniel, you’re so sweet πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 161

    I agree with others! You need time to heal, I know it’s hard but we will get better!

    All the people here are going through the same thing, you’re not alone!

    • Total Posts: 161

    Thank you for the link! It helps me stay positive! I think the external link is prohibited tho, Kevin may remove it soon πŸ™

    Day 11 for me
    I feel like what you are thinking before bed is so critical! I was talking about my ex to my roommate that I really couldn’t understand why he even didn’t give us a second chance, which made me upset a lot. And when I woke up this morning, the miserable feeling was haunting me again. Gosh I need to think positive things before bed!

    Since the way I woke up, my morning was not perfect.. But I found reading Kevin’s 5 step plan and his emails can always make me calm and rational. I do recommend that to everyone here! πŸ™‚ When I was confused or upset, I was so emotional that I wanted to call him to ask why. But hey that’s not the right thing to do!

    I’ll copy some words from the 5 step plan here:
    What if my ex moves on during the no-contact? What if my ex meets someone and get married during no contact? What if my ex forgets about me during no contact?
    Good questions. And the answer to all of them is NO, THEY WON’T.

    If you and your ex were in any type of serious relationship, then they will not be able to move on so quickly. In fact, no contact is only going to make them miss you more and remember the good things about you. You have to take a leap of faith over there. The alternative to no contact is being a creep and texting and stalking your ex all the time, which will probably lead to a restraining order against you. You really don’t have much of an option.”

    Hope everyone is having a great day! Back to study! Yay!

    in reply to: Oldies #4017
    • Total Posts: 161


    do you feel any better today? It’s really, really nice to see you help so many people here πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Oldies #4016
    • Total Posts: 161

    Wow! Where are you from?

    I totally agree with the idea of unfollowing them. Actually I just unfollowed my ex and his friends and family on Facebook and man I feel relieved! I love checking social media but I don’t have to worry about seeing their pictures/posts anymore, which would make me sad.

    Also I turned out the chat function on web/phone, so I won’t accidentally see how long ago my ex just got on Facebook.

    It’s really helpful if you want to focus on yourself πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 161

    LA I’m happy that you got to think thoroughly. And all the luck with your career and love life!

    • Total Posts: 161

    Because Facebook is not in China, I’m still a new facebooker. I’m so happy that I just found out if I don’t follow someone, their info will not be shown in the webpages πŸ™‚ That’s so cool! Unfollowed him and his family, feel relieved!!!
    I couldn’t help checking his page once tho… I promise I’ll not do that again before my NC ends!

    Have a great night (or day) everyone!

    • Total Posts: 161

    Thanks Dara,

    I have been emotional too much. Right now, I don’t know what he thinks, I don’t know whether we can get back with each other, I just know that I have to pass this exam! I’ll just fight 120% for my exam and be motivated by the hope there πŸ™‚

    Thanks again, you’re really a nice guy ;)!

    in reply to: Oldies #3935
    • Total Posts: 161


    I’m so happy that you love Chinese food! My ex loves Chinese food like crazy, he used to love my cooking a lot πŸ™‚

    And thanks for the wishes, I’ll try my best!

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