Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #22043
    • Total Posts: 133


    I am wishing for an awesome 2015 for all of us! 2014 had been my worst year so far. My life was a mess and my emotions had been all over the place. And I hope that would be the last time that I would be so emotionally unstable and in so much grief. Thank God he has given me my family, friends, and all of you as well which made this burden a little lighter. Thank you for you have always been there with me to share my pains and perspectives all throughout 2014.

    I am hoping that next year we wouldn’t be talking much about our exes rather our happy experiences and what happened to us all throughout the days just to keep each other updated. I lost someone I used to love but I gained so much more and you are all a part of it! Let’s leave the exes to 2014 and start anew. Forgive and forget, if you can’t do both then just chose one. Forgive not for the exes but for ourselves. We don’t want to carry previous burden to this awesome yr to come!

    Looking at the brighter side, the pain that we had felt (and maybe still feeling for a certain few) doesn’t make us less of a person. The pain is good in a sense that we are well aware that we would never want to feel the same kind of pain again thus making us more mature and responsible in our relationships to come.


    I love you all!

    • Total Posts: 67


    Thank you for being my eyes these past weeks and giving me lotsa support and advices etc etc. I owe you guys much! People come and go. But it doesn’t matter because the right ones will stick around πŸ™‚

    Many things have taught me this year. May the new year brings another love, journeys, happiness and healthiness. Unfortunately, pain or sadness sometimes are including too. But it’s fine. Fall seven times, stand up eight! Lift your glasses guys. Lift it up and drink all the damn past about our exes.

    Love you all!! Have an awesome day xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Happy New year one and all!!

    F**k 2014 because it made me so feel bad! Cheers to 2015 because it didn’t make me feel bad yet!

    I also thank my friends here for being with me in my ugliest and loneliest days accompanying my breakup with that b!tch! Special thanks to Rihanna, RAED, Daniel, Steve, a.z., Joe, Sinead, Lorely, Val, Edward, Mordecai, Gulian, WHENA, and (whoever I don’t remember at this moment)! To us!

    • Total Posts: 191

    HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! thank you for being a part of my 2014! Thank you for being there for met during this bad year. My break up last march was terrible and brought me to my knees but you guys gave me the support that i needed. You will forever be cherished. Now ik about to bury the pain and the hurt along with 2014 as it passes. 2015 is a great opportunity to start fresh. I promise i will never ever chase love again for it should be given freely and something that isnt forced. And that i should love myself more. Cheers guys! To 2015! Leave the past behinf. To the future!

    • Total Posts: 67

    Group hug!!

    Page 1 of 365 πŸ˜‰

    I’m looking forward reading your stories guys. How’s the party etc lol.

    • Total Posts: 32


    Yeah, 2014 had been a crappy year for most of us here, however may 2015 be nothing but better. Lets continue to lift our heads up and higher!!! Honestly I couldnt be any more grateful to each and everyone of you around the world man. When our friends couldnt give us the best advice we need, it was only us who understood each other best could. Cheers to Everyone and 2015. May this year be everything of
    greatness and happiness to you!!!

    @ Robot: Yeah Its been good fun partying for the past 3 months, having fun and getting better by the day. Just hurt a little when I saw some fireworks during countdown as that was when we started dating. Hahaha.. Oh well, memories!!! But yeah I’ve yet to get into any fights, well least i’m not really the type who would wanna get into any. I’m a gentle giant… Hahaha… But yeah, I partied hard for the NYE and told myself, thats pretty much the end of my party life. Definitely gonna cut down as it still doesnt ultimately assist in the goals I want to achieve. Get ripped, work up my career and a wonderful gf in 2015. Hahaha… Cheers to you too kiddos…

    • Total Posts: 142

    Happy New Year everyone…if some what belated by a couple of days. May everyone have a fantastic year ahead. My biggest wish for everyone here is that we leave 2014 behind us. Don’t let the hurt, pain and horribleness of everything that happen hold you back from your life. Now is the perfect time to move forward and not dwell on the past. New things will happen in everyone’s life and I’m sure they will happen so quickly that it will come as a pleasant surprise πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 209

    HI Everyone! it’s really weird when we just come to the forum all the time for a while and then just disappear like an on/off relationship haha!

    How’s everyone doing? Hope your NYE celebration was spectacular! I know Steve’s was πŸ˜‰

    Loreley- My NYE was great! we went to the river and did some jetskiing but though surrounded by family and some friends I felt sad that everyone was coupled except for me πŸ™ … But overall it was a good night and we came back the next day. How was yours?

    I’ve been advised and I totally agree that I must stay single for a while- say a year and embrace being single. Kevin thinks there’s plenty of fish in the sea but that ofcourse relates to an email I received from him once about scarcity vs abundance and I’m glad that he taught us about this stuff to give us hope in the future. It’s been hard to say the least but I have to sort myself out and that’s taking me aaaaaaaages… like it’s been like this since May 2014 and yes I have moved on from my past ex and other issues but Now I’m completely lost in ‘who I am’ and ‘what I want’ etc… How about you guys? are you feeling better than before?

    So, to prove to myself that I CAN be happy and single as you all know I’ve planned a holiday and I’m leaving on Tuesday HOORAY! I’m petrified about holidaying by myself on an unplanned journey but it’s a must! I think it could be a good idea for all of you to do something you wouldn’t normally do just to break the ‘fear’ and move forward. i’m hoping this holiday will change me and open new opportunities with love, life, career etc… I’ve had enough and need this year to be kind to me. I pray the same for you all…

    All my love xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Glad to hear about your trip Rihanna! This is what you need! More mysterious it be, more refreshing it will be!

    I had a good new year eve! I read some books! ha ha ha…

    I’ve changed my hairstyle!! About 1 month ago I decided not to color it anymore and about a week ago I shaved the sides! Girls and women treat me entirely differently!!

    Today, a woman approached me and told me that signs on my jacket looks like a penis and I argued that it looks more like a vagina to me! She was a complete stranger! A day before yesterday, I met another stranger girl and we laughed for 20 minutes while we traveled by bus. Same thing happened today with another girl–just now and with a couple more girls these days! Yeah! It seems my new hair style that I discovered just a few days ago makes me look a lot different and to add that I’m living in a ghost town! BTW honestly, f**k my ex because she criticized me so much for having gray hair! Even if one single hair was left out after coloring she would criticize me on that!

    Oh! I saw my ex for two consecutive days after a long time this week at gym! I pretended that I did not notice her but I think there was an eye contact for a meaningful span of time! The funny thing is that she came close to the handrails on the edge of second floor to have a look at me! Fortunately, I was not nervous or excited–I simply wanted to convey her that I don’t give any sh!t about her by not “noticing” her! ha ha ha ha…

    And yeah! I also feel lost! I am lost and never found–I feel it since long ago! To far! Maybe since I was a teenage! I think this feeling has nothing to do with the relationship! I’ve decided to work hard to see what happens later! Yep!

    Would like to hear something here even though I know that almost everyone has moved on or in the right path in moving with their lives and don’t have much to say about “ex”! LOL !

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hi Robot… Well, the only way to move on is to stop talking about her and think about her so much. I know it’s extremely hard cos feelings are involved perhaps not feeling of love could be anger or friendship whatever… But you need to change things in your life to see things differently. Example: have you tried a different gym where you don’t have to see her? There’s a start and go from there… You might meet a hottie at your new gym makes you forget your ex for good who knows?

    I once thought it was impossible to fall in love a second time and it was you that taught me different. You told me you fell in love 3 times so given time you WILL find love again and it will stick forever… All my love xx

    • Total Posts: 142

    Hi guys

    Yeah this thread has been quiet for the new Year and I just guessed it was people making that concentrate effort not to come on here as people want a new start with the new year. 2014 was about our Ex’s, which includes this forum and 2015 is new beginnings for us all…well I hope…lol

    I know for myself I feel like I am in a better place mentally already just because of the new year and I’m not thinking about the past. I put a lot of that down to the fantastic summer I have been having the past few weeks. NZ is going through some stunning weather at the moment. Sunny, blue skies every day and it just forces you to go and out and do something, even if it is go to the beach and swim. By keeping myself busy I’m not dwelling on my Ex and I’m not allowing those thoughts to drag me down.

    I agree with Rihanna about the possibility of changing gyms just so you don’t see her. Something I noticed in December for myself was after I found out my Ex was dating someone else I reverted back to Facebook stalking as she changes her profile picture every few days. Every time I clicked on her profile it was like the knife was going back in and reopening the wound. There were nights when she would put up a new picture and it was gut wrenching and I wouldn’t sleep a wink. It didn’t take me long to connect the dots and realize what a fool I was being.

    Its been two weeks now since I blocked her and it feels good. I still think about her every day, but she no longer has any power over my thoughts or emotions. When I think about her its more of a “her loss, not mine” and I’m looking forward to new future possibilities.

    It quite possible be the same with you Robot3. Stop seeing her at the gym and because so much time has past since the breakup she will quickly lose the emotional hold she has over you

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Rihanna & Steve,

    I’m glad hearing from both of you! I hope you peeps have great days!

    Yeah! I talk about my ex here and I did not move on 100%! Yet, I know that I will never talk to her until something supernatural happen–which will never happen! This b!tch is so lucky that she has a retard lover like me!

    Oh! Man! There is a girl in that my that I’m sure that we have mutual attraction! I would like to talk to her but I could not and she was looking at me all the time–she could read my feelings from my face and that I looked at her!

    I also dated a girl today! She told me lets meets sometime soon when we where getting apart and it means that we have a good chance of getting into a relationship! By the way, whenever I talked about a date or a girl here, the next day she was gone! ha ha ha … but I don’t know what the heck it is about!

    You are right Rihanna! But I can’t help it because I have a lot of aquittance at that gym! I also honestly don’t give any f**k about her when I see her at gym! The problem with her is that she is in my head! I was in a party tonight and a girl told that she likes guys like me and I was like, “ex, where the f**k are you to see girl confessing they like me?”–I honestly don’t know how to stop talking to her in my mind but I think great thing are happening to my real life! I hope this last date will turn into a relationship! Oh! This girl also has a great body! LOL

    Thanks for being there! Love you all!!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    hahaha… My last post was a drunk comment!

    Rihanna! I’m doing good! Thanks for your concern! Honestly, no worries! I tell that I did not move 100% because to my experience this feeling of “what if” appears after some period of time and if I say I’ve moved on 100% and that thought comes I was wrong! Believe me I get good doses of ego boosters these days and I have got much better control of my actions that I make girls invite me! Thanks again!

    • Total Posts: 142


    That’s not a bad thing talking about your ex here. I’m the same and I’m still not a 100% moved on. After 8 months I don’t talk about my Ex with any other people and will only mention her here. That’s not to say I don’t think about her every day. I think I will always have a piece of her in my heart. But when you look at where we all were 6 months ago to where we are now. We have improved and got stronger.

    Just last night I was at a party of old friends and in the topic of conversation my Ex was mention. For a brief moment I thought to follow up with a question about her, then I was like “Nah not going to let it bother me”, so I kept a straight face and the conversation moved on and I forgot about her again.

    For myself I have accepted that we won’t get back together as she is in a serious relationship with another guy. I am moving on and when I look back at where I was Jun – Sept last year I am in a much better place, just I still have some work to do.

    The thing that still bothers me when I do think about her is the why of the breakup? That’s the part that just leaves me confused. It obviously wasn’t the lame excuse she gave me about not wanting to be in a relationship and she wanted to focus on her career because if that was true she wouldn’t of gone into another relationship. So I still don’t really know what went wrong and what I need to do to better myself next time round so I don’t make the same mistakes. But I guess I will never know the answer to that one

    When I feel that way I just have to remind myself that I was loving, caring, committed, willing to make the relationship work, I was supportive of her career and behind her 100%. Because of that it is her loss not mine. That thought keeps me going on my bad days when I have them, which are getting less and less

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey guys I’m in Sydney… My ex picked me up from airport and took few days off to be with me and travel along…

    OK so keep this in mind: NO KISSING AND NO SEX! Now let me tell you how we are together…

    We’re the love story that never survives cos it’s too deep and surreal to survive in this tainted universe. We’re the soulmates that can NEVER be for reasons beyond both our will. I shed a few tears listening to our songs he wiped them off with his lips brushing against my eyes and cheeks… My mouth says “NO” but both our hearts beat otherwise then he says: “I would never do anything to jeopordise our friendship. The love we have is beyond physical I want to love you not sleep with you and then what? You go home… It’s not right”. I’m so glad he said that cos I’m not that kind of girl and he knows… We carress each other, embrace each other like we’ve lived a full life loving each other and now its like we grew old together… It’s beautiful and comforting.

    Then he said: “I’ve never felt this way about anyone it’s like I’ve known you for hundred years… I’m sure we’ve met and loved each other in our past life many times we’ll keep coming back until we can be together. We lived a dream you and I”

    A dream. Yes. And now I wish I could tie his soul to my ankles so I can step into that dream time and time again.

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