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  • #21650
    • Total Posts: 562

    Lol Thanks @loreley

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    There is always more than one thing that hurts! yes! In this regard we are both in the same boat! To be honest, I feel good about myself! I am not sure if I have really moved on but I feel good about myself!

    My plan is to work hard till I feel nothing and when I am done with hard working I am a much better person with no feelings about my past! Honestly, this is the best plan I get get into! It looks like there is no other way other than getting involved in bar crawling in 2015 to find someone! A girl told me that I become a real flirt when I am drunk–I should use this situation!


    I will read your story tomorrow when I am not drunk! I have seen you being very active despite you breakup which must be fresh!


    Enjoy your mall trips! They are fun in their own kind! No one gets the chance to have so many mall trips!


    I believe that you are one of those young people here who would get out of here with a nice story! Good for ya!


    I am eager to read your analysis of the situation! At least mine bro! Yet, I won’t be back with my ex! Today a friend share something one FB–“If someone has hurt you before he/she can potentially do it again.” This girl wanted to hurt me in our last days of relationship and after the breakup days!


    Thanks for your support! I wish you the best!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hi guys! No mall trips for me today but I feel suicidal! hopefully not because of the mall trip haha

    Anyway, my ex got on my last nerves cos he really REALLY wants to catch up with me cos he’s down here but he keeps postponing and leaving our catch up to the last minute… ummm I don’t think so! I’m really sick of guys pushing me over like this… First the guy I met and then ghosted me and now him I really feel low and lonely and suicidal even… what’s the point of living with nothing but pain and trouble all over me there’s not an ounce of joy in my life and hasn’t been since I can’t even remember…

    Coming here to you guys has been the best therapy. I tried meditation last night for half an hour and it uplifted my moods a little but then plummeted again! Especially when my ex shoved me around like he did today like I’m a worthless piece of rubbish after everything I’ve been through with him and after everything I gave he can’t even put aside ten minutes to come see me without it sounding like it’s left over from his time…

    Anyway, thank you so much for listening to me over and over again… I think the holidays have brought the deeper hurts and issue to the surface and I can’t wait til the whole xmas and new year crap is over so people can stop their cheerful pretenses and go back to being neutral back to work and life again…

    I’m so sooooooooo hurt and sad right now I feel like texting that guy who ghosted me (except for that xmas message) I feel like sending him a happy text but nothing to say I’m interested in him… I know it’s like what’s the point but if there’s no point in doing something or Not doing something might as well do what you want as long as the outcome won’t hurt… Sorry I’m blabbing…

    Val, you owe us a lamb or two hehe…

    • Total Posts: 191

    Do you have any social media account? I’ll try to give you some form of entertainment or acitivities. Clearly you lack options of what to do in your place. Im not quite sure yet but i have an aunt in australia. I think its melbourne and im not sure yet but i think we’re gonna go visit her this summer. Are you near there? ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 209

    Daniel, omg why are you saying that? is it because I was gonna text that guy? well, I didn’t and probably shouldn’t like EVER!

    I’m sick of being around old people hahaha no offense to your aunt but I have an aunt here and my sister and she has two adorable kids but I can’t be bothered with them and playing i’m just not into kids… I have no friends but I’m looking forward to my sydney trip… Melbourne is another state and I LOVE Melbourne it’s a great city… I searched poetry clubs in Adelaide and there are a couple but they run at night time and I can’t drive cos no car and I don’t want to bus it late at night and taxis are costly… blah blah blah… I just don’t care anymore… I just had an ok burger at a burger joint with my mum and she asked me ‘how was it? do you think we’ll do it again?” my answer was “well, if I was on death row and this was my final meal I wouldn’t be happy’ She was bit shocked when she heard that but again I’ve always had that quirky sense of humour and I did turn it into half a joke in the end, for her sake…

    I don’t know what to do with myself. The clock is ticking and that’s about it, that is ALL that’s happening in my life apart from the days I go to city mall and spend lots of money … today, I stayed home, pampered myself a little and felt back to square one shortly after… I’m sinking! I don’t have any courage to go look for work, I’m jobless, carless, powerless… I know I’ll get used to loneliness and then I can concentrate on the other aspects of my life but I feel like it’s a long way to go…

    Thank you Daniel for offering me your aunt. Can I find her on facebook? Another thing I’m really hating, FACEBOOK! it’s soooooooo boring and I don’t care what Larry, Dick and Harry are doing in their lives and what they’re eating it’s ALL crap!

    Thank you Daniel for saving me from texting that guy … But if any consolation my text was going to be harmless and just a short statement like ‘I just watched (movie) the guy is a lot like you, you should watch it and see…” That’s all my text was gonna be but you’re right I probably shouldn’t. I deleted his number then he texted xmas day so now it’s back in my phone haha…

    BTW, if you come to visit your aunty in Melbourne let me know when ๐Ÿ˜€

    All my love xx

    • Total Posts: 67

    Hey everyone, been busy day today. Went to uni and now I just got back from dinner with my bestfriend since we were 9 years old. He just came back to hometown because he is basically working in Malaysia. We talked a lot about what happened between me and him these past 6 months. Uni, work, family, our friends and even our love life. He is currently in a relationship. Well it’s contrast between us at the moment. Because I’m failed while everything in his life seems getting awesome. Makes me a lil bit sad and happy at the same time. I love him to the core as my bestfriend. I wish I could have someone like him!

    Robot 3,
    Thats kind of you. Thank you man! I hope things work well for you too in 2015. Don’t force yourself too much, I believe one of girls will notice you soon and stick around..all you have to do just be ready with your heart and i hope you wont into games. Btw does daraviktor at yahoo dot com still active? Haha. I was scrolling down the thread and reread some of old convo between you guys and finally found that thing. Seems like you guys already exchanged social medias etc lol.

    Have a good day peeps xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    Thank you! So kind of you! In fact, I should say that exchanging social media is not a good idea! We are anonymous humans here. It reminds me of confessions at Catholic Church. The idea is good when you don’t see or know the other person. When you come to know each other it becomes hard to vent here. The virtual friend becomes real and it brings all the problems with real people. For example I don’t talk about my relationship life to my real friends. So if we or anyone else exchange some real life info, we are going to take this virtual friendship to real world and eventually, someone like me can’t rant or vent out my emotions here anymore.

    I am glad that you have good social connections outside and can spend time with friends around. I think it is a matter of age. When I was in early 20s, I was never alone! I could find someone to talk, hangout, party, etc. However, as you grow older, your friend marry and get into serious life. I am sure this is the biggest problem of people around 30’s including Rihanna, Steve, Val and myself. I never knew that adults are so lonely despite being experienced in so many relationships before.

    Anyway, it looks like you are doing great! Glad to see that!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I hope you are doing well by now. When I saw your post, I was not sure how to reply because it is really delicate dealing with someone who feels very low. You probably know what to do by now. My suggestions are reading books or watching movie. I am not a movie guy but I read books.I love all sorts of music. Lately I had a feeling that I’ve moved on so I started listening to top pop music of 2013 and 2014. In the beginning I was fine and thought that despite listening to music that we listened together I don’t miss her but after doing it for long time–the memories started coming back. So no 2013 or 2014 pop musics. LOL

    Oh! Gym! If you don’t go to gym, I highly recommend it to you! I can’t wait to hit the gym again!

    Yep! Finding a job is also important! Honestly, it is the satisfaction from life that boosts self-esteem and higher self-esteem means more attraction. I am using these days to reach a better place in my social life! I have registered for exams that would bring me certifications and probability of more success in future. If my ex was here, I had to spend time with her and it would make it hard preparing for those stuff.

    Good luck!!

    • Total Posts: 67

    I smiled here. So wise! You’re true. I am catholic anyway. And yes it helps a lot to become ‘anonymous’ when we confess something and be honest about what we feel ๐Ÿ™‚ ah thank you robot 3, you’re just like a big brother.

    I was just thinking I had enough sadness for the past year with my ex. So it’s time to fix myself again. To go out. To meet new people. So I can feel loved again. Knowing many other people do care about me. Because I was feeling bad about myself for long time because of him. Even I confess to the whole world that I love him then so what? It didn’t help. It didn’t work. So I should love myself more now…

    Yes I can imagine. Sorry about that. But I believe it’s just a matter of time. We won’t ended up alone eventually. Id like to see everyone here (including myself) happy. I really do.

    With love. xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I have a recommendation for you! Play it hard on others! Make a poker face! If the text you reply it with delay. I see that every girl is doing it–every!!!!

    Here goes my typical texting scheme with these girls. I text and get a response in 2 minutes. I text the second one and get a response after 5 minutes. After maybe 10 texts their response delay goes down to 1 hour while I text them back as soon I get the text because I usually find it cheap to delay but to my experience this is a universal game that every b!tch and @sshole plays and they are so retard that they can’t understand that this is really cheap of them! I dated a girl last summer and she had the same habit of delaying! I decided to play the same game with her! About a week ago she sent me an apology text for not being able to respond me promptly! See how f**kin’ ugly this is! If I didn’t play the same game with her she would do her delay game! Last summer, she had a delay of 1 day in responding where I stopped texting her for 4 months. It looks like people around are like asses that have to be steered with carrots and sticks–it’s a shame! Play it hard girl! Don’t give a f**k to anyone around!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    It’s okay to have unsuccessful dates! I was there too! To be honest, girls can smell that this guy is not 100% into her of just playing games. Just noticing a moment of lack of concentration is enough for a girl to conclude that this guy is concerned with something else but not her and it is really easy to drift after a couple of dates. Give yourself some time.

    The other problem with dating after the breakup is that one might push too hard or too loose! Girls like optimal one! Since the brain is concerned with the breakup, it can’t calculate the best timings. I have been though both! Honestly, I didn’t care and it simply made me feel “un-rejected” when I approached them and got their numbers. Yet, I have to confess that it hurt me a little but I already knew what’s wrong with me–I couldn’t help being too pushy or neglecting.

    Take it easy mang!

    • Total Posts: 32

    @ RAED:
    Yeah man, it would be so nice if we’re all living together and providing support for each during times like this. and I think its ironic that most of us broke up during that month of May and ended up on this site. Its just such a timing. Hahaha…

    @ Loreley:
    Well, i can say that you are doing well Loreley. At your 7 weeks, it feels like you’re at where I am at 5 months after break up. Hahaha… Keep it going girl. You can do it…
    @ Robot:
    Yeah Dude, I totally agree that we are pretty much on the same boat and encountering somewhat similar situations too. Been drinking and partying hard for the past almost 2 months, i guess? But its got to stop at some point and I’m cutting it down next year. Hence 2 more days to party hard. Hahaha… Yeah, I’ve got a girl who told me that I’m a pretty flirt too when I’m high, however I do know too that deep down inside, thats not myself at all. Perhaps we are opening up and healing ourselves and opening up new doors.

    Yeah man, Totally agree that once you hit the 30 and when your friends get married one by one, it feels like they are entering the rat race or the so called social norm. On one hand, it scares me yet on the other, when I was with my ex, it was what we both wanted. And even scarier now is that I cant see myself with anyone even if that girl is hot or kind hearted, just can’t. However I guess we’ve got to learn how to feel good about ourselves even when we are alone. Some times catching a movie or doing some random stuff alone brings some ease as well.

    @ Rihanna:
    Well, after all these while, i’m sure you know what would work best for you. So far, hanging out with friends and working out gives the best uplifting mood for me. Lets all look forward and ahead. When one door closes, many would open for you. I never believed this statement till when I’m experiencing it now. Hahaha… And if you ever do come to Singapore, hit me up. I’ll bring you around… Hahaha…

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Daniel & RAED,

    Congratulations! I get you guys now! When you admit that you were in a toxic relationship, it is the time that you logical part dominates every single part of your mind and body! It’s almost 2 days that I’ve reached this conclusion! Now I feel like I can see the situation as someone outside me. I also feel like my feelings are getting open for others too! When I think about other girls, I tend to think about my the quality of happiness that I might have with them rather than the quality of revenge that I might take from my ex.

    You know guys, last year when she went to California, I was the one who took care of her pet! ha ha ha ha… There is no one to take care of her pets this time! ha ha ha…

    During the breakup and before it, I looks like it was me who was out of mind and she had a good control of the whole situation–LOL it happens sometimes! I think she was faking and acting (f**k her) being annoyed to see me saying sorry.


    Partying is a good way of getting into a new life. I did it almost every weekend in last 3 months. Unfortunately, sometimes I would over drunk myself and when I would wake up it was already next day and I was on the couch–everyone was gone! The last time it was a week ago and I felt low for being close to Christmas while my ex was not around. I was lucky because I was about to get into fights several times in that party. This girl who told me that I become flirty also told me that I become touchy and handsy as well. I have decided to get less drunk this year. Honestly, it depends on the mood! I am average at playing games with girls but I should not be depressed to play my best game! Today I think I am ready for it!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Happy New Year to all! Thank you to each one of you for being a great friend and a comforting shoulder for me to lean on. I count my blessings that I’ve come to know you and build this wonderful friendship of ours. May this coming year bring nothing but great happiness deep love and success! All my love xx

    • Total Posts: 133

    Robot 3

    I am proud of you! I hope you continue being in that kind of state of mind.

    I am most of the time guilty of being with someone new as revenge to the ex. What an immature me. Not knowing that the ex might not care and it only makes me feel less of a person. And revenge is like a boomerang, whatever kind of pain you want to cause the other person is the same kind of pain that we feel when we fail to do our revenge plan.

    And I agree with you drinking less. You should start drinking responsibly this 2015 because it stirs up the emotion so much. You wouldn’t want your ex and friends to think that you are so brokenheartedly wasted. Or let’s just say you wouldn’t want some opportunities to pass with you being drunk all the time.

    Good luck bro! All the best

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