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  • #21164
    • Total Posts: 67

    Robot 3,

    Thank you for sharing the article. I was reading while thinking somehow it’s true. To be honest, in the first few moments after ended the relationship; I asked myself. How the hell he could be just fine? I was overthinking. I was assuming. And it was hurt. A lot. Because I thought he was fine and still happy and nothing changed even if all dreams = gone. Until he said to me “Believe me, it’s not easy for me too.”

    I dont know what future brings. You passed 7 months and still think about her. As for myself going to be only 7 weeks. Ofc I do still think about him once in a while. But I decided already to cut him off in my life. I dont know what would I feel if he would start to date another girl or even get married with another. I think I’m not ready yet to face that. But I have to.

    As for myself, I dont believe in coincidence. Everything has reasons indeed. Whether I like it or not. But everything has reasons.

    It might be awkward, but I send you a big hug robot 3. Thank you. We all will be fine. Eventually.

    • Total Posts: 67

    I am layin on bed now. 4 am here. I just remember him. How he hugged me for the last time in airport 3 months ago. Never thought it would be a final goodbye.

    I better sleep now. I am sad.

    • Total Posts: 209

    Thank you guys so much!!!

    Robot… Very interesting analysis about living in small city but it’s still a capital city where I live and I should have more friends and social life but I don’t go out cos I have no friends … Sad.

    Loreley… Oh my darling I’ve lost count on the nights I lie awake feeling depressed cos of loneliness. It’s almost noon here and I’m still in bed and I lack motivation to even find work here or do anything… But you will be fine cos you’re much stronger than I am xx

    Raed… You always cheer me up then give me great advice. I think what I wanted to hold on to not the guy himself but the security of having this guy and maybe he sensed that… He has good heart and is stable financially something I never had in my partners or myself. But I’ve accepted he’s not for me and I’m in recovery. I need to stay single until the hurt is gone so I don’t come across needy or desperate when I meet someone new. I just feel lonely cos no friends which is hard… I wish we lived close cos I feel closest with you guys

    I love you all xx

    • Total Posts: 209

    I’m going to city mall haha… Time to treat myself again πŸ˜‰

    New day new opportunities… One step forth to healing my life. Thank God everyday I met you guys… Love you xx

    • Total Posts: 778

    Raed, Daniel,

    Yeah, I know but It was never gonna work out between us.Julian wanted the baby because he is almost 34 now and I didn’t want to be with him just because he wanted to have a kid. He wanted something serious but he never tried to change anything that could make me want to be with him. He knew I was done with relationship dramas, nagging all the times…. and yet all he was doing was being insecure, complaining about me not being serious, not loving him etc.I really think I did the right thing.

    This new guy, I like him but how should I know if I want anything serious Before even dating him?
    Right now I just wanna get to know him more. I like him and I want to like him more but I really can’t predict how I will feel about him in the future .

    About taking a breath, I’m really fine with being single and I’m not even hurt, I don’t think about my ex, Julian or anyone, I’m not hurt so I guess Its ok if I go out with someone else?


    Honey I’m sorry you’re going through this but like everyone said, don’t overanalyze anything about anyone. Just see what they do/ say and thats it. Don’t worry about anything and say what you wanna say but don’t try to find something out of someones just doesn’t work that way.

    Be happy and show everyone that you are happy.I appreciate your beautiful feelings and your kind heart but don’t let everyone see that when you’re not sure about their feelings. Most of the times when people see someones moving faster than normal/ having more emotions they take a step back. Its just their nature. Don’t look for the answer in yourself. You are perfect and any guy would be lucky to have you in his life but don’t pay too much attention to them. As long as you don’t make them the center of your life, you will be fine. Be happy yourself then you can share your happiness with someone you like. Don’t let them be the reason of your happiness.
    I’m not feeling comfortable saying these to you but you’re like my older sister and I want you to be happy. I love you and I thought it could help a little.


    Yeah, I do believe that most of the times there is no logical reasona for breakups. People do things because they want to and they may not know why they’re doing it.they try to find reasons and they make excuses but most of them are not even true and even they don’t know the real reason. Thats why even the dumper feels confused after the breakup. Sometimes People do something/ say something simply because it feels right.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I think this vacations is acting against me! I am being dragged back! Last night my roommate asked me if I did any other attempts in getting my ex back later and I was like since when? Then he added that my ex had a sexy figure and I was like, “f**k you I already know and it’s hard for me to find anyone having sexier body than her”–seriously she was awesome! To be honest, I was searching for porn stars to find someone having better body than her’s and I honestly found it hard! Damn it!!! Plus! She had a very cute face!! Well, he added that she is too cute to be single!!

    Honestly, one of the reasons that I cannot interact with other girls is that I don’t find them as pretty has my ex and when people around tell me that she was very pretty, I realize that it isn’t just my imaginations–oh man, she was real!

    • Total Posts: 209


    Thank you so much for your encouraging words yet again. It almost brought me to tears honey. I really admire your spirit and strong personality I wish I was half as strong as you are. I do tend to get carried away with feelings and especially with this guy cos he acted very interested and you’re right he took a step back and ghosted me cos he probably felt scared about my feelings. But unlike your Julian, this guy is almost 35 and I don’t think he wants commitment I only think he wants to settle down because of pressure and because all his mates have already. But I remember him telling me that his married friends aren’t happy and stuff that hints he’s not ready to settle which is fine. I have moved on and I don’t think about it or him anymore oh well, life goes on. I wish I could be more like you and be open to people coming in and out of my life but because I have only been in the one relationship despite my age I feel bit fragile about emotions etc… I am very happy that you found someone you actually like and wish you all the best with him. I don’t know how you do it haha… you seem to meet new guys often and here I am sitting in my living room as per usual on a saturday night… yet another weekend I’m spending it alone. It’s really hard not to have friends to go out with and even harder to find friends my age who aren’t settled already with kids … So yea, again I went to the city mall, got my nails done and a facial πŸ™‚ … I’m beautifying myself for my Sydney trip but mostly just to boost my confidence though there’s nothing much I can do and overall I’m happy with my looks πŸ™‚ oh well, I’m always happy to hear that you are doing well and moving on strong! Keep sharing your stories with us because I particularly find them as you inspiring and make me feel stronger…

    Robot 3 – Yes your ex may have been the hottest thing that walked the earth but she’s no longer yours so it doesn’t matter to you anymore… What you need my dear is a makeover for your soul. You’re so lost into your ex and her looks etc… but from your other posts and the way she dumped you don’t forget she’s also a bitch! And you can do so much better than that! you deserve someone who will care for you forever, who will stick by you through thick and thin even if she’s not the prettiest girl out there, in your eyes she will be most beautiful because her soul will shine through… And don’t you forget you are a hottie too… So she lost you as much as you lost her… you’re intelligent, witty, funny and HOT! You will find a great woman again once you move on 100% and you will! Good luck xxx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Thanks Rihanna! Yeah! She was a b!tch–I sometimes forget that! Thanks for reminding me that mate!

    • Total Posts: 67

    Errrr well. I never opened up to anyone about this. Even to my real friends. Never. I’m embarrased. But because Robot 3 commented something abt it, reminds me of this thing. To be honest. One of the reasons why I think my ex was completely selfish; he was always c** so fast. He only cuddled me whenever he wanted to. He never really spoiled me till I finished. I once ended up crying on bed because I feel bad. He was really bad. I think he has prob with it. Because he just always c** way too fast. He often said sorry. He said I’m beautiful and hot but seems like he has something wrong because he couldn’t control it.

    Robot 3,
    Rihanna’s comment = absolutely right <3

    I miss you!! I hope your trip to Sydney will be great. When are you leaving? I hope oneday could visit you in oz and you should put indonesia in your lists. Haha. xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Once again thanks Rihanna! You reminded me a great point–she was a bitch! I am so forgetful and I am somewhat too blind to see others!


    That was unfair because as far as I know there are simple medications available with no prescriptions everywhere!

    • Total Posts: 778


    Aaaw,you’re so sweet xoxo. I know exactly what you’re talking about but you can always make least you can find people to go out with. Yeah, I have many friends to hang out with but like I said, I asked for this guys number and I asked him out. I thought if I liked him, I should let him know that I was interested. I think its no big deal. It doesn’t matter if you had one serious relationship or you are not in your 20s. Its all about you yourself. You can always find love. Just be more receptive. Spend time with guys, have fun and get to know them. Show them how amazing you are over time and you will impress them. Understand them,their interests and their goals and then you can impress them so easily.then it will be like hypnotizing can get what you want. And before they know the will fall for you.
    People need to hear something they want through different stages in their life and when they hear it from someone, they feel like he/ she is the one. The feel like the person is completing them and it make them feel like they are falling in love. Thats why understanding their needs, interests and beliefs is important. Just be yourself,be patient, get to know them and wait for the right time to impress them.

    • Total Posts: 209

    Thank you guys you’re the best πŸ™‚

    Loreley if there’s any consolation I was with someone for many many years and never once did we have sex, so honey I know what it’s like to feel bad over something it’s not even our fault! we even slept in separate rooms and lots of bad things happened but who cares cos I’ll never think of him or miss him that’s how alone and lonely I felt with him. My one relationship was with my most recent ex, the reason i came on this site. Stay strong honey, you deserve better than this monster ex of yours… you will meet someone who’ll make you very happy πŸ™‚

    A.Z once again Thank you so much! it’s not easy for me to make friends and I don’t know why? Where should I go to meet those friends? NO one talks to anyone here and when I go out for coffee or city mall no one talks to me except random guys (rarely too) and people I’m not interested to know πŸ™ πŸ™

    Robot 3 chin up you’re doing great!

    • Total Posts: 67

    Thanks a lot dear Rihanna!! Sending you big hugs πŸ™‚

    I know he’s such a monster. In first few days after broke up I was even thinking even if I would die oneday, he might be even not care and wouldn’t go to my funeral..

    Talk with you guys helps me alot to deal with everything about my ex.

    Happy weekend everyone xx

    • Total Posts: 67

    Another sleepless night. Fudge!! I hate when out of sudden think of him again. Too many memories to deal with. Supposed to be great year actually. My chest hurts.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I think you are in a wrong direction. Did you say it happened 3 months ago? Okay!

    Take a paper and pen, and write all positive and negative features of this person and your relationship on the paper. Then judge if a friend was on this relationship, what would you recommend her?–seriously and honestly!

    *He lied to you when he left you! Honestly, I hate liars!

    *There were times that you guys did not have good sex together! A good sex is an important part of life! Don’t compromise! Believe me other girls will dump him for that reason! Don’t compromise again!

    Last night I realized that if I try to fantasize on gone people I will ruin my life! I was almost done with that case but neglecting the negative parts and fantasizing the positive parts just for a couple of days can take me to step one! I was almost moved on! See unrealistic imaginations are fatal!

    Today I feel really good and even have a feeling like that relationship is gone for good from my MEMORY! Thanks to friends here!

    Good luck sweetie and remember to respect yourself!

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