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  • #21094
    • Total Posts: 191

    Maybe the text has no deeper meaning. Take it easy you are over analyzing things. Its making you sad see?

    • Total Posts: 209

    Thank you Loereley and Daniel.


    The text itself isn’t making me sad. What’s making me sad is that he texted me after I’ve moved on in my mind and deleted his number and now I feel like I’m thinking about him again. But that’s not even it still…

    What’s making me most sad and confused is the point behind the text. What’s the point of sending a girl a warm xmas wish text if the guy has no intention of keeping in touch or ever seeing her again? just What is the point of him texting me exactly? WHY?

    I’m most sad because my hurt goes deeper every day. As if I didn’t go through enough hurt this year that this guy had to pop out of nowhere and dip deeper into my wounds :'(

    • Total Posts: 191

    Does greeting merry christmas not allowed between simple friends? Maybe he just greeted you plainly nothing more. I greet women friends even those who im not really close with. Just keep on moving on. Youre
    Being paranoud. Youre losing your mind over thos guy. Wanna go through the same ordeal again? Be strong rihanna. Get a hold of yourself.

    • Total Posts: 209

    You’re so right! thank you Daniel… I’ll keep on moving on and stay single for a while … yea I think i’m ok being simple friends, we never had anything to ruin a simple friendship so why not? Thank you Daniel for putting things into perspective πŸ™‚

    how are you doing? how was your christmas this year?

    • Total Posts: 191

    Went on out of town trips. Had adventures and fun. Im doing things that i havent done before. Sometimes i thibk i should or i couldve done tvis with my ex but it does not matter coz its over now. Ive got a crush btw. I met her once. Shes a friend if my friend. Havent seen her again yet but i like her. But im bot keeping my hopes up. I dont want to be disappointed you know. Its better to play safe for know that to gamble and risk it all. Dont want to be in that emotional roller coaster again ya know. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 209

    Oh wow Daniel, seems like you’re doing well and that makes me super duper happy πŸ˜€ … this is what I don’t get about guys, it’s your job to take the risk not ours, am I right ladies? haha… so I say though you may be bit disappointed or it could work great for you why not take the risk and ask her out? If she says no well at least you’ll know and move on (like I did hahahaha :P) …

    I’m glad you’re enjoying your time by taking trips. The times you had with your ex are over and it seems like you’ve emotionally moved on so maybe you could start thinking doing these things with your new crush πŸ™‚ …

    I’ve planned a 7 night getaway myself in the new year cos God knows I need to have a bit of fun after the horrible year I’ve had. So at least I have something to look forward to other than be bored and think of an irrelevant guy hehehe…

    So my advice is, don’t play it too safe cos you might miss out on great opportunities! All the best and all my love xx

    • Total Posts: 133


    I’ve told the guys that to be emotionally satiable I have to cut off some people in my life that no longer serves me. Since you adviserzoned me, I would have to cut you off so as to avoid future pain.

    • Total Posts: 133


    Okay. Kidding aside. I cna tell you that I can text someone without having anything to do with her. Since you’ve been acquainted w each other and it is Christmas season I can text you just bec it is like an obligatory greeting. You only put meaning to it bec you were expecting something out of it.

    So stop making us think that it is his fault that you became emotionally unstable again, no one has the power to make you feel inferior or shaken without your consent.

    Robot 3 can be right, it might also be a hint that he wants to talk to you again. But come to think of it, if he really does want you then he will find a way. Some girls complain that all men are the same. If you are that kind of girl then I suggest you stop dating the same kind of men. And you don’t half-love someone. There is no gray area, no maybe, no in between. It’s either he loves you or he doesn’t.

    Since it is holidays then maybe he is just looking for some fling. If a guy wants you, he will find a way. Trust me.

    Stop crossing oceans for someone who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.

    • Total Posts: 133

    Robot 3

    I have problems with attachments too especially if I had been happy even for a short while in the company of someone.

    If what you’ve read is true then I can tell you that I am so close to my mom. So maybe that’s why. Ha ha!

    • Total Posts: 133

    Loreley‘s advice is so much win too, Rihanna! <3

    • Total Posts: 133

    Daniel is so on point. You have to get hold of yourself. You are still actng desperate Rihanna. Do you want to go through this all over again? πŸ™

    Okay. Let’s say he texted you. Was it Christmas eve? It is already 26th here in PH. So if he texted you on the eve or on 25th, then it has been a day since already.

    Let me ask you, after you replied to him, did he still text you?

    • Total Posts: 67

    Somehow it made me smile about what robot 3 and raed said. Haha. I am so close with my mom too anyways! Oh well..

    Dear rihanna, you’ll make it. Just remind yourself you’re fine without him. He was just occasionaly texting you so please don’t let him ruin you emotionally again.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I think I understand Rihanna at this point! She feels lonely and the most important reason is because of the community where she is living. In a country or small towns you will have very limited options. Limited options less social life, smaller circle of friends, etc. If you have noticed she does not say, “I’m hanging out with my friends–unlike a.z.”, instead she says, “I went to a mall and served myself with the costliest coffee and cake”. This means circle of “close friends” around her has small radius.

    Honestly, I tend analyse this situation like this: if 100 is the critical emotional outburst limit. You might be living on 80 because there is no one around your and only 20 more units of emotional stimulation from anywhere will reach you to the critical value. This text message might be 30 or 40 units of emotional stimulation. Honestly, this is how I analyse this situation.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I occasionally read random psychological article available on internet. They say that men usually have harder time after the breakups. Women in general know how to deal with their emotions because they already live with emotions. Men live in a more logical world but once they enter the emotional world because of breakup for example, they are strangers to that world.

    I should give an example of myself here–even till now I tend to think about the logical reason(s) for my breakup. I couldn’t come to the best conclusion yet. However, about 7 months ago when it was fresh I asked a girl friend’s advice. She said that there are occasions that she does things for no reasons. She has already accepted the fact that she does things for no reasons, so she does not look for reasons in other people’s behavior too. I mean if she can’t find it straightaway, she concludes that there is no reason. I even remember a sentence by a.z. here. She said there is no reasons for breakups and I was like, “she must be joking, there is a reason for everything”.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469
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