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  • #20953
    • Total Posts: 778

    I wanted everything to be perfect for the baby and it wasn’t. I’m just not ready to be a mom πŸ™‚

    I definitely want to share everything with you guys. The only reason I haven’t been busy here was that I wanted to be more satiable emotionally and now I absolutely am πŸ˜€

    So I was tripping with Julian and I started missing my ex. We talked and he was blaming everything on me again and I was about to lose my mind so I stopped talking to him again and this time I blocked his number and I never talked to him again and I really don’t care about him/ his feelings anymore.

    Things weren’t going well so I broke up with Julian. He wanted me to keep the baby and he was looking for a serious relationship and everything scared the hell out of me so I ended it and now I’m really fine.

    I also met a new guy who is totally awesome but its a little complicated. I’m thinking of moving to London and he hasn’t asked me out yet lol so I don’t know how it is gonna be with him. FYI, he is my bestfriend’s friend. We spent couple of days together. I kinda knew he was into me but he said nothing so I asked his phone number, we started texting, he didn’t ask me out so I did and he said he he liked me but he didn’t want to do anything to risk his friendship with my bestfriend. ( my bestfriend is a guy and he is not ok with me dating his friends) . I played it cool and then I stopped texting him for a while. Then after a few days he said he wants to go out with me( I don’t know if I should call it a date ) he keeps saying how much he likes me etc but I really can’t read his mind.

    So this was my new story. What do you guys think? πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 191

    Wow. Potential partners do come to you easily dont they? Ik sorry about what happened between you ans Julian. But i think its for the best. Now the new guy, i think you should take it slow. Get a break from relationships and intimacy. Like try to breathe first. It may help you. Just always do what makes you happy ok?
    So tell me. How did you become emotionally satiable? What did you do? Maybe i cna try it and help me too. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 133


    I think we can manage to become emotionally satiable by cutting off some people in our lives. No matter how selfish it may seem, you would have to. Because it will drag you down in the long run. Let go of what no longer serves you. Not because you have to but because you want to ☺

    • Total Posts: 133

    A. Z.

    Hi. I feel bad for Julian for he lost the baby and wanted to be with someone serious but you know you are not the one because you aren’t ready to settle yet.

    As with the new guy, what makes you think you are ready for him? What if the same thing happened with that new guy? You said you are not in for something serious, may I call it a hook up then?

    If you want to head on with the new guy, I think you have to consider the ff.:
    * Is he in for something serious? (bec if yes, it won’t last long since you are not ready for it)
    * Do you really like him? (bec if not you might be wasting time and emotion to someone you really are not into but of course you can work it out and might like him later on)
    * Are you both looking at the same perspective? (it has to be clear to him what you would want and what you wouldn’t go for so as to avoid future pain in either of you)

    I agree with Daniel to give yourself a break. Having someone new to admire you is very overwhelming. But try to pause for a while and assess what you really wanted. Good luck, honey!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    WOWWW! RAED you are psychoanalyzing her! I think you are right–pushing too hard usually turn out to bounce back.

    Do you guys still analyze what went wrong? TO be honest, after that hatred period my mind still tries to analyze the reasons for the breakup. (BTW: I saw her car passing by me yesterday–she’s here in town–no California LOL). In Kevin’s emails he had listed insecurity and lack of attraction the most important reasons.

    I think there was a slight drift after an incident. Last year these days, she asked me what should we do these holidays and I told her sex for sure. While eating dinner after some hours, I saw tears in her eye–she didn’t tell me why. Later she told me that she thinks that I’m using her. After a few days things became alright. Today, I was thinking maybe it was the reason and after that day she looked for evidences to ascertain her assumption. Well, if you look for something like this you will find it.

    I am also good at reading people but I’m not good at making the best decision-my actions are light. Anyway, I think what I found today was one of the main reasons–yes, there is probably more than one reason!

    RAED any opinion?

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I just realized the musics you listen make you feel a lot different about the whole reality. No more classical pope–back to my favorite trans! I recommend it if you are not a trans listener!

    • Total Posts: 133

    ROBOT 3

    I had even looked up to the dictionary for the meaning of psychoanalyzing! Ha ha. I am familiar with the word but no one here use it often. Who am I psychoanalyzing, is it A. Z.? ☺

    To be honest, I also don’t know what went wrong in our relationship. My ex knows but I wasn’t informed. But since she’s selfish then I just let her keep it to herself. Ha ha!

    Same as you, I am so fond of making love to her. That at one point she asked me if that’s all I want from her. It’s like a cold water had been poured on my head that I didn’t do anything sexually inviting for a month to prove her it’s not all I want.

    You are right, it might have shaken the foundation when the ex’s started questioning us about it. But I believe it is not all but just a part. So moral lesson next time is to just do sex when you are both at the mood to do it. Otherwise, we will be faced w the same question. Ha ha!

    As they say there are some things in life that you better yet leave broken. All we have to do is to accept the fact that we were left hanging by the ex’s. Bec sometimes there are questions that are better left unanswered or we wished we didn’t ask. I never had the closure I wanted and it’s really hard bec it is like an open book, an unfinished ending, that no matter how much I try to end, it just keep coming back at times. But as I’ve told Rihanna, sometimes no closure is still a closure. So yeah

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    You are right! Thanks! For some reason it feels good coming on this site–it seems most of breakups are a like. I think apart from making the deadly mistake of getting over drunk in last week except last 2 days I have been over listening to classical pop music too!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey peeps,

    Just want to vent and say

    I feel sooooooooooooooooooooo sad and lonely πŸ™ …

    After having deleted this guy’s number from my phone I received a xmas text from him yesterday saying ‘merry xmas sweetheart have a good day! x’ and I just replied with merry xmas to you and your family x. But what’s the point? why did he text me after I have blocked him out of my mind… I know he’s not into me and I’m ok with that but now I’m back to square one with emotions etc… and want to know what this guy’s up to? Please Raed you’re my adviser since you’ve been adviserzoned hehehe… I know it’s just a courtesy text on xmas but WHY? what’s the point if he wants nothing to do with me?

    AZ I envy your courage to move on quickly from people. I get attached to people I meet like an idiot almost immediately… I’m so embarrassed!

    This text of his has made me sad again, all over again…

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    Assuming that he is not into you, the main reason for texting you can be that he is bored and want to greet someone and get a greeting back. Also, since you have applied NC on this guy too, he probably thinks that you have no feelings for him and might be using this excuse to ascertain it. I think this is the ugly rule of attraction that whoever “does not like” more will eventually get more “likes” in a relationship. Pretend unaffected and ignore his mind game. Eventually, you will be fine.

    I might have read somewhere that those people who get attached easier than others had more caring parents (especially moms) when they were infants.

    BTW: LOL–adviserzoned RAED!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Honestly, I also like RAED’s comments! There was another dude here long ago–Edward. He was also a fair adviser.

    • Total Posts: 67


    Thank you for your input! Ahhh I feel better today. No more feeling blue and so on. Hehe. I was out with family and friends too these days. After 6 weeks broke up, I realize more and more why it didn’t work out with my ex. I shouldn’t be sad actually. My head knows I should be thankful that I’m not ended up with such a creepy guy like him. But sometimes my heart wants what it wants. I sometime still have an idea or expectation that he will change although I know it’s impossible – or completely hard. But well, it’s his loss. I tried my effin best for him. πŸ™‚


    Darling, sorry about what youve been through. Thats how it works usually. When we think we moved on then suddenly those people will just pop out again in our life. You shouldnt reply him actually. Because thats what I did too to my ex and after that I feel sad again for a week or so. Damn it. Hang on girl. You’ll meet the right one when you’re ready. I know how it feels when we’re attached to someone and actually I’m such a girl whos not easily move on. But reality slaps my face. I should wake up. I deserve someone better and so do you. Ignore him. Don’t let him ruin you again xxx

    Robot 3,
    I agree with you about the music and stuff. Well I am starting accept everthin what had happened with my ex. I stop to analyze more and more whats going on. I hope its a good way for my peace. Hehe. I was wondering is it true that men moved on way faster than women. Because men tend to think logically while women are sensitive etc. I don’t know. I just hope you can live better and not so attached with drinking and stuff. Just a little advice because I care about you guys.

    • Total Posts: 209

    Thank you Robot 3 and Loreley for your advice… I’m so happy for you Loreley that you have a more positive outlook today than few days ago and are going strong πŸ™‚

    I hate to whinge but I don’t know what to do with myself today… my family especially my sister is looking down on me and gloating even for having lived a ‘sheltered life’ and not have had lots of boyfriends like she did and now she thinks she has a ‘perfect life’ and I’m “dependent” and “struggling” … well, I can’t wait to go on my holiday soon…

    I think what upsets me most about this guy who texted is that he acted very keen and got family involved BIG MISTAKE because I think I’m disappointed that he’s hurt my pride more than anything… And there are so many beautiful girls out there who are younger and more beautiful and smarter and stronger than me I’m all ready to give it all up! I thought I liked this guy but maybe I feel hurt still that I see him an escape from my situation and my life … Anyway, should I delete his number again? or should I do it in the new year as a fresh start?

    Anyway, I’m so sorry for whinging like this again… you’ve all been great support. I pray to God that we will pull through this hurt and come out the other end on top of the world! All my love xx

    • Total Posts: 209

    But I still would like to hear Raed‘s advice … I love his personality analysis and I can’t wait to hear what he thinks about this guy and his stupid xmas texting out of the blue

    • Total Posts: 67

    It’s my pleasure Rihanna πŸ™‚

    I think you better delete his number and try to meet other people as a fresh start for 2015. You dont need to hate him. Just try to focus on yourself that right guy will love you the way how you deserve to be loved. We tend to think there will be always a girl who might be more beautiful than us outside, or younger etc etc. But who cares? Everyone is unique in their own way. Physical things won’t last. Because sooner or later chemistry is all what we need. How we understand each other. How we fulfill the emptiness of each other. How we respect and how we treat each other. How we take and give and so on. Love shouldn’t hurt. Love shouldn’t be complicated. People do.

    Stay strong girl! xxx

    Couldn’t agree more with Rihanna. I love the way how Raed gave advices. Haha!!

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