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  • #19308
    • Total Posts: 67

    Rihanna!! Thank you. I’m smiling to read your answer. Such a warm feeling to know I’m not alone ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am stick to my reasons why I left him in the first place. He might show off he moved on, happy and whatsoever. But I am sure he’s now regretting that He even cant be friends with me.

    I am not ready yet to have a date with someone else even some guys already asked me out haha. Is that normal? How’s your love life now, Rihanna?

    I think in the end of the year I will lift up my glass and drink all of the sorrowness and bad dramas and be thankful that all the nightmares have ended. Be ready for new chapters of 2015!!

    I will pray for everyone too here. It would be good if we could stay in touch xxx

    • Total Posts: 209

    Love your spirit Loreley, keep it up girl! ๐Ÿ™‚ … No love life for me, went on a couple of dates with a guy and it’s over I think haha… (I might be wrong but not sure I want it anymore which is sad)…

    I agree, I couldn’t be happier that this year is over and i pray to God that 2015 will be better in everything, I’m so tired of feeling sad all the time and broken hearted ๐Ÿ™

    All the best for you and keep us updated ๐Ÿ™‚ Big love xx

    • Total Posts: 191

    Honey i feel you. Lets make our 2015 a good year and leave abd bury all the hurt and pain an bad things that happened to us this year. Lets not carry it over. I missed you. Good luck! Dont worry too much about your lovelife. It will come sooner or later just realx abd enjoy for now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 67

    Yes, couldn’t agree more with Daniel. The right man will come in the right time. Chin up, Rihanna! xx

    • Total Posts: 209

    Thank you so much Daniel and Loreley ๐Ÿ™‚

    Daniel, omg I miss you so much! how’s it going? How is your love life these days?hopefully much better than mine HA!

    I don’t know why I just feel sooooooooooo lonely and EMPTY! how can someone whom I’ve known for a month or so make me feel that way I wonder? or I don’t think it’s him or anyone in particular per se but the feeling of belonging to something or someone… it’s nice to be in a couple than to be completely alone but this guy acted very keen for few weeks and then disappeared… Truth is, he’s not someone I can see myself with or that I didn’t get the chance to know him well either way I shouldn’t be feeling sad because of him… I’m sad in general I think and xmas isn’t helping much either…

    Well, I was walking down the mall few days ago and a guy chased me down the street, stopped me and told me that he thought I’m very beautiful haha… He asked me for a coffee which of course I declined cos he seemed ‘different’ … put a smile on my face for a minute but I don’t think that’s reason enough to improve the way I feel about my life… I’m mainly sad because I’ve decided to finish my studies where I am before moving back to the city if at all… that’s gonna take another year ๐Ÿ™ … But I might go for a few weeks in the new year and see how I feel about it all again.

    Anyway, I’ll be celebrating xmas with family and NYE with myself although I’ll be surrounded by family and friends I feel lonely ๐Ÿ™

    What about you guys? how are you celebrating your holidays? I hope with lots of booze and partying woohoo! I pray to God that 2015 will bring us the happiness this year couldn’t afford us… I’m glad this year is over but it’s also up to us to make changes for better times… Lots of love xxx

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey Everyone! I just bought a two way ticket to Sydney for 7 nights in mid January ๐Ÿ˜€ … I’m so afraid that I’ll fall in love with the city all over again and though I couldn’t afford to live there will just stay there, quit my school here and do it all from there hehehehe… But I did purchase a RETURN ticket 7 nights and back to ghost land ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 67

    Hey Rihanna. Sounds great. Idk yet what to do to celebrate new years eve. Either with fam or friends. But no matter what I know myself I’ll still feel something lost although surrounded by great people around me.

    Where are you living now? I was thinking to find summer course too next year and more focus with my study. Because he was never support me to study. He always thought I waste my time. Crazy.

    • Total Posts: 209

    Crazy indeed… yes, study is great and can get you places in life ๐Ÿ™‚ … I live in South Australia what about you?

    I feel you I’m the same… I’m surrounded by family this holidays and i feel empty… I wish I was in love this xmas and with someone great! alas, we never get what we wish for hehe…

    Happy holidays my sweet… This cloud we’re experiencing shall pass soon so enjoy being single while you can xxx

    • Total Posts: 67

    I live in Jakarta, Indonesia ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t be sad, your right one is on the way to you. In the right time he will arrive!

    Spend more time with family and friends. We will feel more thankful then. They love us. They accept how we are.

    I was walking down the street from university today. I was looking up to sky and realized I’m still alive through the pain and imagination of him. I said to myself at least I tried hard. But once it’s not meant to be then it’ll never be. I hope I can stick to this thought so I won’t breakdown again on some random sleepless nights. Million reasons why I should gave him up since long time ago. Now I finally did. I believe no things are just a coincidence. Everything has reason.

    Happy holidays to you too darling! xx

    • Total Posts: 67

    Btw rihanna, it would be cool if we could talk through personal email sometimes? Haha. Or maybe even become FB friends. Because who knows oneday I’ll leave this site.. x

    • Total Posts: 133

    HI GUYS!

    It’s been a while. I’ve been so busy at work. Happy holidays and I miss you Oldies <3

    • Total Posts: 133


    Hi, Honey. You haven’t moved on yet? Too bad. I’m happy and better eithout her but I am still mad at her that even during friends gathering I wouldn’t acknowledge her presence. My friends tease me that I am bitter, I told them that I just finally come to my senses to diss her. Ha ha!

    • Total Posts: 133


    Honey, i think the reason why you are sad is because you haven’t fully learned being happy alone. I know it’s cliche but I think you don’t love yourself enough.

    As I’ve always said before you shouldn’t put your key to happiness in someone else’s pocket. You should be comfortable being on your own so when some right man comes, it would be a matter of because you want him not bec of necessity.

    I have had some flings which made me really happy at times but when they suddenly go silent and no contact at all, I don’t feel sad. I Just move on.

    I don’t have plans yet of being in a relationship bec I feel more uplifted and achieved celebrating with my family and friends โ˜บโ˜บ

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Hey Peeps,

    I have been reading your posts lately but had nothing to say.

    7 months down the road now! First 4 months NC and magic letters. Last 3 months avoiding her–hated her.

    It’s been a couple of days that I miss her and I am curious to know if she is dating anyone. After thinking for hours I found a mutual friend on Facebook from whom I can ask if she is dating anyone–Only pictures with pets and other girls. As far as I know about her, she will share some pictures if she is in a relationship! Maybe there is nothing official.

    It seems like today I escaped the “kick in the balls”.


    I truly feel you! Good days are coming!

    • Total Posts: 67

    Long story short, my ex joined a well-known dating site. He said heโ€™s looking for life partner. Wow wow wow. Heโ€™s looking for someone whos into serious relationship. He voted for many pictures of many girls. Whatโ€™s going on? I asked myself for few minutes before closed my screen. Is he really over me? I am now typing while no crying. I feel numb. Idk if itโ€™s good or not. I hope it is. Seems like my ex fiancรฉ is really fine without me. Already. After only 5 weeks. After he said I’m still special? F@ck.

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