Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #17500
    • Total Posts: 67

    I somehow agree with Joe. Haizz now I feel much better. 3 weeks passed. I even sometimes really enjoyed my daily routines and distracted. I realized more what I decided (left him) was the right thing. I might be just stick with the memories. It doesn’t mean I need him back in my life. I try to forgive and accept the reality. All because of NO CONTACT indeed hehe. It helps!!

    I hope everyone is doing fine. I’m new in here but i wanna thank joe, val, larebound who gave me support/reply my stories. Lol. Xx

    • Total Posts: 67

    Oh and also for Dara :p xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    Chief, we are on the same page about almost everything you mentioned! “Do NC and move on… No magic letters…”–this is what I believe now. I had surfed some other sites too and now, the idea of “magic letter” seems to be impractical to me unless your ex is a complete retard to not get the ulterior motive. The law of attraction is simple but cruel–don’t give a sh!t and you’ll get the lion’s share!

    The incident that she maneuvered in front of me in the gym made me think! Either she is extremely psychopath or she wanted to attract my attention and I’m sure that the girl who accompanied her knew Who I am. Fortunately, I left the in a minute. It was last week around 1 a.m. at night that I was walking towards my home from a party near her house. She passed by me. It made me think until about a minute later some drunk girls “cat called” me from their apartments which made me make some positive feelings.


    Think about the negative characters that your ex had and save yourself from this pain. Believe me that first days are hard and you’ll have difficulties in pointing them out but once they are out, they’ll change you!

    • Total Posts: 142

    Hi everyone

    Dara and Daniel great to see you guys still active on these forums. I have had a quick flick through the last few pages to see what has been happening with this thread. So nice to see new people taken on the role of the ‘Oldies’ now that the majority of us have moved on.

    Dara, you hit the nail on the spot to how I was feeling a few months ago about this forum being very addictive and I was struggling to move on with life. Everyday for months I was obsessing over a plan to win my Ex back. It wasn’t good for where I needed to be

    Joe, In hind sight I agree with you about NC. For those who know I sent the magic letter after 40 days of NC and got nothing. The negative pessimist in me tells me that life experience teaches me is that the plan of 30 days NC etc doesn’t work and Joe you are right. Forget about her and don’t give a shit, move on with life and maybe she will come back. But at the end day you won’t care if she doesn’t.

    I have had a couple of busy months and felt overall I have been in a great place. I went on an awesome holiday early October to the South Island of NZ. I caught up with a friend for a week then travelled around for a bit. I think that was the time I let go…or so I thought.

    I got myself involved with a group as a volunteer/big brother mentor that works with children who are being bullied at school. Its only one night a week, but I love it as I am making real difference in these kids lives and has certainly help me not think about my Ex.

    I went on a couple of dates with a girl when I got back from my holiday, but there was no chemistry. So I canned that. Sure it gave me feelings of missing my Ex, but not enough to do anything about it.

    Last month, I meet another girl at a party and we danced for the night and talked on a park bench for a couple of hours after the party. It was awesome as she was attractive and there was chemistry between us. I got her number and we went on a date, where she dropped the bombshell that she was one of these extreme Christians and believes in not having sex before marriage and wants to only date other Christians. But she would make it work if I was interested in going to church with her. So yeah, that didn’t happen.

    Overall, I thought I was doing fine, until yesterday, when I heard through the grapevine that my Ex is dating someone and has been for the last 2 months. It was a big kick in the balls and I feel like I back in the same old place again. I couldn’t even sleep last night, I was awake all night thinking about her and what went wrong and all I was thinking about today was her. Also I haven’t had sex since her and that’s 6 months of many lonely nights

    It was hard to hear as when my Ex broke up with me it was all about how she was super busy and want to focus on her career for a couple of years and not date. That I was the perfect guy for her, just she didn’t want to be in a relationship. However 6 months later she is in a serious relationship with someone else.

    It tough because from what I hear she is very happy and I am happy for her. Just it has left me wondering where the fuck is the girl of my dreams. She found new love so easily and I am still left wondering what the fuck is happening with my love life. I have nothing on the horizon. Major depression has set in today and I am in a massive funk, so I thought I would come on here and see what people were up to. Maybe brighten myself up a bit

    Anyway, the one good thing I love about these forums is it is a great place to vent and not be judged. I probably be around for the next couple of days or so letting off some frustration until I get my heart back in the right place.

    BTW Dara I got an email from Rihanna about a month ago and she is doing great. She has met a real nice guy in Adelaide and things are slowly progressing there

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I think it’s natural to feel sad about ex falling into a new relationship and you haven’t. However, just like a kick in the balls, it won’t last long–I’m sure. I’m truly glad that you went on some dates.

    Oh man! I don’t like sounding lofty or naive at the same time, but I had great ego-boosters lately–yet no sex (since 2 months ago). A couple of weeks ago I got sandwiched between two chicks in an event. LOL I had met one in a party and I could tell that she likes me. The second one–I had never talked to her before but she looked sexy to me. I was watching her, then a smile and out of nowhere she was in front of me–“I think we have met before”–we both agreed and eventually, I was on a table with two new girls around me! Yeahhhhh!!

    Today, a girl asked me if we can go to gym together. I was like, “though she has great eyes, but she doesn’t have real good boobs”. So I told her that I usually don’t do cardiac…

    Okay, seriously, I was obsessed until the day I talked to her in her office–I would have cut my hair the way she liked, wear the clothes that she like hoping that one day she would like me again–f**k that kind of retarded perception of reality. Now, I’m wearing or acting the way I like! The man is back!!

    I guess she’s gone for me, but I’m not sure about how I would feel if one day someone confirm me that she’s dating someone.

    Anyway, I’m glad for Rihanna! She was nicer than getting trapped in this “NC thing” (though we all are nice enough).

    • Total Posts: 32

    HI Joe, actually between me and my ex, everything was going on well till we broke up. She felt that I hurt her during the end days of while we are hanging on to each other, which I don’t blame her for that too because it is partially my own behavior that caused that too. I just couldn’t give her the benefits that I normally would to my gf, thats how i make my girl special from anyone else. I guess its her self defense mechanism that she hate me in order to forget me and I allowed myself to be a doormat. Of course I would never allow that to happen again and yet also, if we could get back together, i know she was never a person like this to begin with. Oh well, sounds like i’m writing in her defense and like i’m confused between my mind and reality.

    Yeah Dara, Certainly she has some bad qualities like everyone does since we are human. However when I was with her, i knew about them and accepted both her good and bad qualities as who she was. Its just hard to think of the bad qualities and hate her using them. Just aint really in my DNA to hate a person man. Hence suffering this way. Now that I’ve got my rebound, it makes things worse that I miss my ex even more. Hahaha… What a complicated life.

    Its definitely great to see how you guys are getting on well and kicking asses… Yeah, this is definitely a nice place to come back once in a while to see how’s everyone doing and moving on with our lives…

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Ok, just a side-note on “magic letter”:

    When I met my ex after this retarded NC, she said, “if you have accepted the breakup, what the hell are you now doing in my office now?”–I felt f**kin’ retarded. Magic letters are meant for break–not breakups!

    Val and Steve,

    TBH, you are the ones who care for real love, feelings or whatsoever this f**k is called. I tip my hat for you guys.

    Last week I talked to my roommate on how a “man” can became a doormat and I realized that whenever he said that he was in the same situation, he wasn’t acting polite. In fact he was a doormat too and doormats are everywhere!


    I could predict all this happen to you after reunification. I think there a certain personalities that make a doormat out of others including your ex (and present gf) and my ex. My ex tried to make a doormat out of me from the first days we dated. For some reasons I was so high that I did not allow her to. Joe, at some point we have to get naked and show all our weaknesses–this is what worries me, if there is gonna be any unification. I can’t act super-strong for my whole life in front of my better-side. You know what I mean? I can’t live with an opportunist for my whole life–it sucks man.

    About sex Joe, I don’t miss anything anymore but there is one thing that I regret. In one of our first dates she asked me to have sex in her office. It would have been my first time f**kin’ a gf on her office desk–I said later–regrets! But there is no more regrets.


    I am not obsessed and I’m over my ex! I just comment here simply because I like commenting where my real life friends do not exist!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Sorry for typos up there, someone is a bit drunk!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Apologies everyone, my comments lately seem impolite! Special regards to our homie–Daniel!

    • Total Posts: 191

    Why change name to robot? Lol

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hello Oldies πŸ™‚ … I miss you all especially the old oldies haha… Dara, Steve, Daniel, Raed, a.z etc… (sorry if I forgot someone it’s been a while)…

    I just thought I’d drop in and say hi πŸ™‚ … Lots has changed and yet nothing at all on my end… things seem to be moving forward definitely over the ex though he’s not over me it seems haha but we’re really good friends now and that’s all I want cos I have no emotions for him…

    How about you guys? what’s been happening in a nutshell?

    Steve, thanks heaps for the email and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can. Big love to all xxx

    • Total Posts: 209

    ps: I just realised that Robot is Dara, how? by his comment “I got sandwiched between two chicks” hahahaha… I love you dara you always make me happy πŸ™‚ … Good for you xx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Ha ha ha ha… Daniel, as usual I was drunk and it was a drunk decision! I had this name in my head and lots of other names too! You guys don’t know how much my consumption of alcohol is and that my body does not get alcohol poisoned even if I drink 1 liter of vodka in an hour! Robot is the name of a chess engine on a chess server. In fact, it’s Robot 3.

    Yeahhhhh!!! Robot is Dara!!!

    I think poets might understand me Rihanna!! ha ha ha ha…

    • Total Posts: 209

    That’s right Dara πŸ˜‰ … I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself too

    • Total Posts: 209

    Dear Oldies, especially guys: Please give me your advice. How many of you (men) would think this text is attractive ‘I have to reply’ and how many of you would think otherwise and why?

    Text: “I just had a life changing burger. Almost sexual!”

    Ok, what do you guys think of the text? what would you think or feel if you received it from a girl you liked but not sure anymore? How would you react?

    Thank you so much for your help… yep, I’m still as silly as ever Aaaaargh! I hope Raed reads this one lol

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