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  • #13999
    • Total Posts: 32

    Yeah RAED and Whena, I believe thats more of the hatred mechanism in me right now. Not much of the love as I dont wanna be hurt this way ever again, yet I hated how she could break up with me when she said I was the type of man she want to marry. Damn lies. And yeah, I’m pretty much bitter just like how RAED is feeling and still it will be gone some day. Just annoyed how things that she said before which I held on seriously didnt mean to matter at the end of the day.

    Thanks Dara.

    • Total Posts: 70

    oh i admire you guy’s ahhaah having heartache hahha

    hope my man thinking of me too while his in two days in his new gf grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    • Total Posts: 32

    Yeah Daniel, I totally agree with you. Best part is my ex removed herself emotionally before I even started and still continued to hang out with me while slowing pushing away whereas I was trying to pull myself towards her. End of the day, she made it seem like I was at fault for not making the effort, when its all because you didnt want the relationship, yet how do you expect me to treat you specially like how I would as to a gf? Sometimes these girls dont even understand themselves.

    • Total Posts: 191

    Well well whena. Surprise surprise. Me and raed are from the philippines and were both having classes at makati city. :))

    • Total Posts: 191

    But the point is. I’ve learned a lot. I too her for granted. I wish i never made those mistakes but i did. Thats why my next girlfriend would be so damn lucky coz i have changed a lot.

    • Total Posts: 73

    DARA, Daniel, RAED, ALL,

    WHAT’S UP!!! I love that “50 ways to say bye” video (thanks dara). I hope everyone has been doing well. I see this forum has been really active lately.

    There’s been so many things learned in my experience through this break up, here are some of my keys:

    *Your brain wants to only remember the good of every relationship and will conveniently forget the bad. Ultimately creating a false image of the relationship in your head. “Not seeing the full picture and only what you want to see”

    *After the relationship, your body/mind want to recover as quick as possible. One of the first things it tries to recover is self confidence (especially with men). So getting numbers and flirting is completely normal. This also includes hooking up with people. However, its not fulfilling and will never be. BUT AGAIN, NORMAL!!

    * Learning how to be alone and working on yourself is the best things to do in this situation. Don’t force a relationship (ITS TOUGH…I KNOW!!!) but the right person will come on their own. Once you’ve got yourself in the right place and in the right mind frame that person will magically appear.. If they haven’t yet, then you’re not there yet..

    *Take things very slow in your new relationships, if you see signs of something you don’t agree with or nessaraily don’t like… LEAVE!! RUN!! BREAK IT OFF ASAP!! People don’t change, and your only subjecting yourself to future pain and trouble. I repeat, PEOPLE DON”T CHANGE…

    There’s probably an endless amount of things one can learn from a bad breakup, those are just a few of what I learned. My story is all over this website, its pretty interesting if you get a chance to read it (similar to DARA’s). Even my high and mighty ex after 3 months of NC has started making calls to me… Nothing that shes owned up to, all have been private and no talking… just listening to my voice say “hello”. Kinda feels good knowing that shes the one who ended up contacting me. Most importantly, I don’t want her back!! Don’t get me wrong, I still think and miss her; but I don’t want her. She’s a no good bitch that will just repeat everything all over again. I deserve better and will find better..


    Your messages refer to recent communication between you and your ex. I don’t recommend it, but it sounds like you can easily get him back. I WOULDN’T!!! Because he sounds like a douche and the pattern will repeat… BUT if you want him back, do strict NC for at least 1-2 months and you’ll find him running back.. WHY?? #1 your a girl and if you read these posts and just have a general understanding of this whole thing its WAY easier for women to get their exes back. #2 He keeps communicating with you, he obviously still wants you a part of his life. Cut off COMPLETE contact and you’ll see HUGE changes…

    p.s. NO CAPS and proof read your messages…


    • Total Posts: 191

    What’s up? Its good to hear from you. Break up is magical see? You realize a lot of things. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 70


    OH really good to hear you give me another hope yep i never contact him but its look like he can’t start a days two days without talking to me. he have a gf now but he still sending me message..just like yesterday he talk to my sister on viber my sis no idea why he know her viber then sis told him i have bf so he send me message asking if i got bf and don’t lie to me he said that.

    i miss him so much…but i want to stop talking to him and make him realized that he still love me and he find his way to be with me..i still hope for that.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    I’m doing good. I go to parties and get drunk on weekends. For other parts, I work hard to improve my life and hope that one day she’ll think that she made a f**kin retarded decision.

    I think I am missing a good sex–no kidding but on the whole I’m glad that my b**chy ex is not around. It makes me sick when I think of the doormat that I had become. F**k her!


    Sorry, I’m not sexist or anything such but it makes me feel good when I call her b**ch in virtual world or in my mind. Also f**k her friends! I believe that she had some retarded friends who didn’t like me. F**k them too!

    • Total Posts: 70

    hehehe i like your bitterness words the way you call her..that kind of hatred make you realized that u dn’t deserver her instead of treasuring your memories together.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Something strange happened last night when I went to gym and it occupied some part of my head.

    After avoiding my ex for 2 months and a couple of weeks more, I happened to see her with a new (girl) friend in the gym last night. Last night was a slight mistake because that time overlapped with her gym time. I saw her! But the whole time I did my best to not acknowledge her presence with my looks. I kept my head down and looked at the floor for most of the time. Just for a moment I witnessed her a tread-mill on the second floor through the window. She could see me but in order to avoid any eye contacts or even acknowledgement I did my f**kin best to look nowhere but the floor and went under second floor’s ceiling to avoid any inadvertent mistakes. However, to my amusement, my ex and this girl came to the first floor and started working out on a bench right in front of me! This is the second time I’m seeing her coming to the first floor where usually guys work out.

    Well, we made eye contacts. I even made eye contacts with her new friend which meant that she had introduced me to her earlier before they come to the first floor. I f**kin hate it but my brain tries to analyze it. I am afraid my brain make some optimistic conclusions. I’m afraid my brain conclude that there might still be something among us. I’m afraid the my brain trick me and put me in trouble. F**k her! She’s a cute short devil who f**ked my brain and ran over me again and again.

    • Total Posts: 70

    ahaahh how hard you try to ignore her.. you can’t help and its getting worse act normal :)..

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    I don’t know what is normal but I know life without her is much better. I also don’t trust my brain. It has proved me to be unreliable. I should also add that these thoughts haunted me before 6 pm today–before I met my friends and got socially involved.

    You know acting normal is hard when emotional part of you want to ask her, “how are you doing lately?”. I don’t like her, I like the idea of her–something wrong with me!!

    • Total Posts: 70

    you make me smile about wht happen to you its looks like your ex trying to catch your attention and then you try to ignore her as much as you can :)..

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    I’m not sure about her intentions! I used to think the same thing last time but when I tried to talk to her, she threatened me to call police. I’m more afraid of my illusions.

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