Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #8629
    • Total Posts: 191

    Thank you for always being there buddy hehe.

    I think you should completely avoid you ex from now on. Imagine if you are in the new guy’s shoes. Would you want to be with someone who still has some feelings and communication with their ex? I think you wouldnt. Plus the new guy is serious that is why he is hurt by the fact that that your ex still calls you. Hes just hurt not mad or immature.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I have spent a lot of time on this site! I don’t know how it started but I made this site a part of my life! I don’t comment on any other threat though! I don’t read any new story! This site is like a hospital! People come with hopes! Some get what they want but others need to accept the fact that it’s all over!

    Missing ex is something normal! I believe even a.z. misses her ex! Yet she is a good example of missing someone but not wanting him back! If I was this new guy I would have thought the same! It’s a little annoying to see if a potential partner carries baggage from her previous life! I understand that guy!


    Have you started smoking and drinking after that 1 month of NC? LOL

    • Total Posts: 778

    You are right.I’m thinking of blocking his number but is this the right thing to do?i’m really sick of him i’m not even answering his calls or texts but i read his texts and everytime it makes me feel bad.I know i have to put myself before him but i really don’t wanna make him feel worse.

    I know the new guy is hurt but i told him i want to take everything slow so many times.He is looking for a serious relationship and i think its too soon to start a relationship.My dad thinks he is too old for me actually he never likes my boyfriends LOL but he says i need some time without any pressure then i can meet new guys and find mr right.

    I like this guy but he doesn’t really know me enough.Thats why i think nothing is normal.

    no,i don’t smoke haha but i can drink once a week.

    • Total Posts: 191

    I feel the same buddy. We are now a part of this thread. This friendship we had made. We grew strong together. And got back on our feet with each others help.

    You said it yourself. It makes you feel bad. So why stick around your ex? It’s his fault that you realized that you have to move on and live without him. Dont feel bad for him. Feel bad for yourself that you have allowed yourself to be controlled emotionally by someone who dumped you in the first place. You’re lucky there is already someone who appreciates yo and wants to be with you seriously.

    • Total Posts: 778

    I blocked his number.I’m going out with the new guy in an hour.I will tell him that i won’t talk to my ex ever again but i’m not sure about starting a serious relationship.I think its not just a title ,it should happen and it really takes time.

    • Total Posts: 778

    Thank you so much Daniel,you are such a good friend xoxo

    • Total Posts: 191

    It wi take aly of time. Nothing happens overnight. Just take it slow. Goodluck az. I hope you finally get to move on and be happy again. You’re beautiful and awesome. Your scar made you stronger and wiser. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 35


    Thats good to know what your doing with the new guy now, I undertand where ehs coming from as no-one likes anyone talking to their ex…Its natural for him to try to hide it a bit as itll be eating him up but wont want to spoil it with you.

    Like you said just tell him straight you want to take it slow, its the same with this enw girl she seems very intent on getting a boyf, (she even told me before i took her on a date) but thats not what I want.

    Someone told me before, that instead of reading their ex’s texts and feeling bad (like you are) as thats perfectly normal. what they would do is delete the text before even reading it. so they could never know what was in the text!…you cna try that! although I think you would need to be really strong to do that!! ha, I dont know if i could do it myself because curiosity would probs get the better of me ha.

    As for my ex, well if shes contacts me, NO!….im not going to reply ;), Im really really going to try and go at least 2 weeks without a reply ha. curse my good natured personality! ha.


    • Total Posts: 778

    Danile and FestivalDavid,
    I talked to him and he seems like he is ok with everything i said and he agreed that we should take it step by step :D.

    I blocked my ex yesterday.I feel better know i really couldn’t delete a text from him without reading it otherwise my curiosity could have killed me haha.

    I wish you all the best xoxo.Be strong and control your good self for a little while πŸ˜€

    Steve,Rihanna,Raed ,
    I miss you

    I love you everyone xoxo

    • Total Posts: 191

    az and festival david,
    Wheb it cones to exes. Always remember.
    What you don’t know won’t hurt you. It would be so much better if we dont know or hear anything from our exes. Because they will always have a soft spot in our hearts. Atleast for a long time.

    Az, im glad that new guy understands you. Its really just about good communication. Goodluck. πŸ˜‰

    • Total Posts: 161

    Positive vibes here!

    So I’ve come to the point that I still had feelings for my ex, but I am ok to live without him πŸ™‚ Plus the “mutual” friend made a lot of things complicated, so I drove 6 hours (crazy huh?) to his place last night and now I’m back home πŸ™‚ (Aw I am crazy!)

    This is really a good choice. I got to see him, and realized that his reasons for break-up is real. And that he is really not ready for any kind of relationship. He’s been too stressed out and he still couldn’t sleep well. He really needs to be alone for a while. Best wished for him! I actually said goodbye with a smile on my face πŸ™‚

    I can’t predict anything in the future, but I am ready to put all my attention on myself now – for MY OWN GOOD! My ex was pretty smart, he mentioned something like “I am really happy that you’re doing better, but you didn’t get the phase that you’re joyful ALL BY YOURSELF”.

    And the things our mutual friend said, was all false. I knew it’s right to trust him πŸ™‚

    I’m happy that both of us are working on our lives on a right track, although we’re not together. I am happy that I loved such a wonderful guy.

    And I know that I’m worthy a lot of wonderful things, I just need to focus on myself first though. [For now I’ll put all my attention on getting a job]

    Especially I wanted to give thanks to A.z. We’ve emailed recently, and every single time her words make me feel a lot better and more calm. She’s absolutely amazing and she’s quiet a wonderful person, also with pretty face πŸ™‚ Thank you, thank you, thank you:)!

    Also I want to thank Dara! I haven’t talked here a lot recently, but I did check up on you guys. And Dara, how positive you are and how confident you are now just make me believe that no matter what I’ve been through, I’ll be fine.

    I am really thankful for this forum and the people here.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Hi sunnyinthegardn!

    I suggest you to change your name to sunshine_in_winter!

    I’m glad about what you did! It was a brave decision! Now you know where you stand!

    I should say that I did not miss her or think about her since she threatened call police upon me! That was really ugly and cheap! It made me think that all the time we spent together was meaningless and nothing real! She does not think like humans I met or see around me! She really tainted her picture in my mind by talking to the guy in gym pretending like he is her boyfriend (maybe he’s not but that makes it worse because she did it to hurt me)!

    I feel super-confident in these days! I don’t think about anyone! I think about myself! There are some new girls I’ve met! I don’t act desperate and needy for a girl or a relationship to be happy! Funny thing is that being indifferent is more attractive!!

    Last Saturday was fun! I met a nice girl on a trip! My ex was also there! We had good time taking selfies with each other! I did no pay any sh!t to my ex except that I found her watching us talking to each other once! I did not contact this new girl later but I sent her a Facebook message and invited her to an event this Saturday.

    Ridiculous update: On Sunday, my exes best friend posted a solo picture of my ex being happy! I was like, “f**k off, I won’t get attracted to this any more”. She deleted that picture in a few minutes and added an album entitled, “this is how we spent last couple of weeks” and it was my ex in it with her! I was like “I won’t pay any sh!t if she is single and spending her weekends with her best girl friend–no one had ever threatened to call police on me”. When I put it along with the idea that she used to write me hand written letter on how she loves me makes me sick of the whole situation!

    In these days I feel like I was never in relation with her and this is beyond evaluating confidence! Last night I was thinking about why did I want her back in the first place!

    I think saying goodbye to this site will be really tough–can’t think of it!! πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 161

    What—- Dara are you leaving here?!

    Aw you are such a great person! I would be sad if you left.. But I wish you all the best πŸ™‚

    And I’m sure you’re super attractive!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    ha ha ha… No! I am just a normal guy–just normal! I am doomed to be here! Just kidding!

    Enjoy this song, pack!!

    • Total Posts: 133


    Hey! I hope you wouldn’t mind if I do it in bold letters! Haha. I missed you all! I have been so busy and I just had my exams. So I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. I will still be busy because I will be hunting for a job. Welcome me into the adult life!

    Honestly, I am not interested in being a relationship. Not because I was badly hurt but from the single perspective, I wound never want to be bounded to someone. I enjoy my me time! And as I look back, beinh with her sucks!

    The ex is like clouds. Eversince she disappeared, it has been a brighter day!

    Don’t ever think that I have forgotten you. There’s a bigger chance to ditch the ex than to forget all of my oldies :*

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