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  • #7554
    • Total Posts: 161

    Also, Dara

    Thank you for giving me tips about how to ace exams after the breakup! I still remember your suggestions and they are so helpful!

    Staying at one place every day could remind me about bad feelings from yesterday. And I did change places and find another one to study with me to keep me on track!

    Thanks a lot!!!!

    • Total Posts: 297

    Thank you for the responses Dara and Daniel. Daniel I guess for me since we were together for 8 years, I always expected a reason from her for the breakup. I understand she doesn’t need to give me one,I guess I just hoped for more. In the beginning I asked for a solid reason and she didn’t really say much if anything. It’s been a long time since I asked for anything like that.

    Nice pick up line Dara, I got a laugh out of that. I’m not sure if I have a better chance, but at least she knows I still care even if it’s from a distance. If we do meet up I will do the eye contact and she how she responds to that. Thanks for the advice.

    • Total Posts: 778

    Thats just normal.And i totally understand you when you say you keep remembering the good things about your ex.


    I don’t think if you should drive 6 hours to meet him.I think you should continue NC for a longer time.Don’t care about what your mutual friend does/says.Your ex already knows that you are doing well.

    • Total Posts: 35

    Hey A.z

    Im really sorry to hear about the dirty trick your ex pulled. I dont care how much he misses you or anything, it was a dirty trick.

    At end of day, theres a difference between showing someone how much you care etc and well…just been selfish and wanting something you cant have.

    Your mutual friend should of just told him no, and left it at that because as much as he wants to help you both, its not helping you at all. and your ex should respect your decision….”Passenger – Let her go” lyrics

    Im sorry and glad to hear about the new guy…Its good that you got to see this side of him before anything serious.
    Theres a few things I would like to say from My opinion and from a guy.

    Its good that hes sticking up for himself etc and sounds like hes been mature about you needing more time etc, you dont want a bloke been a doormat and I would probably act the same way, Maybe not as angry as him though, but like you said you couldnt hide his emotion (anger) he probably couldnt hide his.

    I went through the same thing with my ex (the one im on this site for! ha)..she was with my best mate for 6 years and she was adamant how much she was over him etc and loved me, but I could still see her get angry about him even after 8 years, then when I told her how much he cheated on her and what not, she still felt HUGE emotions!…I know you care about your ex…that will never go away I dont think!…Like both my ex’s care about me, but they are happy in a relationship

    But he needs to understand this!..he surely should know if from what you described about him saying something about a relationship for 5 years or something…and yeah I dont know what his personality is like, but you know better then us how he came across in the conversation, whether he was too angry etc.

    I think your handling it very well and if things dont go well with this new guy as in neither of you talk again, its an experience…but dont let your ex ruin things for you in this or the next date guy etc.

    Was a last resort to stir emotions up in you and if hesaw you cry etc that will give him a bit of comfort.

    Just carry on as you were!! Best of luck a.z


    • Total Posts: 778

    Thank you so much xoxo you’re absolutely right about everything.haha that was my ex’s favorite song.I agree with you.I don’t think that time will make me stop caring about him.I can start a relationship and it has nothing to do with my ex.The reason i was crying that night was because i heard everything that would make a person emotional,i knew getting back with him was the worst decision and i just couldn’t forget how sad he was that night.I really hate to see him like that.

    About the new guy,i think i can’t blame him for anything.Even though he didn’t believe that i don’t love my ex anymore,but i guess he was right.I shouldn’t have cried because of my ex whilst talking to him.I’m sure i would do what exactly he did.

    Tbh,i’m fine.I liked him but thats the way it is.I should have controlled my feelings.I guess he had every right to be mad at me but i’m really not sad or anything.I will contact him after 1,2 months and maybe we can be friends LOL.

    How are you doing?

    • Total Posts: 35


    Thats absolutely good to hear ๐Ÿ™‚ and yeah, see how things go and contact him in a few months etc or see if he contacts you, i suspect he will contact you tbh.

    Im doing good thanks, After a week of ignoring my ex’s “Starvving” message…again 1 week later, she messaged me yesterday…to which I replied!! Urgh! ha

    Basically she just said “hiya, how are you doing, I had a quiet weekend bla bla, did you have a good weekend? x”

    So I replied, saying that im doing very good thanks!..Why did she have a quiet weekend and yeah I had a good weekend thanks for asking x”

    She replied telling me what she had done and asked me what I did at weekend.

    I havent replied to her and im not going to (hopefully :)) SHe goes to Barcelona this weekend, so no real point in me messaging her as im sure shell just change subject to her going away etc.

    So going to try not to speak to her and see if she messages me next week when she comes back


    • Total Posts: 161

    Hope everyone is doing well ๐Ÿ™‚
    Just want to send some good/positive vibes!

    Best of luck <3

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Hi sunnyinthegardn,

    Thanks for the vibe!! I’m doing great!!


    Another article on why should on avoid Narcissts!!

    • Total Posts: 778

    Its ok,she already knows that you have are not chasing her and you are acting like you don’t care.I’m pretty sure she will contact you.Try not to text her back.Let her feel like she is losing you.I’m sure she can’t handle that feeling.

    • Total Posts: 778

    Thanks sunnyinthegardn x

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Dear all,

    I have a question. As I have said earlier I’m 31. My hair is mostly gray. Maybe 80% of all hair on my head is gray and rest of them are black. I was thinking about not dying my hair next time. Do you (especially women) think it is attractive?

    Remark: My mom does not like it but 3 of my ex girlfriends liked it when it was less gray (I don’t know why they became gray so fast) and I don’t know if they would like it now. My last ex dated me first when I had them gray. She used to call me sexy boy in those days but around second month she told me that her friends think that she is dating an old man. So she bought a black color dye and asked me to dye it. This has made me hesitant about not coloring it again!

    What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 778

    I think gray would be nice.

    • Total Posts: 161

    Need help asap.

    Our mutual friend asked me for coffee out of blue. It turned out she wanted to give me my stuff. Yes my ex sent my stuff to her!

    I was acting really well all the way tho. Smile, positive..

    But now I’m alone. I can’t stop crying. He even didn’t want to send them to me. He really did not love me anymore?

    I can’t stop feeling like I want to see him to give myself a closure. I can’t stop myself from texting him. I didn’t do but I feel the impulse.

    Please let me know what I’m supposed to do.

    • Total Posts: 778

    I know its painful to you,but it means nothing.Control yourself.It proves nothing.
    He is probably expecting a reaction from you and you should do the exact opposite thing.Act like you don’t care.
    Use fb to show him that you are having a good time and you are not hurt at all.
    Sunnyinthegardn,remember my story?do u remember what i have been through?my ex said NEVER THINK ABOUT A FUTURE WITH ME :O but then he came back again.It took me almost 8 months.Be patient and don’t let anyone mess with your head.You have been doing really well just be patient and continue NC.Go out with your friends and try to have a good time.Trust me,i’m sure you will be fine.

    • Total Posts: 778

    No ones in here :O,hope every one is doing great.I miss you ๐Ÿ™

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