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  • #5773
    • Total Posts: 778

    Oh,and about the posts,i will reply to all of them πŸ˜€

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Ladies and gentlemen,

    The strongest reply machine, the world reply champion, the die hard reply woman, the never give up reply buddy, our beautiful sexy a.z. is back on tract after a weekend hangout with the luckiest man of Sydney since a 1987!

    • Total Posts: 778

    OMG :))))))))))))))) Thank yooooooou :********* <3 <3 <3 <3

    • Total Posts: 161

    That’s so me! I do talk about school a lot πŸ™‚
    And I’m actually 53kg πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 209

    HI Everyone!

    I’m so happy to see you back A.Z we’ve missed you here πŸ™‚

    Anyway, My ex and I talked on the phone yesterday after my exam and it was good. Then, later in the evening we texted and I was discussing history and art and the art we both worked on and submitted for the Blake Prize πŸ˜€ … So the conversation was interesting and intelligent. I particularly opened up such subjects because I wanted to remind him that we have much more in common than just ‘lust’ and it was an opportunity to correct the ‘sexting’ which He started few nights ago. He wanted to do the same last night but I cut it immediately. This is what he said and your advice is much needed, what do you guys think? (just briefly)

    “I loved you and will always love you but I can’t be in a relationship because I have to fix my life. I want you to love yourself and live your life should you meet someone worthy of you. But I’ll always keep an eye on you and be there for you whatever you need as a friend. I think we make great friends!” Then, he said he wanted to go back to the place him and I went together for few days, a really beautiful and sexy cottage in NSW and he said he’s going my himself unless I join him. Naturally, I declined. But why is he going there? He really misses me and I can tell without him even saying it. He asked me if I am upset with him and I didn’t reply (cos I am a bit and it’s not a good time to discuss why).

    Anyway, enough about me haha…

    Sunshine girl, I can’t believe you started school without taking a short break… I know how that feels cos I’m the same πŸ™

    Dara, I’m happy you’re moving on and I can tell by your tone that you’re feeling much better πŸ™‚ And there will never be ‘sexting’ anymore, I’m over him and seriously a bit sick of him haha! I can’t wait to hear a sexy story from you with a beautiful girl with a great set of boobs to compliment her smile πŸ˜€ … I love your spirit buddy, keep it up!

    A.Z, I want details lol… just kidding! But your absence though made us all miss you also made us happy cos it meant you were enjoying yourself and doing well.

    Festival David, How are you? Care to share stories from your trips and a pic or two? haha… Good to have you back πŸ˜€

    Raeeeeeeeeeeeed! RRRRaaaaaaaaed!

    Steve, I was talking about my Irish friend who lives in NZ to my friend here πŸ˜‰ … Just very briefly but that Irish friend came to mind out of nowhere!

    Sinead, I’m sorry you went through a tough time, we all did and still do so you’re not alone… He answered the phone and that’s GREAT! Just give it few weeks and forget about it… Remember the text I sent my ex ‘I miss your lips on my lips’? hahahaha… All I did was give it a couple of weeks and FREAK OUT like hell hahahaha and after few weeks never mentioned it and it didn’t matter anyway lol… So, you’ll be fine!

    Love you all xxx

    • Total Posts: 35


    Its good that you are starting to get sick of him…I think :). But from a guys perspective, dont fall into the trap, If hes going to the place that you 2 previously went to…and he said hes going by himself but you can join him..I think its a trick IMO.

    Because you declined, I wouldnt actually think he would still go…he was trying to lead you down the garden path…Is he really going to go to a sexy cottage by himself? I wouldnt think so!

    As for myself, Im doing very well thank you, my ex still texts me now and again but I dont care and ill give you more info on that when I post it in my thread.

    But enough of that!…my holidays were great! and im doing great myself, I will try to post some pics tonight, what kind of pics do you want? Ill see if I can post them somewhere and link and then delete them in a few days time! ha


    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey Festival David,

    Thank you for your advice. I’m still confused as to ‘what does my ex want?’ He can’t be in a relationship and wants to concentrate on himself but he’s hitting on me still (I think)

    I would LOVE to see pics of your trip, I want to see architecture buildings, beaches, streets, restaurants, foods, art galleries, art and more art and best of all, YOU in the pics πŸ˜€ … I’m so happy for you and so glad you’re doing great with your life… I think next time you should plan a trip with Dara πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 778

    I think when he says he loves you,he means it.He is not lying to you and he doesn’t want you to give up on him.I agree with FestivalDavid,i don’t think if he is going there alone,he wanted to see if you were interested or not.You can give him some time.Let him focus on his life while you are improving your own life.There is a good chance you two can get back back together after this time.But do whatever that makes you feel better.If you think you are ok being friends with him,continue acting like friends.If you think its hurting you,tell him you think both of you need some space to sort things out and that you will contact him later.

    And about my date’s details πŸ˜€ I can’t believe how much i like him.During that days we kissed and nothing more.But last night something happened and i really liked it.It was the first time in 6 months that i didn’t feel bad when i was doing it.I didn’t even think about my ex.
    He is 33 but he says he loves that i’m younger than him.He says i make him feel happy and he feels good when he is with me.
    He has blonde hair, blue eyes,he’s fit and he is funny,we can talk for hours and i like him and i love his accent.LOL
    He asked me to be his girlfriend last night.I really wanted to say yes but i told him we need to take it slow.He knows about my ex and he asked if i still feel something for him.I said NO (IT WAS THE FIRST TIME I SAID NO INSTEAD OF I DON’T KNOW ).I’m kinda sure i will say yes to him soon:))))).

    • Total Posts: 35


    Here are a few random Pics from my trip…I got a lot more! but tried to choose some of the things that you asked for, Streets, Art, etc – Click pictures below

    in the pics you can see Caso Battlo, Barcelona Beach, The Sistine Chapel, Some Statues that I thought were funny, some Art I thought was unique and funny, Tivoli Water fountains, Eiffel Tower, Colloseum

    I got a lot more!..but dont want to upload them all! ha

    Yeah its a good thing that you are taking things slow, I dont know how long you been talking to this guy, but its great progress your making πŸ˜€

    Very happy for you all! x

    • Total Posts: 778

    You loooook greaaaaaat xoxo Thank you for sharing these pics with us.

    And,we have been talking,hanging out as friends for two months.But we started dating almost a week ago:D

    • Total Posts: 161


    Awww I’m so, so happy for you!!! Keep us updated!!!!

    More than school and stuff, somehow I feel like we’re kinda similar πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 161

    I’m a little bugged. Just a little tho.

    My ex and I only have one mutual friend, through whom I knew my ex. After we broke up, she stopped liking any status/pictures on my Facebook. Also, she’s the person who would love to post ALL the photos online, but after the breakup, every single time I hung out with her, she just didn’t upload any of them, which made me think a lot.. When I saw her last time, I said we could have coffee together sometimes (Hey I think I should be friendly anyway) and she said “No I’m too busy lately”. Ugh what’s wrong?!

    I started to think why she’s doing this.. I knew it’s impossible that my ex said something bad about me, but I wondered if my ex unfollowed my on Facebook too so our mutual friend doesn’t want to let him see me on Facebook. If I was tagged by her in her photos, he would see me. Or this is just completely her own decision?

    Ugh, feel weird. I just really wanted to show that I’m doing really well now, if he unfollowed me, how could I show that considering we’re 400 miles away?

    • Total Posts: 778

    You don’t even have to care about what she does/doesn’t.And about your ex,don’t worry about anything he will check your profile and he will understand that you are doing well.

    • Total Posts: 161

    Aw I was just about to post something here like “I just need to focus on myself” and then I opened the page and saw your comment a.z., you’re awesome! Thanks for the advice I’ll follow it!

    I’m on my way of letting go, it’s just seeing her would remind me of him.. I’m pretty happy now because I didn’t know how he’s doing so I can focus all on myself. I think I’ll hang out with her less and just focus on what would make ME happy and a better person!

    Thanks again a.z.!

    Also, I wanna share a quote regarding the rumors.

    No one can hurt you, only you can hurt yourself. Don’t care a damn whatever people say. If you get your ex back, some people are gonna say – you’re selfish. If you don’t get your ex back, some other people, or the same people are gonna say – you’re a loser!

    People talk but it’s usually not intentional. People just love to gossip. However, if I take it seriously and let it hurt myself, that’s not a good deal at all.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I interpret it as something positive! This girl was jealous of you and does not want to remind your ex of you by sharing your pictures! So, that something worthy! Be happy about it!

    I’m glad that this girl is jealous of you! It means you are something great! Do you know what I like about Asian chicks? It is that they’ve awesome skin and hair!

    sunshinegirl, I believe breakups of all type are rough but the good point about you is that you did not have sex! Sex makes many crazy! I recommend you to watch my favorite movie, “Lolita”! This is the trailer

    I empathy with the guy in this movie! What makes me miss my ex is the sex! I remember Steve and Daniel also claimed the same thing! Ladies usually don’t confess such secretes! πŸ˜€

    a.z. and Rihanna,

    I’m in a different mental phase these days. I get numbers but I don’t call! Today, I walking around campus enjoying some lascivious eye contacts with a couple of real hot girls!

    This reminded me of a girlfriend that I had 3 years ago! She was a schoolmate for 7 years! Whenever we passed by each other before we started dating! We would simply look into each other’s eyes and nothing more randomly for 7 years! Not even hi! We both dated and had our long-term and short-term relationships!

    In our first date, she told me that she always loved me and I was the guy of her fantasies! Unfortunately, she went to Canada and we broke up! Even in a chat that we had a couple of weeks ago, she confessed that she still loves me! Unfortunately the distance sucks!


    Seeing your pictures and the amazing places you went made me glad! Good for you dude! Keep it up!


    I feelings are positive for your reunification!


    What’s new?


    I have a gut feeling that I am going to have an amazing sexy hot girlfriend sometime soon! I am flying today! πŸ˜€

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