Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #3104
    • Total Posts: 142

    Good morning beautiful – Did you sleep well?

    Actually if I was to be honest I look similar to Steve Carell. What is kinda scary is the movie he starred in “The 40 year old virgin” was similar to where I was at in life a few years ago when it came out. (Well the first half of the movie was) It was like someone had taken my life and made it into a movie. All my friends at the time where going WTF is the story of Steve.

    Whatever happens I want to say thank you Rihanna. For all this talk that has been going on between us and our playfulness together. I actually starting to feel like my old self for the first time in 3 months plus. The relax, happy, confident guy I use to be. The last few months have been extremely tough and I have been very down and in a major funk. I lost my confidence and self belief. But for the last two days I feel hope and just better. Will this feeling last? I don’t know. But for now it feels good so thank you and who knows what will happen next πŸ™‚

    A.Z I believe you and it will happen πŸ™‚

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    One of the reasons that I can read you clearly is that my mother originally belongs to “somewhere close” your parents origin! I guess her blood it too much in my vains! Lets talk about it when we get close in some private messages! I just wanted to make you know that every sentence you made earlier had meanings to me!

    I am thinking about a way to get in private and I already have some ideas! Unfortunately I am too busy these days to apply them! I assure you that we’ll be in touch in real world soon!

    Till then, I kiss you hard and cuddle you hard!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hiya Steve! πŸ™‚

    You look like ‘Steve Carrell’ and you have his name too πŸ˜› … So I’m guessing you’re handsome as well as smart and funny… hmmm, perfect combination. Now it’s my right to ask about your negatives, I mean, no one’s perfect! but you sound close to it Steve πŸ˜‰

    When I was early 20s I used to get ‘Omg you look like Catherine-Zeta Jones’ like A LOT! But I haven’t heard that in many years, so I don’t look like anyone by myself now hahaha…And I just came back from the Salon, did my hair and though kept it relatively the same colour chocolate I did mix it with bit of red too and straightened it hahaha (if anyone’s interested to know about my hair lol, I sound like a bimbo… love it πŸ˜› ) …

    It’s funny you do the same to me Steve, I feel great to be talking to you and though at times I still ask myself ‘why’s my ex ignoring me?’ it really doesn’t bother me much anymore… I’m more focused on my career path, studies and my move back to Sydney. To think about it the reason I’m currently unhappy is because of my ex so why would I want him back? I’d much rather have you guys all in my life, the break up is such a blessing cos I found you all and it taught me to be careful with my heart (though I really one had the one proper relationship haha)… So I would much rather hang out with Steve that looks like Steve Carell (hubba hubba πŸ˜‰ ) and take a trip to PH to meet with Daniel and Raed, and get all hyped up to go to Dara and a.z’s wedding and spend hours listening to Sinead with her sexy Irish accent… it would so much be like a movie if we did all meet up… I think we should do it slowly, perhaps first Raed and Daniel cos they live very close, and az and dara cos they’re love birds, then Sinead can fly here to meet me and Steve (who will also fly here) LOL, how convenient for moi? hahaha…

    One thing I dislike about myself: The way I’ve lived a sheltered life. Whilst it taught me some good values in a way, the go-getter part of me never existed cos of the fear but I’m willing to change that…

    Hey Peeps, What is the one thing you would do to change in yourself?

    Love you all! look after your precious hearts <3 … don’t give in too easily xx

    • Total Posts: 142

    Rihanna – OMG I had such a crush on Catherine Zeta Jones too, ah this is crazy.

    I must first apologise for all the other readers of this thread for how our conversation has turned out. People come here to get help and Dara and AZ are acting like a couple of lovebirds with their kissing and sexy talk to each other. Now I’m starting to get hot under the collar for Rihanna. Wow!!!! We are not meaning to be exclusive and we love you all. Feel free to ask questions and we will help as best as we can.

    I am not perfect, that is true. If I was to be honest my flaws is that I can be very routine and boring. I get very set in my ways and predictable. Honestly if you haven’t seen That Steve Carell movie go watch it. The main character mannerisms is me all over. I will watch the same TV show at the same time every week, I will eat the same breakfast on certain days. I like my routine, but it is also the thing that holds me back. I am a big planner and that can frustrate those people who are very spontaneous

    Today I was thinking how mad it would be to fly to an Aussie city for a weekend. Take you out on a date and just doing something like that sounds so crazy and I have to be honest I really like the idea because that’s something I wouldn’t do normally.

    Don’t worry about living a sheltered life Rihanna. I grew up in a small country town in NZ and didn’t move to the city until I was 20. As a good friend tells me you can take a boy out of the country but you can’t take the country out of a boy. I can be very naΓ―ve in my way of life. Living a sheltered life has given me a lot of character and depth you don’t see with other people. I value my words and value those people in my life because of the way I was raised.

    You are right. I miss my Ex, but she is the one that is really missing out

    Hear from you soon πŸ˜›

    • Total Posts: 778

    Good morning oldies.I love you <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

    I love that you can read me clearly.Cool,and i wish you success in everything you do :* :* :* :* <3

    Steve and Rihanna,
    You guys made my day,its great to see that you are doing really well.

    I told you.i knew you are attractive and i know you look amazing with your new hair.
    Again,your positive energy made my day.
    And about what would we do to change,you mean physical change?
    I would change my hair color, get tan,change my hair style,try new make up,go shopping,…

    its been a while that you are the first thing i think about when i wake up.i’m lucky i have you in my life.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Good morning honey! Have a great day ahead! Kisses and hugs!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey Steve,

    the ‘catherine zeta’ comment was a decade ago and no one says that to me anymore hahaha… So don’t have high expectations πŸ˜› But you always put a smile on my face and would love it if you would come to Oz for a weekend to visit me πŸ™‚ … perhaps this summer when I head back to Sydney, it would be cool …

    I know it’s hard to be missing your ex but time is a healer and I want you to take your time and slowly heal your heart… your heart is a temple and love is a sacred thing be careful who you love and who you let into your heart, I never want to see you hurt like this, you deserve the best life has to offer…

    Hey ama-zing a-z :),

    I’m sure you’re very beautiful I can tell by your kind soul and heart… As for the change, no I didn’t mean physically cos in that regards my list will never end hahahaha… I too wanna go shopping and get new make-up and maybe bit taller than my average height πŸ™ and many many of my many imperfections haha! But it’s like whatever, imperfections is what makes us unique lol πŸ˜› … I can’t wait to hear more progress between you and Dara, just take it one step at a time πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 778

    You too baby :*. i’m almost finished with posts,there are 2 more posts left and i’m getting ready to go for a run.I love my new life.


    Yeah,nobody is perfect.but we should love the way we are and try to improve it all the time.And thank you but i really need to change too many things about myself,physically and mentally LOL. And i can’t wait to hear more about you and Steve πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 133

    Oldies, hey hey hey!

    So Daniel and I are a couple now in your eyes lol. Ha ha!

    I am from the Central Business District! πŸ™‚

    Are you some kind of psychic or whar? Lol. How do you do that? So you are that smart? Ha ha!

    A. Z.
    Hey, you are not an idiot. I wanna see you all too! But I don’t have the financial resources too! But I think it wil be so cool to have us united! People from different places and races become the best of friends awww! It’s like we are movie stars. I know it will be so cooool! I am so excited <3 i wish we could hangout in some really nice place and take a picture of how happy we all are <3

    You are my friend so I will just let you have Rihanna. After all I have no match with that blue eyes of yours lol!

    Oh. My. Gall bladder. I was about to let Steve hve you but you said you once look like Catherone zeta Jones?!?!? She is my childhood crush and even until now. It will be hard for me to give way to Steve now. Please don’t make it hard for me lol

    • Total Posts: 209

    Raed: omg i used to get upset by the comment ‘omg you look like Catherine zeta’ hahahaha… she’s only like 100 years older than me haha… Now it’s like, damn, I wish I get that comment still cos i had no idea she was popular with the guys LOL… But to make it easier on you, no one tells me that anymore πŸ™ … But overall I’m happy with my looks cos it’s not everything in life πŸ˜› and omg Raed, you are right am I supposed to match Steve’s beautiful blue eyes too? I hope not, my mum has blue eyes but it skipped me and because my dad had dark eyes I came out with yellow hazel/ greenish eyes that change colour in season (very weird stuff :(…) Poor me lol… I love blue eyes though πŸ™‚ what colour are yours Raed? (just keeping my options open hahahahahaha jj)

    Steve: Spontaneous is something we both need to work on I guess… I get bored easily but I’m boring myself hahaha… I started becoming ‘free’ of routine with my ex and that was something I was very attracted to him for, but he’s an artist and has no structure in life just like myself, I write whenever, go out and eat different things for the sake of trying new things (he taught me that lol)… But I can fall into routine very very easily and I guess it’s not always a bad thing, it means you are comfortable with who you are and secure in yourself, you know what you want and that’s great! πŸ™‚ …

    Okies Oldies, it’s past midnight and i have to say ‘good night’ from down under… big love to you all xx

    • Total Posts: 191

    I study at the central business district bro!! Wow this is cool. Haha!

    I’m having fun reading conversations of this lovebirds HAHA! take it to social media people! Level up! Haha!

    • Total Posts: 73

    a.z and dara…. I’m happy for you two.. But your making me sick!!! LOL!!! I’m just kidding.

    I’m much closer to a.z than dara, I wanted my shot… πŸ™

    I’m not over my situation so it probably would never work…..

    Dara… you are a lucky guy!!! LOL.


    Check out a recent post from an Andy.. He’s in Melbourne and is currently going thru it. I figured it would be nice if he heard from someone near by.


    I hope everyone is doing well today… I’ve been having a really rough week, but I am trying to be in good spirits today. Of course, with the weekend coming I cant help but wonder what the hell she’ll be doing!!



    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    wowww! a.z., you read and post on different threads like a machine! I think you should think about some kind of counseling as a part time job apart from dentistry in the coming future! Such an incredible passion!

    Thanks a lot! Have fun honey! :*

    • Total Posts: 778

    Hey,it may be difficult,but its not impossible.we have plenty of time to make it real πŸ™‚ .

    Thank you,i’m sorry we’re making you sick LOL. And i’m sure you will feel better soon.

    I really wish i could do that,but all i’m trying is to make everyone feel better with everything i’ve learned from kevin and you guys:)
    Thanks baby :*

    • Total Posts: 778

    Edward isn’t coming back he? i mean not to get his ex back but to talk to us.

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