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  • #3050
    • Total Posts: 191

    HAHA! You guys are all so different now. Im happy for all of you. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 32

    Sorry a.z, in GoT it’s Arya – without the ‘i’

    But I always pronounce it “Air-E-a” – it’s kind of an Irish way of pronunciation. We pronounce letters differently in Irish than in English… if you knew what I mean???, so it’s not phonetical…

    • Total Posts: 32

    Ps – You should really be watching game of thrones!!!!

    • Total Posts: 778

    Hahaha,i love Irish accent .Alright,i will definitely watch it .
    Thanks for the link πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 778

    I’m bored.i wish kevin could add online games here.

    • Total Posts: 142

    Good day beautiful people

    Raed and Daniel – Wow that is so cool you guys are both from the Philippines. You will both have to meet up and go out as each others wingmen. Watch out ladies. However Raed I do believe Rihanna is playing hard to get so she may still choose you ;p All these guys chasing after her and A.Z. Hopefully we don’t scare them away

    Rihanna – Honey I love the idea of going to an art galley at night event with you. The great thing for me is flights to Australia are so cheap and its only 2 hour flight from here. Yeah I do enjoy a glass of wine to suit the occasion. I normally will have a white if I’m out for a meal or we are wandering around looking at the different pictures.

    Also since you and Dara have already guessed. I do live in NZ thus the reason why I was taking some digs at Australia. Nothing like some friendly rivalry between our countries. I have a kiwi accent as I have spent most of life here. I have had some years abroad, but I always come back here and call this land home.

    Also I’m not the most spectacular looking either. I know I wouldn’t look great in a black and white bikini personally. Yet the more I hear about you – French with

    A.Z. Yeah I love this group too, its got so silly but serious over the last few days and I love it. Dara is right you have a big heart and I totally agree the last couple of days this thread has made me smile in a goofy kind of way, even if it the thought of us as virtual friends all meeting up and having a drink together.

    Also A.Z. a post count of over 650 – you go girl πŸ˜› Please don’t get bored on us

    Sinead – Welcome to the crazy thread – So glad you could join us. My family is descended from Ireland but they moved out to NZ about 100 years ago or so and the family has been living here since. I do get comments that I have an Irish look with my dark hair, bushy eyebrows and blue eyes but I can be still be your friend if you are interested in having a kiwi friend πŸ™‚

    FestivalDave – Glad to know you will keep popping in hear from time to time to join in our madness.

    • Total Posts: 778

    Yeah:))) but i’m really serious about both Dara and meeting up with all of you guys.nobody seems to like it and i keep repeating this like an idiot :)))
    And no i can never leave you guys πŸ˜€ ,tbh i don’t know how my life would have been without oldies xoxo .thank you,you are all amazing people.

    • Total Posts: 142

    Hey you are not an idiot πŸ™‚ Sometimes ideas are like seeds and they need to be nurtured and given a chance to take root and grow before they become a reality. I really hope you and Dara meet up. You guys do have the chemistry.

    its a pity there is no private message option on this board so you guys can swap emails/Skype details to allow this to develop into something more

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    If you were here, I would entertained you till the end! You have some characters that attracts me! I should say that its been a while that I feel so high that I don’t even read Kevin’s emails.

    I guess we should get shit-faced and dance, and eventually end up kissing! Just like you, I am also crazy! I should say that I am from a crazy family! My dad used to give us one shot when we (my other two brothers and myself) were under 10. I loved it! If you don’t mind, I’ll drink with our kids.

    Honey, I love your feelings! Don’t use negative words! You are amazing!

    I also love your name! I found a Canadian music band holding your name!


    Come on! Please confess that you are astonished that I could guess a lot things about you with slightest of information from you! Fanning England but not Australia or USA in the World Cup and enjoying Irish pub made me believe that you are an Irish decent in NZ.

    I always loved to travel to NZ! One day I will! By the way, this state that I am in has a climate close to NZ!

    RAED & Daniel,

    Did you realize that guys here have started putting you together just like I did now? “RAED & Daniel” ha ha ha…

    Believe me that I always loved to come to PH one day? I will come before I die! I liked Steve’s idea about you making a team!

    RAED, I always wanted to point out that you are from Philippines since the day you said to Rihanna in a post that, “I am from somewhere in Asia”. In that post, about a month ago, she said that she’s from Australia. Remember?


    Do you know why I hate LDR? It’s because I WANT TO KISS YOU RIGHT NOW and it tortures me that I can’t!


    May I request you to introduce yourself? Like age/sex/location. All I know is that you and Rihanna get along well on this forum! Plus some comments up there!

    Cheers everyone!

    • Total Posts: 191

    Its a great idea. We love the idea if meeting up someday!

    • Total Posts: 778

    Never think that you can get rid of me like this.i will travel to your countries and i will visit all of you πŸ˜€
    Yeah i’m waiting for kevin .i’ll ask him to tell us what to do.

    What are you talking about? i used to drink beer as a kid :)))don’t worry about kids they will be born drunk.

    You are making me apply for the internship ASAP :D.

    YEEAH,i know the band and i hate it LOL

    I wanna kiss you too … ,but its ok.i love you as my friend,best friend,boyfriend…whatever.the most important thing is that we are happy.and when you say you feel good,it makes me more than happy.

    Trust me,i will make this happen πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 209

    Good Morning everyone! haha… Looks like there’s a lot for me to catch up on πŸ™‚

    Sinead, Yay you’re my Irish friend indeed πŸ™‚ I had no idea where your name came from and if you remember i thought your were a guy hahaha… So how do you say your name? I’ve been reading it See-nee-ad, is that correct? And you have the Irish accent not steve, bummer for Steve hahaha…

    Steve, dark hair, blue eyes hmmm… are you Pierce Brosnan in disguise? lol or do you look similar to him? I’m glad you said you had dark hair I prefer that to blonde πŸ˜› … It’ll be so cool if you flew to OZ and we had a friendly day together (there’s another thing I haven’t done before haha) to think about it I haven’t done much πŸ™ … I still have to get drunk at least once in my lifetime but I’m counting on A.Z in that department lol… But yes, I’d love to go with you to Art gallery in Melbourne or when I’m in Sydney we go to the Opera at the Opera house, dress up and la di da… Or we could have a relaxed day, just casual somewhere in Sydney CBD spending an ‘unpretentious’ friendly day πŸ™‚ LOL… you probably think i’m crazy but I’ve never in my entire life asked a guy out before hehehe… this isn’t me asking you ‘out’ it’s both of us spending a friendly day! πŸ˜›

    Dara, you are a smart cookie… you did guess Steve’s from NZ and hinted that at me and I still wasn’t sure lol… I hope you do get to meet a.z in person and hit it on perfectly, that would be great! She’s a lovely girl and always willing to help others with her kind heart…

    Daniel and Raed, you are officially a couple now hahahaha… we just put you two together in every post but don’t worry that won’t last long, I’m sure there are ladies a plenty beautiful enough for each one of you… unless you get comfortable with each other like this hahaha…

    Big Love to all xxx

    • Total Posts: 191

    Sinead is a girl?!

    Lol sorry sinead! Its hard to distinguish between males and females with just name haha. Id like to hear your accent! I’ve been watching movies with irish characters and they sound pretty cool!

    • Total Posts: 778

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOL you made me laugh so hard.Daniel and Raed you are officially a couple now :O :O :O: O :)))))))
    Thank you for your kind words xoxo

    • Total Posts: 191

    We aint couples! We’re brothers! :p

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