Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #2856
    • Total Posts: 142

    Hi Sunshinegirl

    Just so I’m clear, your Ex is reaching out to you and saying those things. If that is the case then he is still thinking about you and the breakup. Don’t feel lost and just keep giving him space.

    I also would be obsessed with the idea of getting back together if my Ex was sending me messages like that…Hey who am I kidding, I am obsessed with getting back with my Ex and she doesn’t contact me at all πŸ™

    I think the most important for you right now is focus all your thoughts on your exam and study. Get that out of the way. Do well with that and don’t let what your ex is saying/not saying to distract you

    • Total Posts: 161


    Your words helped a lot! “The first step of getting an ex back is to become a happy confident person without them in your life”, this is so encouraging!!!

    I wish he could reach out to me, but no… that kind of message was in the breakup email and in his messages with our mutual friend. He told our friend that “A big reason I cant handle a serious relationship is mostly because it’s just not a good time in my life. I worry far too much about others and I’ll just end up hurting both of us. More than I already have. A lot of this may seem selfish, but I hope she understands that it’s not all selfish.”; “Such a hard hard decision. I just know that I couldn’t handle a strong relationship right now, it’s overwhelming me, I haven’t been sleeping and my stress has been far too high”, “Good, the only thing I ask is that you (our mutual friend) help her succeed. Grades and tests.”, etc. And when our friend asked “Do you plan to stay friends with her?” He replied “Yeah but she needs time to heal. I’m not just going to drop her but I want her to focus on herself.”…(She just showed me some of them and from all I know I feel like he’s seeing me as a friend now..)

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hi Steve,

    Thank you for your comment and your geography lesson hahaha… it’s the other way around, Australia is the largest island, it’s a huge country and New Zealand is the one you talked about, New Zealanders love to come to Australia :P… And yes we do have gorgeous beaches, I love to wear my bikini though I’m not blonde haha… and certain places have kangaroos, it’s really a beautiful place to live in, especially Melbourne for the Arts and culture and shopping and Sydney for tourism and Queensland and Uluru it’s all amazing! except where I am hahahaha…

    Congrats on your apartment I wish I could purchase my own place one day, but first I need a job lol… I can’t wait to go back to Sydney and start from scratch and surprise myself when I start to become financially secure (or even enough to buy my own little studio, what a dream!)

    I haven’t yet heard from my ex and I know he’s dealing with his own issues but we must communicate at some stage when I’m heading back because I need my stuff which I left with him… Anyway, I’m sure we’ll communicate sometime, don’t you guys think? I’m really ok without him (though I miss him at times but I miss all my friends), but I’m so hyped up now about my return to Sydney that I’m not really thinking about my ex, there are abundance opportunities in life with career and love and i’m just now really starting to realize such blessing. Love you all xxx

    • Total Posts: 209


    OMG we could’ve been neighbours! I can’t believe you rejected a job in Adelaide…. which country do you live in? where’s KY?

    NO Dara, I didn’t have a job there in Sydney but I was offered a job in a salon before i came here however, I don’t think it’s difficult to obtain work in a salon there especially cos I’m presentable and I’m studying, practicing here in Adelaide so when I go back to Sydney I’ll have some confidence to just work, perhaps start as work experience in a salon and go from there… i’m optimistic but sometimes I have some fears… Thank you so much for your advice… Promise me you’ll come to Sydney (when I’m there) and catch up soon… I know we’re not going to come to this site forever and it makes me sad to lose you guys πŸ™

    A.Z my first trip overseas when I’m financially ok is gonna be to the USA πŸ™‚ … I promise! I suggest you get a bottle of wine and let it sit there until I come over it should be mature enough for us to enjoy it haha… In the meantime, if you’re doing better than me don’t hesitate to come visit me in OZ… Australia is soooo far away from the rest of the world it’s so expensive to travel unfortunately πŸ™ … But it would be so much fun if we all (oldies) had a reunion somewhere and met each other live! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 142

    Ok so things are starting to heat up in this forums…Whew someone call the fire department as I think this thread about to burst into flames shortly with all the hot action happening here!!!!

    First we have the love connection of Dara and A.Z and the flirting that is happening between those two. They just need a room. Now we have you, Rihanna, telling us about how you love to wear a bikini, Hot, hot, hot and I’m sure you will look stunning in one too.

    Tell me again why you are currently single Rihanna??? Oh that’s right you are getting over you Ex and all the drama he has caused in your life πŸ˜› So do let me know when you moved on from him. I may have to pull out some smooth sexy moves on you and Sydney is not that far away πŸ˜›

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Sorry guys for not replying tonight! I am a bit drunk and I usually don’t give thoughts when I am drunk! KY=Kentucky! It’s been a couple of days that I enjoy getting drunk and listening to music! I haven have emails from Kevin that I haven’t read! It means a lot in good sense!

    Steve, I get email notification on the thread you’ve made! So sorry that you feel low lately! Wish you the best! Though you recommend red wine, I recommend vodka or whiskey!

    Talk to you guys tomorrow morning!

    Nighty night Ayria!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hey Steve,

    I completely agree with you it’s getting pretty hot, well, I’m hot and it’s winter where I am LOL… It’s great that our love birds Dara and A.z live in the same country though one in California and the other in Kentucky (the birth of KFC hahaha) I’m sure they’ll work things out, I know Dara isn’t much into LD relationships so perhaps he’ll move πŸ˜‰ …

    Yes, I like to wear bikinis for the beach hahaha… On my birthday, I wore a poka dot black and white bikini with red see through shirt and my ex thought I looked like a model (yes, love is truly blind hahah) but that was the first time ever I go to the beach with a guy so that day was very special to me and he was so great! I’m not sure why you would feel bit low, you’re doing great with or without your ex…

    So, you live not that far from Sydney hey? I’m about to solve the mystery of where you live, and I know you don’t live in Oz or Newzealand cos your geography lesson was awful hahahahaha… and I’m really bad with georgraphy myself LOL… care to share where you live? I mean if you and I were to meet someday you never know, I’d have to know how far I’d have to travel to reach you πŸ˜› … Cheer up Steve, life’s too short… I just smelt a particular perfume which reminded me of a beautiful sunny day that I spent with my ex (the first date) where I looked Gorgeous hahahaha (I think I’ve regained my confidence here haha) and I teared up when all the memory of that day rushed back at me, though not perfect memories. Oh well, life goes on and for you too Steve… You’re a great guy and Lucky she who gets you πŸ˜‰

    • Total Posts: 142

    Good on you Dara. Have a drink for me tonight and I actually have some scotch single malt to drink this weekend πŸ™‚

    I knew you were hot Rihanna, I could tell from your writing style that you were, plus you’re a poet which adds to your attractiveness. Now you have me daydreaming about being at the beach with you in your poka dot black and white bikini.

    Ok Rihanna so lets play a game “Guess where Steve is from?” First clue. Just like you its currently winter where I live.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Just a short note: Steve, I thought you are from US! Well, I guess you live in NZ since it winter there! Let see what Rihanna says!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Let’s see… Dara, if you read Steve’s previous post about geography you’d know he’s either NOT from NZ or that he likes to make better of the place (I think NZ is STUNNING!) … So he’s somewhere from the southern Hemisphere… could be Mexico, Brazil… I’m bad with Geography too hahaha… please help me Dara πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 209

    OMG he could be living in New Zealand since he said he’s not that far from Sydney lol… Steve, are you in Australia at all? or Asia?… Kuala Lumpur, Singapore…?

    • Total Posts: 209

    Oh and by the way Steve, I think I need to buy a new bikini now I don’t think I can wear those Baku (that’s the brand name :P) poka dot bikinis without thinking of this convo with you hahaha… too bad, I like the 60s style bikini lol

    How old are you Steve? are you old enough to drink Vodka and Whiskey with Dara? looks like Dara’s a bad influence (but in a good way lol) or he’s too nervous about the upcoming wedding to our beautiful a.z hahaha

    lol, I took a sickie today from college but I feel better now, perhaps I should”ve dealt with my morning flu and still gone to studies… lol… I’m glad you guys are here to keep me company πŸ™‚

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Rihanna, believe me that Steve has some British root! Probably Irish! So he is not from Brazil for sure! Maybe Australia or New Zealand since he is not American!

    • Total Posts: 209

    Yay! Steve is from Australia! that makes me happy-happy πŸ˜€ … Come and visit me Steve! (unless you’re some sort of a maniac hahahahaha… I’m sure you’re not!) so come visit me Steve πŸ˜€ :D…

    • Total Posts: 191

    Hi guys! How y’all doing?
    It’s been almost 5mos since we broke up now.

    I went on my first movie date yesterday since we broke up. I missed her but maybe because i was just used to watching movies with her. I used to believe that watching movies are for romantic purposes only haha.

    What’s new here? I’ve been very busy with my internship lately no time to even reply on some text messages and always tired. πŸ™

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