Sorry for the novel in advanced, I tried to be brief without leaving the important details! I’ve posted this before and have gotten no advice on the matter except one vague reply. If you have any advice or insight on the matter, please share. I’ll gladly offer my advice on your post in reply.
My ex broke up with my 3 1/2 weeks ago, and I tried to get her back twice, which officially started my NC 2 1/2 weeks ago. She’s also been talking to this guy, but I don’t know if she left me for him, she’s using him as a rebound, or if nothing is going on at all and they just talk because they’re friends.
Four days after we broke up I went over to her place (the 2nd time I tried to get her back) to just tell her how I feel and not plead or convince her to stay with me and he was over there in the late night. She told me a couple of days after that that they were talking about their relationship and how they have some feelings for each other and just discussing things. That night, she snubbed me on a dance at a club for him and was his ride home for the night. The next morning she told me that she decided that we should just be friends, which started my NC. Some people have told me he has been over to her place almost every day and spending the night some nights.
A week after I started NC she bumped into me at an event we were both at and asked me to dance. I said yes, didn’t really talk to her, but did look at her from time to time so I wouldn’t come across as rude. I thanked her for the dance and immediately walked, which left her with a slightly startled face because I hadn’t tried to talk to her like I normally would.
Right after that event, she texted me asking if I had time to drop off some of her stuff that I still had and apologized for not getting back to me sooner since I had asked about returning the items at the beginning of my NC. I waited 2 days to answer, then went to her place early that evening and dropped it off and immediately started walking away. She said she had something of mine, so I followed her into her apartment, got my item, and she asked if I was okay because I wasn’t trying to talk to her like I normally would. I said I was tired from a practice I recently had and then had another that night, said thanks for getting my item back to me and then walked out and shut the door.
A week ago she came up to me and some of my friends at another event and started talking to me. I treated it very cordially and started working my way away from her and back towards my friends in the conversation. She asked me to dance at this other event and I said yes. While dancing, she asked me how I was doing and I just replied in a very nonchalant/cordial manner and just said I was doing pretty good, just working out a little bit with my friend, joining a group of his, and getting ready for graduation. I didn’t ask about her and kept on singing along to the song. Towards the end of the song, she said “it Is good to see you” and I just replied with a very short, impersonal “you too” and then walked off. I had a performance a short while after that to which she waved at me on her way out and said “you did a really great job! I’ll see you later” and then she left.
Finally, there was another event on a couple of days ago which was the first one I wasn’t required to be at which she might be there too. For my own benefit, I decided to not go as a decision to not see her, even though I want to and miss her like crazy. I feel as though she doesn’t miss me because she’s seen me twice in person even though I’ve been maintaining NC the entire time.
She’s about to leave for the summer (middle of May - middle of August) for an internship to which neither I or the other guy will be there and I’ll be in one of her classes in the Fall, so that’s the next time I’ll see her.
My questions are: Will she ever contact me or even miss me for that matter? Is this other guy a rebound or is she actually trying to be with him?